Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The secret space programs and one strange detail of the "Skyfall" missile

The secret space programs and one strange detail of the "Skyfall" missile

When we are thinking about secret space programs, we must notice one thing, and that is that the reason, why the Western nations are so quiet about the "Skyfall"-missiles (1), what are nuclear powered is remarkable, and as I have written earlier the similar technology, what has been used in "Skyfall" missiles can be used also in the small size shuttles, what could fly in our solar system. So why the Western nations are silent about the Russian superweapons, are they hiding something? 

When we are thinking about the diagrams of the "Skyfall"-missile, it can be launched by using the strategic bomber or even balloon, and that means this kind of system is invisible. There is a possibility that this kind of system would also be used for scientific purposes, and that covers the real purpose of those systems, what is sending the lots of data, and that date would normally uncover the real purpose of the satellite. 

And in some visions, the X-37B would also be equipped with the small-size nuclear reactors, which are using the highly enriched plutonium. The thing in this system is that it could use the particle flow from the reactor for flying around the solar systems, but there is also one thing, that we ever expected. The thing is that the "Skyfall"-missile could be equipped with the MDD (Magnetic Dynamic Drive), which pulls ions through the missile.

The multipurpose space-going system

This system would need the closed circle cooling elements, and the second thing is that the ram-air inlet would be equipped with the magnetic accelerator, which allows creating the very fast particle flow through it. And if there would be a laser system, what would point series of lasers in that particle flow, that would make possible to create the fusion motor. The cooling system for the reactor would be extremely thin layers, which would be pulled in when the shuttle is flying in the atmosphere. 

And then the layers would be opened, and that helps to keep the reactor temperature low. So this kind of vision is fascinating and at the same time dangerous. Because if we would think purely the military systems, we would make possible to launch that kind of miniature nuclear shuttles to orbit the Sun. And when the time would come, those missiles would be targeted to the Earth, and the thing is that the weapon would be very effective. There is a possibility that this kind of weapon would have only lithium in the nose, and it would use its highly enriched reactor as the implosion device, which launches the hydrogen bomb.

 But if we would think that this system has the fusion motor, it would get very high speed, and in that case, the pure impact energy is devastating. The thing is that those miniature nuclear-powered shuttles can also operate in the scientific missions, but when the time is coming, they would turn to ultimate weapons. 



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