Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The speed of light again

The speed of light again

The reason, why we are thinking that nothing can cross the speed of light is that we do no possible opportunities to make a rocket, what jet would travel faster than the speed of light. Only photons and electrons can create the exhaust, what speed is the speed of light, so we cannot just break the cosmic speed limit by thinking that way. There are two ways to make the virtual crossing of that speed.

1) The first method works only if the escaping velocity of the surface of the particle is higher than the speed of light. So for working that thing needs a black hole, where the craft can be driven. 

In the first case, we can drive our rocket straight to the black hole, and check, what happens behind the event horizon. The speed that we should use is extremely high, and we should have the photon rocket for that mission.

The thing is that the impact speed of the spacecraft should be near the speed of light when it would impact to the event horizon, or the crew would scratch in pieces. And after that the thing, what would happen is that the escaping velocity of the black hole crosses the speed of the light. That is the reason, why we are calling that thing as the black hole. Even the light cannot escape from the black hole.

2) Rising the impact speed between particles higher than the speed of light. So when two particles like electron and positron would travel the opposite way in the particle accelerator the impact speed of those particles is higher than the speed of the light. (Speed of particle 1+ Speed of particle 2)

The second way to cross natural laws is just pulling the particles of the plasma to the craft, which travels extremely high speed, which is near the speed of the light. That means that the speed of the hypothetical spacecraft would travel let's say 50% of the speed of light, and the particles are pulling against is by using the force, what would be something like 80-90% of the speed of the light. That means that the impact speed between the craft and plasma is higher than the speed of the light, and that thing is called the relative crossing the speed of the light. But what effect that thing would have to the things, what happens inside the craft? This is the idea of WARP.

The WARP would just pull the plasma inside it, and then it would shoot the ion jet against that flow, what is hoped to stretch the universe. The thing in those ideas is that we cannot just break the natural laws, but we can go around them. There are two ways to make WARP-effect. The first is to make WARP-engine, and the second is to drive the spacecraft to the direction of the sun by using high speed. In the natural WARP system, the solar wind would allow the spacecraft impact with particles by using the impact speed, which is faster than light (Speed of craft + speed of incoming plasma). But does that thing affect things, what happens inside the craft? That's a different thing.

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