Friday, October 11, 2019

Einstein and quantum theory

Einstein and quantum theory

Many people are making mistakes in the names of Einstein's theories, and that kind of thing is common in the scientific texts, and many times the things like speed of light are marked accidentally as the km/s. And even the best of best are making mistakes when they are tired.

But when we are facing the thing that the speed of light is 299 792 458 m/s that thing is causing the thought that photon is moving too slowly. And that should mean it has the mass because the speed of light is calculated to 300 000 m/s, and the thing that causes this thing would be the radiation or so-called chamfer photon, background radiation or dark material, would slow the photon. 

And the question is what number we use, calculated or measured? If the calculated speed of the light a measured speed has a difference, that means that the photon would not travel in the space, where is always some kind of energy, which makes the empty universe impossible. 

Did Einstein make a mistake when he calculated the trajectory of the planet Mercury? The thing is that this mistake might be caused a thing called accuracy in measurements that have caused one of the most interesting dilemmas in history. Was Einstein think that the speed of light was 300 000 m/s, and the real speed of light is 299 792 458 m/s? That thing was measured, by Albert A Michelson and Edward W. Morley during the so-called Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887. But did Einstein knew that thing?

E=Mc² is the most well known mathematical formula in the world, and that thing is sometimes mentioned as the Theory of Common Relativity. But in some sources, the same formula is called the theory of Special Relativity. So witch one is right? The letters mean E= energy, M= Mass, and c=the speed of light. So what is the name of that theory? The thing is that the formula itself doesn't belong to any of Einstein's theories, and that is the consequence of the Theory of Special Relativity. 

In the theoretical world is one thing that remains stable, and that is the thing, that when somebody is in the mode, everything must combinate with that. When we are looking exactly and with very big accuracy the Theory of Common Relativity was created in 1916, after the first relativity theory of Albert Einstein. 

The theory of Special relativity has taken ten years of the life of Einstein, and he published it in 1905.  that he fixed a couple of errors, what has been found in that theory, and those errors belonged to very limited areas in the Universe. That meant that the theoretical calculations between the speed and time of the trajectory of planet Mercury didn't match the measurements that scientists have made. 

Theory of Special Relativity E=Mc² is the energy formula, what is used as the formula, what is used to calculate the power of nuclear explosives. So that formula is not very suitable for calculating speeds and other things. And would that mean that Einstein created another formula, what is also called the name of Theory of General relativity? There is no answer to that question. 

That means that this thing was really small, and that thing proved the pliability of the universe and time have been proven, and by finding the errors of the extremely sharp clocks, what is used for the time measurements in GPS-locations have been running faster than clocks on the ground. And that thing caused the effect of slowing the time has been proven. The last thing is that the cases when the atom clocks have been in the aircraft, what have been fly around the world, there have been differences between those clocks, what were in those planes, and the clocks that were left in stable locations. 

So thins thing caused the slowing the time was true. But when we are thinking about the things of classical physics and Einstein theories and quantum theories, we must realize, that there is a very interesting thing in those theories, and that is that everything should be in harmony with the newest theory. 

If we are thinking that some of those theories are knocked out, that thing should argument by using the greater accuracy, than just saying that the "theory is out of use". Here I must say that things like G-force and escaping velocity are still the same things as in Newton's time, and those things are not things what would turn the normal physics lesson to the lesson of quantum mechanics, what would be an interesting way to begin lessons in the elementary school. 

But when we are saying that Einstein attacked against quantum theory, we should also ask when and how this attack happened? The Einsteins famous formula E=Mc² (Energy is mass counted speed of light power two) made him famous. That is known as the Theory of Special Relativity, but it's the consequence of that theory, and this formula is one of the key elements, while people are calculating the energy levels of nuclear explosions. 

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