Saturday, December 7, 2019

Futuristic antimatter rocket and the movie humanoids

 Futuristic antimatter rocket and the movie humanoids

The SciFi movies give ideas for futurologists about things, what the future technology might seem. In this text, I will handle two iconic SciFi movies "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and "Alien" at the point of view of futurology.

One of the most realistic ways to make interstellar spacecraft is used antimatter engines. The problem with antimatter is that if the antimaterial particle touches its mirror particle that thing causes annihilation. 

And that is the reason, why the antimaterial must levitate away from the layer of the spacecraft. Have you seen the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"?

The alien craft, what comes at the end of the movie, has given an idea of the modular structure of the spacecraft, what might someday offer us the journey to the entire solar system or even to the nearest stars. The idea is that the entire craft would be the modular solution, where the engine section, which uses an antimatter rocket would stay behind the manned module, what is in the scarab-looking holder, what the craft uses to load the electricity to the manned module. 

And when the module would send to the atmosphere the power unit can wait at the safe distance. If the craft would use an antimatter engine, the problems can cause a huge explosion. The thing is that the antimatter must keep away from the core of the craft. 

This would be done by using the magnetic system that would push the antimatter particles away from the wall of the engine. That's why the craft must have the capacity to separate the engine unit before it would send to the atmosphere. If there would be a malfunction in that system, the annihilation can destroy the entire planet. 

Futurologists have created the idea that the famous "Alien" from the movies, what have the same name, would be the creature of the "corporation". This creature would be made by using genetic engineering, and it should make sure that the crew members will return from their mission, which can take even hundreds of years. And the most of the trip those hypothetical astronauts would be frozen to absolute zero degrees of Kelvin. 

The Alien in movie aliens could be the creature of the very advanced biotechnology.

When we are thinking about another iconic alien, from the movie series "Aliens", that creature can be created by very advanced biotechnology. And when we are thinking about the blood of that creature, it would be the enzyme, what is created for melting the floors of the spacecraft. The idea is that the floors of the spacecraft would be the synthetic material, and the blood would be the bacteria, which will be used to cut the molecules of that layer. And this is one point of view of the space monsters.

Futurologists have created a model of that kind of aliens, and the idea is that this kind of lifeform has been implanted in every member of the crew. The idea is that if some members of the crew would be killed, the egg of the alien makes the crew member survive even in the most bizarre and extraordinary situations. 


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