Monday, October 14, 2019

Could photon captured by quark? And the difference between theory and practical science

Could photon captured by quark? And the difference between theory and practical science

The grand idea of physicists is to create a theory, that contains every particle of the area of physics. And the problem of this thing is that other theories would not find harmony with new theories. The thing is that Einstein's and Newton's theories have conflict, and because of the theory of Special Relativity cannot fit the quantum theory, which means that the world of those people is collapsed. If they cannot create the formula, which contains everything in the Universe, that thing would mean that everything cannot be introducing with mathematics. So this is the problem with theoretical and practical science.

At this point, we must say that Einstein created his famous formula for about ten years. People think that creating some formulas is a very easy job, and they might be really interesting things, but then the mathematical formulas must fit the observations and don't worry, that thing is the most fascinating and at the same time difficult part of science. So what the scientists wait, when they are using some instrument.

Could photon captured inside the quark?

They might wait years the situation, that the photon would impact with another photon or quark in some laser ray, that thing could ever happen, but some people believe that kind of possibility, where photon goes inside the quark like in pocket. The thing would be extremely short projection, where photons would capture inside the quark.  There is a strange theory that photons can merge with other photons or quark. That theory is one of the most fascinating and at the same time unbelievable claim in history. There is not single prove that photons can capture by quark, but if that thing is possible that could revolutionize many things.

The thing what scientist could wait is a theoretical thing, what is called as the photon fusion, there is a little possibility, that the photons can merge, but that reaction cannot even prove. The reason for that theory is that because almost everything in the universe can be impact together, so why photons can merge or quarks, as well as quarks and atoms,  do together, do in the high-energy reactions.

But there is no way that we could prove that thing because for that thing would need the photon or quark, what has extremely high energy, or what comes in the right direction. That thing would prove that photon has mass or there could be some reactions between photons, what we will not know. And the people, who are making those investigations would just in that time cut the electricity off from laser when the suitable photon or quark comes to atmosphere.

That thing would cause this kind of reaction, which is impossible at this moment ever detected. This thing is the most incredible scenario. Just at the moment, when some theories can be proven that the system would turn off in a couple of seconds. But the extremely long laser rays have confirmed the thing, what is called as the gravity wave true.

Gravity waves

LIGO-system has detected those waves at the moment when two black holes have collided and in this kind of case the gravity wave would cause that the laser ray would be flattened like some kind of tube, and that thing would not seem like some kind of seismic action. But for hunting those gravity waves the laser ray must be extremely long, and the length of that laser ray in LIGO is over 3000 kilometers. That distance makes possible to see, how the laser ray would be flattened.

But if we would want to create a more sensitive sensor, we would need longer laser rays. In some scenarios to the edge of the solar system would send two or three probes, where is laser systems. Those lasers would form the sensor, what size is the same as the solar system, and those laser rays could measure weaker gravity waves than any system before it.

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