The film above this text shows how deadly modern weapons can be. Maybe it's not true yet, but after a couple of years, this thing might be part of the battlefields around the world. The artificial intelligence with modern weapon systems makes possible to create small-size but fast reacting and deadly weapons. This is one of the most devastating uses of artificial intelligence, and the thing, that makes this kind of weapon possible is the artificial intelligence ability to handle very big entirety. Drones can be equipped with lethal or non-lethal weapons, or they can have both types of strike capacity.
Drones can use Sonar-systems for controlling riots or making some area as “no go zone” and they can have high-explosive or even nuclear warheads for the deadly operations. The systems can be used against every target, what they notice. They can attack against submarines, ships, and tank formations. They are highly automatized, and that means that one man can operate large numbers of them. Even if they would be not a reality yet, that kind of technology can be a reality very soon in the future. And if those systems would be in the wrong hands, they can cause a very big threat to national security.
Those small missile-quad copter combinations can operate as the one great entirety and using that kind of technology one single operator can destroy entire naval unit, and the thing what makes that kind of weapons very dangerous is that they can be driven to the city area by using covered vehicles, and only one person who has right cedes can cause huge destruction for the very big part of the entire military forces. That kind of remote-controlled system can be dropped from the satellites to the operational zone, and then the systems can just hover above the area as the threat, or they can attack immediately if they recognize the target.
The problem is that those weapons can be dropped to the area a long time before hostile actions and then they can be activated remotely. The thing that makes this kind of system multipurpose, is that they can wait also in the underwater area, and when the order is coming, they can make their missions. Nothing prohibits to use the nuclear weapons in those droned, and the neutron bombs can cause as many damages as some “Tsar Bomba”, what yield was bout 50 megatons. The smaller nuclear weapons, what are covering larger areas can cause very big damages. This kind of system can also cover the large battlefield, and transmit the data of enemy movements to the command center.
When we are thinking about this kind of system, they can also be equipped with laser or some other electromagnetic weapons, and they can be used in many other missions. One of the purposes of that kind of system might be protecting strategic targets. Also, one place, where that kind of drones can be installed is the Kremlin of Moscow, where they can be used as the threat and controlling equipment for the leaders of the nation.
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