Thursday, January 9, 2020

Gravity waves and revolutionary flight.

Gravity waves and revolutionary flight. 

We could fly to stars if we could make a vehicle, what uses gravity waves also flying between stars or rising plane above the Earth. So the thing is that we could also flight by using gravity waves. In this motor, the artificially created-nano-sized black holes would impact together, which makes possible to benefit that effect to flight in space and the atmosphere. That technology will make the revolution to aviation if we would someday have the ability to create artificial singularities as the serial product for giving fuel to this kind of open motor. 

The thing, that is called the gravity waves shows that making the anti-gravity spacecraft is possible. The thing is that there is a thing, which makes it very difficult to make that kind of motor, is that making synthetic gravity waves is at least officially at the theoretical level. We know how the gravity waves are forming in nature, and that process can be copied in the motor. In a natural environment, the gravity waves are forming, when two black holes are impacting together, and then that thing would cause the forming of the gravity waves. But how that process can be done in the rocket engine, what mission is to revolutionize the space travel? 

The force, that will transport spacecraft ahead can be made by impacting two artificial black holes together. And that will cause the eruption of the gravity waves. 

Making antigravity motor, what is acting as a natural source of the gravity waves is theoretically very easy. The system operates by making two small-size black holes, or so-called singularities, and then those very small black holes can put to impact together. The impact of the black holes, what has the size of about a couple of millimeters would cause a terrifying explosion. And then the gravity waves would start to push the craft to forward. Antigravity would be a very useful tool if we would find some easy and safe method to create artificial black holes, what we can impact together. 

So the problem is that how we would create black holes, and make the impact? One version is to create very small singularities in the about pearl-sized balls, and the balls would not be pulled to the black hole, which makes it possible to store those things in them. Then those balls would be released to the rocket chamber, and the laser will steam them, and then the singularities will impact, and make the craft move forward. 

The creation of those things can be done by using electromagnetic radiation, which will target those balls, and that will make the antigravity motor possible. I don't know, how long those black holes can exist before they will vanish, but that kind of fuel can be used someday in the future. The thing is that there are many claiming, that the antigravity craft has existed, but there is no official proves about existing of this kind of motor or spacecraft. Conspiracy theorists have claimed, that the so-called "Black Triangle" UFO:s are using the antigravity, but that thing is pure speculation. 

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