Saturday, December 7, 2019

Quantum stealth

Quantum stealth

One of the most dangerous solutions, what quantum theories have brought in front of the eyes of the people are so-called quantum weapons. Somebody says that lasers are one solution, what has the quantum effect, but there is a possibility to create a new type of nanomaterials, which people cannot even see. But there are lots of more things, what the quantum world makes possible.

We have all heard the word "quantum stealth", but that thing is not very well explained. So in theory quantum stealth means material, where are so-called quantum channels, what makes possible that electromagnetic radiation would go straight through this layer. This thing is also called "quantum glass", it is a little bit like glass, but it is brighter, and people cannot even notice that the object exists what means that the only way how to make sure that object exists is touch it.

The quantum glass would pass 100% of radiation, which makes it invisible for people. But if the material would be equipped with the thing, what is called "quantum tubes" the light or other electromagnetic radiation would travel through the layer in the direction of those tubes or channels. The quantum tubes or quantum channels would conduct electrons or photons in the same way how the light goes in the light cable. But the scattering effect can create things that are more effective than those quantum tubes.

Scattering effect in the real world

Scattering effect means that photons are jumping between atoms and this thing causes the difference between the calculated and real speed of light. This kind of thing has caused an idea about the nanomaterial, where are so-called quantum channels, where photons or electrons can move between atoms like coins are traveling inside the pinball slot machine.

In this kind of material, the photon or electron could travel through the object, and people cannot see it.  This kind of thing makes possible to create ultimate stealth, which makes aircraft or any other object invisible. An observer cannot see this kind of object, because the light or radiowaves would go straight through this material. So this could be one of the most futuristic stealth technologies. And those quantum layers would also turn the laser ray back to the shooter.

What if we could simply make the object smaller

When we are thinking about the theoretical possibility that we could pull the electron layers nearer to the nucleus of the atoms, we could miniaturize even the largest objects. This thing would be done by targeting the atom with electromagnetic radiation, which increases the pulling force of the nucleus of atoms and brings electrons near the nucleus. In theory, we could create a nuclear submarine, which would travel inside the veins of a living organism.

This is one of the most incredible things, that quantum weapons could be. If we are thinking about the possibility of miniaturizing object we would understand, why the UFO should not shoot. The idea is that the aircraft would go inside the person's lung, and then expand itself. This could be one of the hypothetical quantum weapons of tomorrow.


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