Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Bird Is Gone

The Bird Is Gone

Could there be an encrypted message where is letters T.B.I.G (The Big) (Terminating Big) and could that mean some kind of demolition device?

What does this message mean? When we are thinking about this message it has been found on the tree, what is in one of the farthest and most isolated islands in the world. Sometimes I have thought is some carrier pigeon left to home for sending a message, and then something happened to that bird. At first, we might think, that somebody was mistakenly released some carrier pigeon, but there is another explanation. 

Is that the very well encrypted message? But is the message some kind of encrypted thing, where are the hidden word "The BIG", if we would take only the first letters of the words. So is there some special bag or something else? Those letters are T.B.I.G, what might mean that there has been happened something big. or T.B.I.G might mean (T) BIG, what might mean "Terminating Big". And is that "terminating big" some kind of demolition equipment. 

Or was there some dead bird laying on the rock. And then someday the persons, who have left that message suddenly have seen that "The Bird is Gone", so there is one little bit more interesting explanation for that message, and could that some ship, what name was "The Bird" was gone. Or did somebody accidentally released some kind of bird as an example carrier pigeon?

Is this "Bird Is Gone" message the key to the mystery of treasury, what is claimed to hide on that island? And how the maker of that message hoped, that somebody will find it?

Above this text is a message, that somebody has sent to a tree on the Cocos island, and that message could be the key to the treasury mystery, what has been told about that island. In that island is claimed to be the treasury, but nobody has been officially found it. When we want to solve some problems, we must think about what is the simplest possible reasons for that thing. When we are looking at things, what we might think as clear, we might find another meaning for the things, what seems regular. So when we are looking like the stories of the lost treasure, we must ask, why somebody wants to hide that thing? If some pirate would hire treasury to the beach a long way from home, how that person would think to return and get the treasury? 

Does that pirate rent a ship, and then go to get that thing from the sunny island? But if the treasury is gold and diamonds, why that pirate would not melt gold, and claim to find jewelry, and sell them to some store? So what that treasury could be? Are they some kind of documents, what is proving about some kind of cooperation with some investors and pirates, and this kind of thing might cause that the pirate could buy himself free from the prison if that person would someday catch because somebody has become suspicious of the origin of the money of the old sea captain. 


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