Risks of the data accumulation to one hand
1) The modern networking tools offer change to make dangerous changes to data, what is stored in the databases
The thing, that owns data is allowing to sell those bytes to people or rather saying customers. But the problem is that ownership to collected information is allowing also modify the data and if there is no other database, where people would get the data for comparing, that means that the trust and neutrality of data are threatened.
So this is the thing, that everybody knows, but if the data is collected by some single actor, that means there are problems because the data can be filtered, even it is shared with media houses. That means that even if the media house itself would be a neutral actor, what has good values, the data, what is given to them might be polarized.
Polarized data means that everything is published only the parts, which are supporting some certain way to see things. The thing that might be forgotten is that the way, that supports own way to see things is published. That means that from the news and stories are removed parts, which are against their way to see things. And that thing is a dangerous way to affect public opinions.
2) The most modern computer viruses can cause psychosis by blinking objects on the screen. So that thing is that if the data security is in hands of single actor that kind of thing might not be filtered out from the internet.
What if the computer game's characters are turned to blinking squares, where is some messages. And when the blinking of those images is fast enough, targeted persons cannot even realize that the part of the screen is blinking. That causes psychotic disorders.
The artificial intelligence can make computer-based propaganda more effective than people even think. There is a possibility to hide to the characters of the net game messages, like blinking squares, where are the texts, where are messages, what the targeted person must do. The fact is that the net games might be very effective things when some operators would want to deliver the psychological viruses to the internet, and there is one thing, what there might be.
The thing is the blinking point, which oscillates with the same frequency with the alpha-waves of the brains. That means that the person who is looking at the screen may have the epileptic disease. But more dangerous things would be commands, what is blinking in the square, what are chancing with the character. The blinking point could be chosen, by the way, that people should look at that point on the screen very intensively, which increases the effect of that thing.
This might cause a situation, which is like straight from some horror stories. That kind of system is dangerous if some people have a subconscious willingness to make bad things to somebody. And when this kind of net site, where is that kind of program is shared on the internet, or social media can that thing turn very dangerous.
Because human beings are networking themselves with people, who have similar opinions, that can cause a very large effect, if this kind of thing is starting to break down on the internet. And if the person, who cannot handle violation would see some manifests on the screen, and that can cause very bad things in society, because the people are finding similar net fellows, what they self are. This kind of thing can cause things like increasing violence, and that's why people must realize, that this kind of computer program can risk lives.
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