Saturday, December 7, 2019

Mind control and music industry

Mind control and music industry 

Before we say anything

When people are putting their fingers like this, they will see the very aerodynamic shape, which is very suitable for the stealth fighters and another stealth system. But that thing is also introduced as the mark, that some concerts have been recruiting people to some kind of secret society. 

Sometimes it is claimed that undercover narcotics police have given that mark to people, who will want to test drugs. Those plain-clothed members of the law enforcement have told the story, that people, who want to sell or buy drugs must just raise their hands like this, and then they will uncover themselves.

But there is also another explanation, and that is the indicator or mark that some kind of subliminal like infrasound or electromagnetic order system has affected those people. And this kind of rumors is beginning at the Woodstock festival. The rumor is that CIA and Sidney Gottlieb(1) created an idea that they will test the subliminal command systems to the participates of the festivals. 

Did you buy a cake?

Many of us have been heard rumors that influential persons like some famous musicians have been members of the secret societies. That kind of thing is normally though as being jokes, but then we must realize something, what we ever thought before. And that thing is connected with mind control or brainwashing. The idea of subliminal commanding and brain core stimulation is that if we are targeted with that kind of system, what is created for MKULTRA-project (2) we might believe the things that other people say to our ideas. 

And that kind of thing makes those things terrifying. That means that this kind of system can be used to make the person the robot, which writes talks about what other people say. The idea of brainwashing is similar to many other psychotherapies but in this case, the mission of this kind of thing is to make people willing to do, what the controllers say. Concerts would be a good place to test that kind of thing. 

There is a tale that during Woodstock, the CIA created an idea to test that kind of thing. The system was simultaneously repeating the words "I want to buy the cake", and then the CIA just observed how many people will buy the cake. This kind of experiment is not very moral and ethic. But the thing is that they are also very dangerous. 




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