Kaspar Hauser the most well-known orphan in history
Kaspar Hauser (1812-1833) was one of the most mysterious cases in the history of Europe. He came from nowhere to Nuremberg at the age of 16. When we are looking at the sources, the birthday has sometimes claimed to be 28 or maybe 30 April or 29 September 1812 and where those days have been found is not mentioned. I have written many times about this boy, who came from nowhere and faced his fate at the age of 21 by the hand of an assassin, whoever captured. The mysterious case began, when the young boy walked to the military barrack and gave the letter, what is claimed to write by his mother. There is a couple of source after this text, and you might check those persons names from those links.
He could only say the words "I want to become an officer like my father" and then the word "horse", what he. repeated twice, or this is how that thing has been documented. There are many documents on the internet, and that's why I don't start to write about the story, what you can read from the net, but here I must ask one question, what is seen by the face of that boy.
The question is Kaspar Hauser one member of the family of Napoleon Bonaparte?
It is suspected that Kaspar Hauser lived in one single room in the early years of his life. That boy was mentally normal, which means that there was some kind of very important reason, why he was kept in the locked room. But there are a couple of remarkable things that people who have investigated this case have been noticed and the first one was that Kaspar had very soft feet. And the second one was that he walked like a drunk, which meant that he might have a problem with direction instinct, or he was drunk but the alcohol can be given him with injection straight to the blood. Was this injection mean lethal or was it given to confess the guards, that the boy was dead? And if that thing is true, some of the people, who were near him might be that person who took him near Nurenberg.
That thing is causing suspicious that somebody might have tried to kill that boy on that day when he arrived in the city of Nuremberg 26th April 1828. Maybe the murderer has given too little alcohol, and Kaspar survived in that attempt. Maybe the killer has given alcohol and then left the unconscious boy to die. The thing, that makes this case so interesting is that nobody seems to see, where that boy came. The soft feet gave a very weak hint about the conditions, where he was kept. The thing is that he was kept on the soft floor, and in the room, what was tall enough that Kaspar could stand.
And because he could walk, somebody had given him a model that he could learn that skill. Or in some bad jokes is claimed that Kaspar Hauser has been in the space station, because of zero gravity conditions are making balance very bad. And that kind of thing will explain the teetering walk. And maybe that thing would offer a very good topic for some novel, where Kaspar Hauser has been trapped in Solar Warden. But let's continue more seriously. When we are thinking about the end of that boy, we must realize that after the first strike, where he got the scar on his forehead, that thing might be made also by the woman.
The weapon was the meat knife, what looked like an ax, and that would mean that killer acted in panic. That means that this person might think that Kaspar could recognize the attacker. And when the attacks were made, that boy must be taken to another city and protected better. The second attack that was faithful lets many questions open. The injuries, what that boy got were not killed immediately. So is it possible that those attacks were made for setting up that person dead, and maybe somebody changed the identity of that young man?
Lord Stanhope had that kind of relationship that this kind of thing can be done. And did Stanhope knew something, what other people didn't know? He was a very high-rank member of the British government, and that means that this kind of person would not walk anywhere without a good reason.
And that tells that the killer has not skills to make that thing. There is a theory that Kaspar was a member of some royal family. If that thing was fake, the people who were behind that kind of case were behind those attacks they might not want to kill that boy. The acted murder attempts would make the story more effective and convincing but then the attacker just made a mistake. The question is how much Kaspar knew about the stories, that he was a member of some royal family? But those violate actions make his story famous.
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