Monday, March 10, 2025

AI-control robots are a good alternative for manned space projects.

"Artist's impression of the Dragonfly spacecraft flying over the surface of Titan" (Wikipedia, Dragonfly)

The biggest problem with missions to another planet in our solar system is this: flight times to planets are far longer than flight travel to the Moon. The only realistic place where we can travel safely is Mars. On other planets Venus's thick atmosphere causes risks. Of course, it's possible to travel to Venus and land on its highlands. 

But on the lowlands. The risk is that if the astronaut falls and damages the spacesuit the 600-degree temperature kills astronauts. 

The problem is that in a thick atmosphere, even small things like volcanic eruptions can cause very powerful pressure waves that can make astronauts slip. In those scenarios, the astronauts use the space suits or the suits made for blast furnace workers. Those space suits can equipped with HULC-style exoskeletons and the system can filter air from carbon monoxide. 

On Mercury. The sun's particle flow is dangerous. The astronaut who lands on that planet gets very high radiation doses. Mars is the only safe planet inside the asteroid belt. Or it is supposed to be safe. But the carbon dioxide ice pockets under its surface can cause the fall of the surface. And the sand devils the small tornadoes can cause static electricity that damages systems. 

"This artist’s concept depicts a small rover – part of NASA’s CADRE (Cooperative Autonomous Distributed Robotic Exploration) technology demonstration headed for the Moon – on the lunar surface. Motiv Space Systems in Pasadena, California, created the rendering and is collaborating with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory on critical rover and mobility functions. Credit: Motiv Space Systems, edited" (ScitechDaily, NASA’s AI Rovers Are Heading to the Moon to Explore Without Human Control)

There is also the possibility that astronauts dirt the planet and that can deny to detect the possible original lifeforms on that planet. If the shell of the spacecraft or Mars base is damaged it can deliver organic material all around the planet. That thing can cover remnants of past lifeforms like bacteria under them. 

But journeys to Jupiter and Saturn are too long. That takes too much lifetime of astronauts. Maybe there are no places where the manned craft can land. The four big Galilean moon's gravity is weak. There is also volcanic activity on the surface of Io. And other three moons have subsurface oceans. That means it's possible. 

That the landing craft will fall below the ice. Saturn is farther than Jupiter and flight time to that planet is over 5 years. Cassini traveled between Saturn and Earth for 6,7 years. The nuclear chemical rockets can travel that journey in about 2-4 years. But there are not any of them in operation. All atomic rockets are still in some planning stages. 

AI-controlled robots are a safe way to do planetary research. Those drones can fly or travel on the distant planet's or moon's surface. Flying quadcopter drones like NASA's Dragonfly that it sends to Titan moon can also dive in methane oceans and they can also operate in the gas giant's atmosphere. 

The AI-controlled robots can use the same programs as the systems that sort bottles to different lines. Geologists can teach those systems which stones they must pick. 

Those AI-controlled robots. Like AI-controlled Moon rovers are safer than manned spaceflights. They can be used as testbeds for civil and military solutions. The Moon is an excellent place to test programs and systems for Titan missions.  On Earth, those robots can also operate underwater and airborne.

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AI-control robots are a good alternative for manned space projects.

"Artist's impression of the Dragonfly spacecraft flying over the surface of Titan" (Wikipedia, Dragonfly) The biggest problem ...