Electric shocks and cursed jewelry
1) Is the thing, what is behind cursed jewelry only the electric shock?
Cursed jewelry is the tale, that is told many times, and the thing is that there is a very easy way to make those things in real life. Maybe behind stories of the cursed jewelry is jewelry, which is loaded with electricity, and that causes very dangerous shocks.
Those pieces of jewelry must only load with the electricity and then put to the neck of the victim. Loading that jewelry can be made by using radio waves, and if the targeted object cannot release its electric load, that effect can even kill the person. The high voltage electric shock would re-oscillate the heart, and that thing causes death or turns a person unable to make things.
2) Every piece of metal, that cannot remove electric capacity is acting as a capacitor.
The idea is that every piece of metal is acting as a capacitor. So if the merchandise like the wristwatch or necklace would be loaded with electricity, and the loading effect would happen on a layer, what does not conduct electricity that piece can load very high voltage of electricity, and if somebody would touch the particle that would cause death.
When we are thinking about the use of that kind of tool, we must realize, that the electric shock causes a heart attack. And there is a possibility that the head of Nazi-Germany's police, Kurt Dauluege(1) (1897-1946) was one of the victims of this kind of action. That man got a massive heart attack during 1943 and was unable to continue his duties. So what caused that heart attack, was it some chemical, natural reasons or electric shock? He was executed after the war in Czechoslovakia because of war crimes like the massacre of Lidice.
3) In the ancient world, electricity was secret
Maybe some agents put the watch or some other piece of metal to the table and loaded it with electricity. When that thing happens, the heart would be stopped, And the thing is that also SOE (Service Operations Executive) investigated occultism during the Second World War (2). So the thing might be, that some honorable metals or something like that has been loaded with electricity, and loading those particles with electricity would be an effective way to boost the abilities of the spirits.
In the ancient world electricity was the biggest secret in the world, and when the magic amulets would be given to people, the person who gives that thing would just stand on the layer, which denies transferring the electricity. And if the people would not be careful, those things can cause death. So when we are thinking about the magic and things like Leyden (Leiden) bottles or Leyden jars (3), what are class bottles, where are the metal bite and electrolytic liquid, that thing might be used as the murder equipment.
4) Leyden jar would be excellent tools for assassins
If the drinking class, what is transformed into the Leyden jar would put on the table, and then somebody would drink from that class, the effect would be devastating. And this is the thing, what makes us sometimes suspect, that there were many things, what real-life alchemists didn't want other people to know.
Those men were the royal answer to every problem. And some things like Mercury are effective tools for that kind of operation. Mercury is a liquid metal, what can put in the tube of the gun, and then shoot to target, or that thing can also be loaded with electricity, and drop on the head of the victim, which causes death by electric shock.
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