Saturday, November 30, 2019

How to teach robots to follow spoken orders?

How to teach robots to follow spoken orders? 

The idea of machine learning is the same as the people way to learn things, and that's why computer game-style platforms are very interesting things to teach robots. The action or learning process is similar, what is used to teaching dogs. The robot must connect spoken words to some actions, what the programmer can do with it. 

And this makes possible to make robots, which are understanding spoken language. This method is suitable for every kind of robot, and the idea is that the words are connected to recorded actions, so when the programmers are teaching the robot to open the door, they might say "open the door" and then they would transfer to use the virtual workspace, where they can use data gloves and probably Virtual Reality glasses, and make the action by using the virtual movements by using character, what is similar what is seen in the computer games. After the system has been successfully recorded the action, that means that the command "open the door" would activate this kind of movement series. 

The machine learning means that the character, what is the thing that is controlled by a computer would say some words, then the character is moving and acting as the programmer would want. And then those words are connected to the actions, what the programmer has made for the character. 

Moving of the character can be done by using the game platform, and then the virtual character would be used to test the effectiveness of the movements, and then they can transfer to the robot, which will connect those movements and other actions to the words, what the person says. This kind of technology can also be used with combat robots. And those robots can follow the orders, what the commander says without excuse. 

This kind of robot would be very interesting in the many dangerous actions. And thing what makes character dangerous is that some game character would get the physical form. When we are thinking about computer games the programmer, who will make commands to those systems could use the computer games to selecting the most suitable series of movements, and then the commander must just select the most suitable movements and connect the voice command to that series of movements. 

When we are thinking about the actions of robots every kind of action is a series of movements. That means the system would just connect the movements to the command, and that makes that kind of robot very dangerous. The robot itself would not care, what kind of commands it would get, and if the voice recognition or other safety system accepts the command, that allows the operator to give the command "sweep that area", and then the robot will do everything, what includes in that action. So this kind of thing can be used in the Pentagon's terrifying new robot army. 


The hybridization of the living organism and machine.

The hybridization of the living organism and machine.

Prologue: the abductions

The abductions or UFO-kidnapping cases have caused some people, who are thinking about this kind of thing the reason might be the genetic experiment. But there might be some other thing, what the abductors would want from that person, who has been taken, or who have been visited. And that thing might be the memories, what those hypothetical abductors would use to create their tactics and equipment.

In this scenario, the UFO would be the full hybridization of the living organism and machine. That means that the abductor itself might be some kind of drone, and the controller, what might be the creature, what is living in zero-gravity conditions would control that drone. But exactly we don't know what UFO:s would be, and the abductions remain a mystery.

The thing is that the UFO might use the suction for pulling the targeted person into it, and that means that the famous "tractor ray" might be only the thing, that works like a giant vacuum cleaner. That system might use light to target that suction or the tube, and also cover the form of the thing, what is called UFO. In this text, UFO means simply the term UFO means only the aerial vehicle, which cannot be recognized.

What if the data, what is meant to teach colony would go to the hands of primitive humanoids?

Sometimes some futurologists have created an idea, that it is possible to use holograms to create intelligent lifeforms. In this case, the supercomputers would use holograms or messages, which are projected to the clouds, and then teach some species. And this thing has brought the more interesting idea, what might be someday true.

The thing is that the supercomputers could create intelligent lifeforms by using the massive holograms, which are shown to the bacteria or some other species, what will imitate the forms, what they feel. In this case, the probe, what would send to another solar system would teach the hypothetical aliens, how to become the civilization, and who knows, maybe we have been that species somewhere in the history.

There is one, a very silly hypothesis that some humanoid probe might drop to the Earth in history. In this case, the probe contained information, what was meant for the alien colony. The idea of this kind of system was created from the hypothesis, that maybe we would someday send the fetuses to another solar system, and when those colonialists would grow, the system will be teaching them by using the holograms, and there is theory what might look silly, that in somewhere at history, the ancient humans found that kind of information storage, where was the advises how to make walls and other kinds of things. And that information would begin the civilization on Earth. But this is an only theory without proving.

The hybridization with machines

In this case, this system would create the form of human brains by using the bioprinters, what would use the cells of the hive for creating a precise right form, and then the RNA molecule, which controls the advantage of the neurons would inject to those cells. And that molecule would turn them to neurons, what can feed on the nutrient, what comes from the platform. When we are thinking about the hybridization of the living habitat and machine, we must realize that if the spacecraft would carry only brains, that would eliminate the social problems.

The suitable RNA molecules can be stored in digital form, which means that the system would create the molecule by using nanotechnology. And when the crew of the spacecraft would send to the mission, what would take even millenniums, that means that the neurons would get old. And then the craft or its computer can make the new brains by using advanced biotechnology and genetic manipulation. After that, the memories would return to those brains by using the EEG-stimulation. The brains would control the craft, and they might feel that craft is part of them. The idea of this kind of thing is taken from the book, what name I don't remember.

So the thing is that the craft would use artificial brains to make the decision.  The same methodology would affect also to the robot groups. This kind of thing would be the extreme hybridization with a living creature and a technical system. This idea has been created from the neurocomputers. The simplest solution, what we can imagine is simply connected the human brains to the Internet, and that thing has brought the mind of the writers the Cylons from the TV series "Battlestar Galactica".

The thing is that the Cylons or robot civilization would need living brains for creating innovations and ideas. The robot civilization would steal children, and then take them to the space station, where their nervous system would be connected to the computers, and then the system would benefit the brain electricity of that creature. The idea of "Solar Warden" has been taken from this kind of theory. In this case, the robots would take the person, who they want to guide them to the space station, and then keep them extremely weak gravity, which denies them to return to the planet, and that would keep them in the trap.


The post-stellar civilization

The post-stellar civilization

Thoughts about the super civilizations

In someday every star would end its life, and in that case, the entire planetary systems will be destroyed. But after the explosion in the planetary nebula could start forming the new planets, what are similar to earth, but what has different sky than we have. When we found the exoplanets orbiting the pulsar, we have created ideas of the post-stellar civilization. In those models, the civilization would notice the change of the star and take enough distance to explode star, and then that alien race would start to benefit the energy of the dead star. They can create massive centrifugal force cannons, which drives the material to the remaining of the star, and then that civilization would collect that energy by using the solar panels.

So in this scenario, the civilization would just move to outer planets, when their star would start to expand. And then they would survive the explosion by evacuating to the space station or creating some kind of energy field, which will turn the impact wave of the exploding star away. And in that case, they would just dig huge tunnels for protecting themselves from the radiation, and of course, those creatures would suck the atmosphere of the planet to huge tank, where they can store that gas. And deny it escape to space when the temperature of the planet will rise.

How to benefit gravity energy?

Could it be possible, that somewhere in the universe would be civilization, what lives on the planet, what is orbiting the white dwarf or neutron star? The thing is that those civilizations could benefit gravitational energy, but how those civilizations would do that. Benefiting the gravitational energy is easier than we ever thought if we would have a star, what has very strong gravity like a thick white dwarf, neutron star or black hole, what we could benefit in that kind of action.

The thing is that gravity energy can benefit simply by shooting material to the surface of that star. When the material will impact the surface of that kind of star, that thing causes a powerful nuclear detonation. And the energy of those impacts can be collected by using the solar panels, or in the case of neutron star the radio mast can be put in the electron ray, which leaves from the neutrons star.

The material like small stones can be driven to the surface of the star by using the centrifugal cannon, which just slings the material to the star, and the thing is that the white dwarf is enough for causing the huge explosions or eruptions. Those eruptions are releasing energy, which can be collected by using solar panels. In the case of a neutron star, the energy can be collected straight from the gravity field by using a radio antenna. The disk of a black hole is sending radiation, which can be collected by using solar panels. But if we would put the power satellite to the jettison of the black hole, that would give very much energy for the civilization.

Could some civilizations survive from the end of the universe?

When we are thinking about the post-stellar civilizations, they might be very old, and they would not require star for their existence. In some theories, this kind of civilization would remain from the universe, what was before our universe. The idea of that thought has been taken from the paralleled universe theory, or sharper saying the theory where it is claimed that universes are following each other.

The idea is that when the final stars have spent their fuel the dark matter would start to form the black holes. In normal case, the dark matter would not react, but when the universe is very stable, the gravity would start to win and pull the dark matter to one point. The idea is that the dark matter effects by its gravity, and that means that at least gravity would start to make new kinds of black holes, which is forming by dark matter. But for making that thing possible, the universe must be an absolute stable condition. And that means that this would not happen until the final star has been flamed out.

The thing is that when the last molecule from the universe is pulled in the black hole, that thing causes effect, that the gravity would start to affect in a longer distance than ever, and the dark material would also start to accumulate, and then it starts to form giant black holes. Then those black holes are starting to collide with other black holes. In this version of the multiverse theories, every universe would end it's life in the big crash, where all material would form the giant black hole. And then that black hole would just explode as the new big bang. In this theory, some civilization can remain alive, if it can stay enough far away from that giant black hole.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The models of alien civilizations could be the civilization of humans in the distant future.

The models of alien civilizations could be the civilization of humans in the distant future. 

During the interstellar flight, evolution has time to work

When we are creating models of an alien civilization, we are also creating models, what our civilization might look like tomorrow, and if we are thinking about the possibility to create stable colonies in our solar system and farther in the universe. The thing is that sooner or later every each of the stars spends its nuclear fuel and if the star is like our sun, it would end it's life as a nova, which means that the end is as the white dwarf. 

The bigger star would end it's life as a supernova. And if we are thinking this kind of thing at the point of view of evolution, that means that the citizens must flee from its planet or it must be terminated. In many models, the civilization can advance only in the planets, what is orbiting the yellow stars, what can live long enough. So the model could be wrong because there is a possibility that even the short-living blue star might have the planet, where is intelligent life-form. 

And if the intelligent life form is curious and it observes it's a star, it might notice that the end is near, and start to create the giant space arks, what it can use for evacuating. During this process, the civilization would terminate the non-wanted genetic material, and that means that the controlled evolution would make them different than they were at the beginning of the process. If that kind of civilization would put all its knowledge, and intelligence to that operation, it can survive. And when the entire civilization moves to the artificial planets, what the giant spacecraft are, there are not similar problems than in conventional space journeys. The scale of those projects is so huge, that we cannot even think that we would do that in modern days. 

But maybe in the distant future, we or our descendants are facing the situation, that they must leave this planet. And at least, when our star the sun would be ending its life as a star when it explodes as a nova, the civilization must leave the solar system to finding new energy sources. In some theories, the civilization would move to farther planets, when the star is growing, and in those scenarios, we have forgotten, that there is a possibility that solar system might have only one planet. 

But this kind of thing is pure speculation. There are many other models about civilization and the thing is that we could be that "alien civilization" in the day tomorrow. If we are thinking the hypothetical space civilization, that civilization might use 100 % of the energy of some star by simply closing the red dwarf in the giant ball, what is covered by using the silicon panels, and that giant structure can send energy to the alien crafts by using very powerful masers or electron cannons. 

There are many forms of the theoretical alien civilizations

Could the hypothetical alien civilization consist of two groups of aliens? The planetary and space race. The other group lives in planets, and other group lives in spacecraft, and they would ever land to the planets. There is a possibility, that the aliens could hybridize with their spacecraft. If the aliens would have a collective mind or consequence that means that it would eliminate the rebellion or violence. The thing is that the collective mind would benefit the community. 

But individual intelligence could danger the mission. This is the paradox of the hypothetical extremely long term missions, which could take even millenniums. One of the things, that we must realize when we are thinking about the hypothetical alien civilization, what might be traveled between the stars, is that those creatures might not make that thing for fun. They must have a reason for those journeys, which will take even millenniums. That thing means that the crew of those crafts might face the evolution, what we cannot even imagine. 

When we are thinking about things like the physiology or brain capacity of aliens, we must realize, that those creatures might be intelligent as a group. This means that the creatures might have microchips in their brains, and those microchips make them the ability to communicate with the computer of their craft, and in this case, they could have collective knowledge in their craft. The central computer would have the role, that it connects the nervous systems of those hypothetical humanoids, but the individuals would be like handicapped. 

The hybridization with spacecraft

Or there is a possibility that the evolution in the bodies of those creatures would make their nervous system communicate spontaneously with the wireless data network of their craft. That means that those creatures would be hybridized with their craft. At this moment many of you will say, that the evolution would need a very long time to modify their bodies. But if the journey will take tens of thousands of years that means, that evolution would have the time to make those modifications. 

And there is created a model, that the evolution of that crew would be controlled. In this scenario, the aliens would first travel a long time near their home star, and in that period the controlled evolution would hide the origin, where those creatures would have left for protecting their species. That's why they had to modify their bodies for hiding their origin. But this is only a hypothesis, nothing more or less. Just hypothesis, but the hypothesis is the road to theory, and theory is the road to a practical solution. That means in the future, we might be that alien civilization, what travels in the stars. 

How to teach character in computer games?

How to teach character in computer games?

When we are thinking about machine learning, computer games would be the right place to test and innovate that kind of thing. Computer games are one of the biggest parts of the world of computers, and when we are thinking about artificial intelligence, what would be an effective tool for making those games more realistic, interesting and difficult, we must think the method, what the programmer would use when that person would make the character learning things, what are important in the game. The thing is that the learning of the character would happen by a very effective method, where the movements of the most successful player would be recorded, and then that data would transfer to the automatized characters. That means that the system might copy the master player to the virtual characters.

And then somebody would ask, how the master player would be selected. The answer is simple, in every scenario of the computer game are the character, what is controlled by a human, and the character, what is controlled by the computer against each other. Then the master would be selected by a very easy method. If the character, what is controlled by the computer will win, that means that the computer is master, but if the human player is winning, the character, what is controlled by a human is master. And the code of the game would order the system to use the movements of the master.

This means that the movements, that are recorded from the human users are transferred to the character, which is lost in the battle. When we are thinking about this way to increase the skills of the computer-controlled characters, we might think, that when the player would step in the virtual game board, and start to play, the artificial intelligence would record the things, what the player makes, and then transfers those actions to the characters, what are coming after fallen characters.

That means that the computer-controlled figures, what are coming later would have more complicated movements, than the characters what the gamer faces in the first moment. In this scenario, the gamer would use more complicated movements every time, when that person would be advanced in the game, and the idea is that the gamer would teach the solution, how to fight against the player.

This would make possible to create harder and harder computer games. The machine learning is one of the key elements in computing, and by using this kind of method, computer games would become very difficult. When the gamer would play the game, the movements and actions would be recorded, and transfer to the next characters, until the computer would win. This is one version of using machine learning.

The artificial intelligence in service of society

The artificial intelligence in service of society

When we are talking and writing about artificial intelligence, we see only risks and hazards like bombs, and we don't see the great opportunities, what that kind of thing can offer. The thing is that artificial intelligence can alert the personnel if there are some people, who have problems with moving, or they have the signs of handicapped, and that would be told that the person needs special attention.

The second thing what artificial intelligence can do with the society is collecting data from the traffic, and then the computers, what are controlling the traffic flow can turn the cars to the routes, where is no rush when the inner flow of the traffic would close the route. This kind of solution can disassemble the rush and make traffic more flowing and faster, which will decrease pollution.

That means that the system would meter the time, what the driving to some point would take, and when the time of the drive would across some limit, the system would turn the traffic to another route. The data what system must take is the waste of fuel of each car model, and then the waste of fuel with a certain speed, and when the system calculates that the waste of fuel, while the car is standing or driving with slow speed would across the certain point, the traffic control would send the message to those car models and tell that it would be cheaper to turn some other road.

And when we are thinking the collection of the data, the system might ask, is the person going to a certain city, or if a person wants the targeted information the data of destiny can be given to the system and the computers can calculate the ideal route for that trip. When we are thinking about traffic, we are facing a situation, that what we are afraid of. If the data, what is given to the system is sharp the system can create sharp solutions, and this is problematic for humans.

We are afraid to share the personal data with the network, but we can talk about our holidays and other things freely in the places like cafeteria or pub, and we don't even know who is listening. But when we are sharing data to the officials, we are afraid that some policeman knows, where we are. When we are thinking about computers, they are best in handling the big data flow.

And the traffic is a very good place to test artificial intelligence, which uses active screens and existing technology, like mobile telephones and digital car radios. The entire system would be only the algorithm, which collects data and uses it to interactive communication between participants. This means that the system can serve people rally effectively if it has the necessary information.

The MiG-25 and MiG-31

The MiG-25 and MiG-31

The Russian MiG-25 (1) "Foxbat" and MiG-31(2) "Foxhound" fighters are officially the fastest combat aircraft in the world, and sometimes the aviation specialists have created the question, why those aircraft have been developed. The answer might be that the Russian planned to use them also in ASAT missions, as I have written before. And maybe they are planned to use the supersonic pressure air cone for terminating ground forces. 

But there is still the question, are those aircraft, especially MiG-25 created only for one purpose, shoot down SR-71 "Blackbirds"?(3) Could some aircraft be so important, that there is created the own aircraft type against those aircraft? The MiG-25 is almost as fast as SR-71 "Blackbird", and the shootdown should be easy by using the AA-6 "Acrid" missiles, which were specially made for MiG-25 and later those missiles were installed also under the wing of MiG-31(4). 

Or they were not installed in other aircraft. Sometimes there is claiming that some supersonic jet fighters are created for carrying supersonic weapons and in fact, the normal aerial launched rockets that are shot from MiG-25 style Mach 3 interceptor would travel across the air by speed Mach 3 plus the speed of rocket itself. That means that the fast aircraft would be a terrifying weapon itself, even it is equipped with conventional missiles and rockets. But when we are thinking about SR-71 "Blackbird" there is no reported case, that the craft is ever shot down. In other things like accidents those aircraft have been destroyed, but there are reported five countries (5), what has been shot missiles against SR-71. 

And only one case has been highlighted in those cases. The case, where North Korea has shot missile against that spy plane. Why this case is only, what has been told to publicity? Why other cases, where the SR-71 has been targeted to fire are kept a secret? Is MiG-25 or MiG-31 ever flown, when SR-71 has been flown in Russian airspace? The thing is that "Operation Overflight" was and still is top secret, and the missions of SR-71 were made under the ultimate secrecy. 

But why those attempts to shoot that plane down has ever reported by Russia or its predecessor Soviet Union? When the SR-71 finally retired, there have been rumors, that it has been replaced by some extreme secret and super-fast aircraft, which is known as "Aurora", what is claimed to be marked as SR-72(7). But when we are thinking about this thing the retirement of SR-71 happened finally in 1999, when NASA retired its pieces of that aircraft. The real reason probably was that this technology, which made that aircraft ultimate recon plane was not wanted to let to the hands of Russians. 

And that means that "Aurora" would be 20 years old concept, and the question is, why that aircraft has not been published? When we are thinking about Lockheed-Martin "Falcon" (8) the "Aurora", that claimed to have the capacity of Mach 5, is a moped in the comparison between the Mach 8 capable "Falcon", and the "Hyper X" or X-43 (9) speed record in the atmosphere is Mach 10 that makes the hiding "Aurora" somehow interesting. What is hiding behind that code word?











Snow Globes and Dyson's spheres

Snow Globes and Dyson's spheres

To this text is connected the image of the Snow Globe. Some inventors have created the idea to make the artificial gravity to spacecraft by using small bubbles, which are rotating the spacecraft on the top of the long tubes. In some drawings, those bubbles are looking like church bells, but as you know those things are the only hypothesis, that is made for theoretical purposes.

When we are thinking about the extreme long spaceflights the fresh food is one of the most complicated things, because it's hard to grow vegetables in the zero-gravity conditions. So the idea is to install two greenhouses to the body of spacecraft, and they can rotate it on the top of the long tubes.

If the greenhouse would be away from the crew cabins, that denies the danger, that some mushroom would start to expand in the cabin. And the things like hummus would not be released in the capsule, where the crew would stay, and destroy computers.

 In the simplest model, those bubbles or greenhouses would be quite small, and they are operated by robots, and when the vegetables are ready to eat, they would put to the tube, and the crew can use them as the food. Those greenhouses can be connected to the spacecraft with the adapter, which is equipped with bearing and the tiny greenhouses are on both sides of the structure at the top of the tubes.

 When the food would be delivered to the crew that would be made by packing to capsules, and then the system, what would act as a pressure air post would deliver that food straight to the cooker. If there are two greenhouses what size would be little bot bigger than Apollo-capsule, that would guarantee, that the food production can continue, even if the greenhouse would be damaged.

 This thing has given the idea to some space scientists to create the small-size "Dyson's sphere" or the greenhouse to space. In this solution, the spacecraft would equip with two small greenhouses,  where the crew can grow vegetables and other kinds of food. In some ideas, the little big bigger solution would be created by using Mylar bubble, and the bottom of the bubble has installed the tank of liquid hydrogen or the bubble would be protected against the solar wind or the particles, what is coming from the sun by using electromagnetic system, what is two masts, where are magnets. The mission of those magnets is to pull the ions away from the bubbles.

In some images to those bubbles has been drawn a house. And this might be the model of the spacecraft, which would travel inside the solar system. This thing would use nuclear power and gravity sling while it travels between planets. If the craft would use also gravity sling, that would save the fuel.

The researchers could live in that craft in the conditions, what seems like home, and artificial gravity makes possible to work on the surface of the planets and moons. Because there are at least two bubbles, there is a possibility to use another bubble in as the rescue room, if the micro meteors would break the cover of the craft. These kinds of visions are at the theoretical level, and they are not officially made in purpose. ¨


Autonomous learning in language studies

Autonomous learning in language studies

When we are thinking about the languages, they might be very hard to study. The thing in language studies is that the person who is learning translation or other kinds of things can use every material in the world, and that means that the movies or novels can use as material for learning the translation. If the material is comfortable that would mean, that the learning process feels good, and at the same time interesting, and if the learning process feels good, that would make learning more effective.

A process where the object even doesn't understand or realize being a member of the learning process. In this method, the members of that process feel more comfortable than in the traditional process. In the autonomous learning process, the key element is that learning and teaching are happening automatically, and the person would feel that learning is part of the working life, or rather saying normal life. When we are thinking about the traditional method of learning, the normal method is giving the books to a person, and say that "you are a student, and your mission is to make your works, what is giving by authorities", what is calling as the teachers".

So how we could make this thing more comfortable? We could make the profiles of the students, and see what kind of hobbies they have, or what kind of books they are reading. And then select those books as the course material. This method works best in language studies, where the material is free, and students must "just" translate it. That means that the students can translate their favorite books, or practice the spoken translation from the movies.

Here I use the term "participants of the process" because that highlights the interaction between trainers and students is important. In the learning process, both sides are important. And successful learning needs interaction between trainers and students. But also internal communication and internal communication in the groups are important. In this case, the learning would consist of the schoolwork, but it can also support the advantage of social skills.

The modified gaming environment can support learning.

The virtual environments can make the learning process more effective, and the student can practice any time in the day or night the things like articulation. In this case, the computers can be used as a supporter of learning. The virtual environments are offering the place, where people can practice every day social skills and speak a foreign language. In this case, the system would act like a non-violent computer game like second life, where people are walking and make every kind of thing, like giving orders, how to fix machines. And artificial intelligence would notice the errors in articulation. This kind of method would be very interesting, and it can be created by using existing computer systems.

Interaction between participants of the process is important. In this case, the participants would get half of the data, and getting a successful solution, must those people discuss with each other. When we are thinking about children, we must understand that they are learning new skills very fast. And modern computers like laptops and tablets require fast learning. So in some cases, children can teach adults by using interactive methods. The idea is that schoolwork is things like writing orders for mobile devices or something like that.

The problem of the cases, where we should teach adult people the use of computers is cultural. Adults would not take orders from children. And this is why we should create some ideas, how to motivate people to learn, without embarrassing them. So we can give children orders to create the presentations, or write instructions as the schoolwork, and then the teacher can see, are the instructions properly made. That would make the interaction between adults and children effective. This method can also work in very patriarchal societies, where men afraid to lose their faces. The teaching can be covered as the presentations.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Holograms and animal protection

Holograms and animal protection

We all have heard the "holographic universe", but that thing might be at least partially be the rumor. In real life, holograms can be used to train the animal's afraid things, what they should afraid of, and that thing would make the animals immune against predators, which might danger their lives. By using holograms, what are portraying threats, we can train the captured animals, what are released to the natural environment to afraid right things.

When we are thinking about captured animals, they don't know the warning signs of their species, and that's why we could use the hologram that portraits the enemy of the released animal. Then they will connect the warning sign, what those species are using at the same time. Then the animal would get an electric shock.

That means that those animals would connect the sign, which is recorded in nature to the hologram. The animals can train to avoid humans by using a hologram, which is portraying the human, and at the same time, the swarm of birds would be targeted to the warning signal. This signal is captured, when the natural animal would flee the hunter.

But what would we do with the animals, what are not living in the swarms or groups? In some ideas, the animals that are living in the pairs can be taught with the animals, which are captured from nature for a short period. In this case, the personnel, what is responsible for the operation must not please the animals, like Condors. That means that they must hide the smell from the animals, that they would not connect humans to friends, and that means that the feeding must be made by using robots.

Those robots must be sterilized, that they would not transfer the small of humans to the animals. And that is one of the keys when the species is returned to the natural environment. They must also afraid of humans, but they must know, how to hunt. And in those cases, we could use the big cages, where those birds can fly freely, and their spoils can be released to that place.

But before the spoils are released the bird sees when the bird, what is the same species hunts, but if the bird is hunting things like rabbits, the killed rabbit or the meat bites can pull on the ground. And after the bird or another animal would learn how to take that food, they can transfer to the living spoils. If the training and defending the living area are taught properly, the animal can transfer to the natural environment.


Thoughts about René Descartes the man, who existed and thought

Thoughts about René Descartes the man, who existed and thought

René Descartes (1) (1596-1650) was one of the most interesting persons, who has ever lived in Europe. He created an idea, that existence means that creature could think independently, and independence of thinking is the same thing, what the independence in life would be. So when creature thinks, that means creature exists. This idea is culminating in modern Artificial intelligence. Are we creating the machine, what exists, or what knows that it existed? This is a very interesting question because stones also exist but they don't know their existence. Or how could I know, does the stone know it's existence? 

I can think that stone is so different creature, that we cannot even notice, it's alive. So for us, it's the creature, what is dead and that's it. The thing is that Descartes was one of the most interesting persons in the history culminates in his work as the teacher of the Queen of Sweden, Christina (1626-1689), who was protestant. Descartes was Catholic and that thing is really interesting because in that time the 30 Years War was just ended, and Catholics had very bad relationships with protestants. 

So how Descartes allowed teaching the had of protestants? The thing is that Descartes died year after he came to Stockholm, is causing many theories about the methods, what this man used in his work. And the thing is that Christina turned to Catholic, and abdicated her crown is remarkable. 

So did Descartes use some kind of suggestion to that 22 years old woman? Those things are really interesting to think, and when we are looking at the work, what Descartes made in the field of research of the anatomy or natural sciences, we must realize that there is something that people are not understood, and that thing is that if Descartes wrote something, that man might mean something else. 

This thing is visible in the image, which is found on the Finnish Wikipedia page about this man. There is an image (3), that demonstrates the cooperation with hand and eye, and there is another explanation for that image. The thing is that the image might also represent the statue, which keeps the book in the hand. And when the time is coming, the sunlight would be conducted to the series of lenses and mirrors to the eyes of the statue, and that thing causes a fire. 

The thing is that the system might use the very big parabolic mirror for conducting the light to a small channel, where is the series of lenses and mirrors. I don't know does this thing work, but if the parabolic mirror, what size is two meters would target to a statue or intaking lens hours in shiny day, that thing might have a very big effect. I don't know did Descartes finalized his ideas, but this kind of thing is very interesting. 

Descartes in Finnish

This is what people don't want you to know about ultra-fast aircraft

This is what people don't want you to know about ultra-fast aircraft

When we are thinking about the aircraft like MiG-25 (1) and MiG-31(2), which are the extreme fast interceptors, we might think that those aircraft are somehow harmless. The thing is that the ultimate fast speed would allow them to fly to the outer atmosphere, and they are capable to destroy the low-orbiting satellites. But there are also rumors, that in some of those aircraft robot versions would be installed the nuclear bombs, and they would be used as the cruise missiles, what can return to the base if they are no need to use. 

And sometimes we might wonder, why they are mentioned in the list of the gunships?

Many people believe that effective attack aircraft would need a sophisticated weapon system for being dangerous, but this is not true if we would want to sweep away the entire enemy army. So have you ever heard the term "sonic boom"? The term means the conical pressure wall, which is forming if the aircraft is moving faster than sound. This means that when the aircraft would cross the sound barrier the air would not have time to go away from the front of the plane. That causes effect, where the air molecules are pushed away from the surface of the aircraft with the speed, which increases Mach 1. 

The thing is that the pressure wall would travel faster than the speed of sound, and that turns the air to the wall, which is called "shock wave". This term is taken from the explosives. The pressure impact of explosives causes the pressure wall, which travels in the air by the burning speed of the explosive. A nuclear weapon creates a pressure effect by increasing the temperature very fast at the point, where the explosion happens, and the expanding gas is the thing, that is called a shock wave. 

The thing is that if the aircraft, what travels by speed Mach 3, would fly very low, the pressure wall would be hard as steel, and that thing would cause terrible damages in the area, where that thing affects. But what if we would install loudspeakers to the nose of MIG-31 or MiG-25, which are the Mach 3 interceptors? That thing would cause the movement of the air molecules would get the speed of aircraft behind them, and this means that the pressure wall would travel 4000 kilometers per hour to the target. This is the reason, why the aircraft cannon is effective. 

 If the speed of the ammunition of the cannon in a stable position is 1000 kilometers per hour, would the aircraft cannon, what uses the same ammunition would be installed in the aircraft, what is flying 1500 km/h, the speed of ammunition will be 2500 km/h. This makes the aircraft cannons more effective than the similar cannons, which is installed on a stable platform. And if the aircraft is flying speed of Mach 3 it can make the ballistic jump, which makes it capable to destroy low orbiting satellites. 




Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What if we would transform the entire planet into the generator?

What if we would transform the entire planet into the generator?

The idea was given by Nikola Tesla

In the paper, everything seems simple. We must build the tower to both magnetic poles on earth, and then build the network of towers with Tesla coils between them. In this invention, we must use magnetic poles, not genealogical poles. And this makes the most brilliant invention, what Nikola Tesla to work. There is one problem with that. We must equip every tower with the GSM- and radio transponder because the radio waves would not pass the layer, where the electricity flows.

Everybody of us has heard or read the strange inventor Nikola Tesla and his free energy. So what is the thing, that Tesla meant when he spoke or wrote about free energy? The idea was quite simple, to turn the entire planet Earth to the giant generator. In this idea to the magnetic north pole and south pole would be built the tower, which is equipped with Tesla coil, and then the other Tesla coils would connect those polaric towers to the single electric circuit. When we are observing the inventions, what this genius made, they are maybe a little bit unique, but they are all connected with electromagnetism.

Tesla coil means the structure, what comes over the edge of the tower or some other edge. That means that the structure would send the radio waves to around it, and then sooner or later the electricity would start to flow between those structures. Tesla coil is the main element in his other great invention, the transport of electricity through the air. The idea is that the electricity would always look for the shortest route between the points, and that means that transferring electricity through the air is possible. And radio waves are one version of electricity.

Why we don't use the wireless electric transfer on a large scale?

The reason why we don't use those things for transferring electricity is that the high voltage radio signal has a very powerful EMP-effect, and the electrons are acting like Beta radiation. When we are talking about Beta-radiation, we are talking about fast electrons. And if we would create the wireless electric transport system, that makes the area, where we cannot use our mobile telephones or people would not hear radios. The high voltage radiowaves would simply create the layer between tesla coils, which denies the radio transmission through it

So if we are returning the free energy, we could make two towers to the poles of Earth, and then build the network of the towers with tesla coils all over the Earth. This is one of the most interesting ideas, but the problem is that this system would create the layer, which cannot pass the radio signal through it. And that means that this system can be used to create areas, where the communication is fully controlled.

The ability to transfer the electricity through the air makes possible that drones or robot ships can operate limitlessly. That means that there have been made tests by using the maser or other systems, which are using targeted radio signals for giving electricity to small-size recon vehicles, and those systems would have limitless operation time.

The mysterious dark energy and dark matter

The mysterious dark energy and dark matter

Are particles of dark matter(1) tiny black holes, what is pulling energy even from other universes?

When we are thinking about the form of dark matter, that thing would be very interesting, because we see that material because of its gravity. And if we are thinking that gravity effects dark matter as it affects normal material. That means that also dark matter can form the planets and at least black holes. But another mystic thing called dark energy(2) denies that thing. 

So what is the dark energy? One explanation would be that the dark matter is the tiny black holes, what are smaller than gluons, and those tiny black holes are bringing energy from another side of the universe or other universes, and that energy or radiation would push those tiny black holes or particles of dark matter away from each other. 

Are free gluons (3) the dark energy or dark matter

Is the gluon the dark energy or dark matter? So is it possible that gluon is some kind of extreme tiny black hole? I know that the black holes are erupting and filled if they are too small, but what if the black hole is smaller than the tiniest known particles would mean the black holes would be smaller than quarks. When we are thinking about the forming of those extremely small black holes, that thing would create, when the quarks are touching each other. And the extremely small size would make them allowing to get energy from the surrounding radiation. 

So what is the form of this radiation? That is the problem with dark matter and dark energy. If the dark energy is the same thing with dark matter, the dark matter would be the particle, and the dark energy must also have carrier particles like other base forces of the universe. The electricity or electromagnetism has the lepton, what is the name for electron when it is somewhere else than the orbiter. 

Every force in nature must have a carrier particle. But we have not any single graviton (4), the hypothetical carrier particle of the gravity yeat. So is hypothetical graviton the dark matter? And why we haven't seen them yet? 

W and Z bosons (5) are the carriers of the weak nuclear force or weak interaction (6) and the carrier of the strong nuclear force or strong interaction(7) is the gluon. So the answer to the material or dark matter might be found from gluons. Are gluons, what is away from the quarks dark matter? That is the question, what we might think very hard. The thing is that without dark matter the galaxies would destroy because the radiation pressure of stars would drive them away from the form. 

The dark matter has the gravity field, and there are many thoughts and ideas, what this thing is. When the scientists found galaxies, where is too little dark matter(8), we might ask, what has been happened. Some explanations are that the bizarre galaxy is simple closer than astronomers thought (9). 

Even the alert was wrong, and the galaxies had dark matter this thing makes me think about the dark matter and the form of it, could it create something bigger and kinetic? Sometimes in this kind of things are causing thoughts that are those particles of dark matter started to accumulate to larger particles, and the interesting thing is that is it possible that dark matter would create the particle, what is the size of a planet or is it possible that the dark matter would accumulate to the black hole? 

The problem with dark matter is that it has no other interaction with other particles than gravity. So if the dark matter would have a gravity field that means that the gravity must make those particles acting like normal material. But the dark energy is keeping those particles away from each other. 

 One of the most interesting explanations or theory for that thing is that the dark matter would be tiny black holes, what are pulling the gluons around it. Or they can bring energy from somewhere another side of the universe or even from the other universes through tiny wormholes, and that extra energy would act like some exhaust gas of the rocket, and push the particles of dark matter away from each other. As I have written at the beginning of this text.

How can researchers handle noise in quantum computers?

The biggest problem with quantum computers is noise. The quantum noise forms when the quantum system oscillates randomly. The random oscilla...