Monday, December 2, 2019

Thoughts about old SciFi art and large-scale Dyson's spheres

Thoughts about old SciFi art and large-scale Dyson's spheres

Sometimes we have thought, that terraformation of the planets would be the answer to the overpopulation of the Earth. But many times we have forgotten that terraformation could also happen that way, that the planet would turn to giant Dyson's sphere, and then the structures and cities would build inside this ball. In this case, we would take the planet, or big asteroid and make it hollow. If we are thinking that the structures like our imaginational colony, the gravity of that place can adjust just by controlling the rotation movement of the hollow planet, but that thing can be true in the distant future.

In the image, what I used shortly before is a slight-looking layer, and at the horizon is the pyramid-looking structure. And sometimes I have wondered would the artist mean that the image portraits the planet, what would be covered by using the silicone panels. The purpose of that system would be to collect as much energy as possible.

That thing offers the power supply for the civilization, what lives in the underground tunnels, or inside the hollow planet. In this kind of scenario, the pyramid-looking structure would be the antenna, what the civilization would use to keep contact with its colonies or docking area of the spacecraft, which are offering supplies for that hypothetical space civilization.

So where that civilization would get or find the hollow planet. There is one very interesting idea, what might make this kind of project possible, and the thing is that building the very long pipe, the hypothetical civilization would suck the entire planet empty. That tube would make the magma of that planet to fly to space, and then the atmosphere of the planet would be pumped inside its core, and then the entire planet would be covered by using silicone panels.

The pumped gas would deny the collision of the core. If our hypothetical planet is near the center of the Galaxy, that structure would give a very powerful energy supply for the civilization, what will live inside their hollow planet. And if that civilization wants, it can create the artificial sun inside this planet, which is transformed into the giant Dyson's sphere. Or maybe that planet would not be so massive as we think, and the necessary thing is the liquid lithosphere. The pyramid-shaped structure would make easier to find the docking station, which might be also the communication antenna. Maybe someday, in the distant future mankind would make this kind of space station.


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