Saturday, November 30, 2019

The hybridization of the living organism and machine.

The hybridization of the living organism and machine.

Prologue: the abductions

The abductions or UFO-kidnapping cases have caused some people, who are thinking about this kind of thing the reason might be the genetic experiment. But there might be some other thing, what the abductors would want from that person, who has been taken, or who have been visited. And that thing might be the memories, what those hypothetical abductors would use to create their tactics and equipment.

In this scenario, the UFO would be the full hybridization of the living organism and machine. That means that the abductor itself might be some kind of drone, and the controller, what might be the creature, what is living in zero-gravity conditions would control that drone. But exactly we don't know what UFO:s would be, and the abductions remain a mystery.

The thing is that the UFO might use the suction for pulling the targeted person into it, and that means that the famous "tractor ray" might be only the thing, that works like a giant vacuum cleaner. That system might use light to target that suction or the tube, and also cover the form of the thing, what is called UFO. In this text, UFO means simply the term UFO means only the aerial vehicle, which cannot be recognized.

What if the data, what is meant to teach colony would go to the hands of primitive humanoids?

Sometimes some futurologists have created an idea, that it is possible to use holograms to create intelligent lifeforms. In this case, the supercomputers would use holograms or messages, which are projected to the clouds, and then teach some species. And this thing has brought the more interesting idea, what might be someday true.

The thing is that the supercomputers could create intelligent lifeforms by using the massive holograms, which are shown to the bacteria or some other species, what will imitate the forms, what they feel. In this case, the probe, what would send to another solar system would teach the hypothetical aliens, how to become the civilization, and who knows, maybe we have been that species somewhere in the history.

There is one, a very silly hypothesis that some humanoid probe might drop to the Earth in history. In this case, the probe contained information, what was meant for the alien colony. The idea of this kind of system was created from the hypothesis, that maybe we would someday send the fetuses to another solar system, and when those colonialists would grow, the system will be teaching them by using the holograms, and there is theory what might look silly, that in somewhere at history, the ancient humans found that kind of information storage, where was the advises how to make walls and other kinds of things. And that information would begin the civilization on Earth. But this is an only theory without proving.

The hybridization with machines

In this case, this system would create the form of human brains by using the bioprinters, what would use the cells of the hive for creating a precise right form, and then the RNA molecule, which controls the advantage of the neurons would inject to those cells. And that molecule would turn them to neurons, what can feed on the nutrient, what comes from the platform. When we are thinking about the hybridization of the living habitat and machine, we must realize that if the spacecraft would carry only brains, that would eliminate the social problems.

The suitable RNA molecules can be stored in digital form, which means that the system would create the molecule by using nanotechnology. And when the crew of the spacecraft would send to the mission, what would take even millenniums, that means that the neurons would get old. And then the craft or its computer can make the new brains by using advanced biotechnology and genetic manipulation. After that, the memories would return to those brains by using the EEG-stimulation. The brains would control the craft, and they might feel that craft is part of them. The idea of this kind of thing is taken from the book, what name I don't remember.

So the thing is that the craft would use artificial brains to make the decision.  The same methodology would affect also to the robot groups. This kind of thing would be the extreme hybridization with a living creature and a technical system. This idea has been created from the neurocomputers. The simplest solution, what we can imagine is simply connected the human brains to the Internet, and that thing has brought the mind of the writers the Cylons from the TV series "Battlestar Galactica".

The thing is that the Cylons or robot civilization would need living brains for creating innovations and ideas. The robot civilization would steal children, and then take them to the space station, where their nervous system would be connected to the computers, and then the system would benefit the brain electricity of that creature. The idea of "Solar Warden" has been taken from this kind of theory. In this case, the robots would take the person, who they want to guide them to the space station, and then keep them extremely weak gravity, which denies them to return to the planet, and that would keep them in the trap.


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