How did the first flying dinosaurs learn flying?
When we are thinking about the first flying dinosaurs, we must think about the question, how they learn to fly? When modern birds are learning fly, they just imitate their parents and other birds, and when we are seeing birds, those creatures learn flying from the dinosaurs, but then we are ending this chain, we are facing the thing where there were no living birds at the skies.
So did the first flying dinosaurs learn the flying by imitating the flying bugs like a dragonfly? That thing would seem a little bit absurd, but the first flying bugs were really big, but then we are facing the situation of the flying dinosaurs. The evolution does not happen in a short period and the transforming of the lobe to the wing and bones that way, that they are suitable for the flying would be a little bit different thing than changing the shape of the face, like have been happening in the royal families of Europe. But in that case, the advantage has been taken generations, so how long would be needed to take to transforming some dinosaur to flying lizard, what were the biggest flying animals in history?
Did they imitate the bugs, and then the front limbs started to transform into wings, what helped those raptors fly? But when we are thinking more closely about that situation when the dinosaurs started to fly, the normal situation in the world of animals is that the imitation would happen by following the same kind of animals, and that's why that thing when the front limbs transformed to the wings is interesting. What made those raptors make those movements?
And then some of those flying dinosaurs returned to the ground, and the reason for that would be interesting. If we would want to turn the limbs to the wings, we must make flapping movements during the generations, and that means that there must be some very good reason for that thing. The biological evolution doesn't happen during one generation, and if those raptors lived at sea, that thing would flapping their fin. But why those creatures started to fly? What forced them out of the sea to air?
Was there some kind of swarm of the predators, what caused the need for learning the flying? When we are thinking about the transformation of species, there must be some reason, that transforms the genetic material that the species creates wings. The genetic transformation happens by the behavior, what continues by generations, and causes the situation, that nature starts to favor some kind of structure, and this is the reason, why the royal families of Europe have some kind of molds, what helps to recognize them.
And the thing is that something happens in history, that some dinosaurs started to flap their front limbs, and nature started to transform the genomes, that the dinosaur, what has a certain form in the front lobes started to highlight. That thing caused that the lobes started to transform into wings.
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