Monday, March 30, 2020

Coronavirus and martial law

Coronavirus and martial law

Sometimes I have thought about how effective way the viruses and epidemics are making fear in the mind of people. Sometimes I have thought, would the situation in this epidemic be so dramatic, if the risk group would be young people like children? Would we fight against that virus so vigorously? Would there be the evacuation centers if there would be a virus, where one percent of children would die? 

When summer is on the door he entrepreneurs would want to stop things like quarantine because the customers are coming to terraces, and the restaurant entrepreneurs want that their money would move in their cash register. And that's why the special orders and martial laws are wanted to dismantle. 

Below this text is a link to the article, which makes me think about the possibility "what if the Eastern Block governments would tell people that there were epidemics in 1989-1991 when they were fallen"? Would that revolution be undone if that thing is done? 

When people in Romania and DDR went to streets to protest against their governments, a large number of people started to afraid that the secret police would arrest them at homes. That thing caused that the process was continued until the government has been fallen. 

But what if those governments would use the epidemics as the making fear in the mind of people? What if they were used some viruses in the information campaign against those protesters? Would they have gone home in that case? 

This kind of idea came in my mind when I read a couple of stories from the Internet, and noticed that less than one percent of people are dying in the Coronavirus. Sometimes I have thought, what if young people or children would be in the risk group? Would the actions against that virus be so powerful, that they are against COVID 19? 

When we are thinking about the rise of the dictatorship, the thing that dictator need is the thing, what legalize and justifies the special authorization for the authorities? Epidemics are a perfect way to makes people believe that martial art is a necessary action, that the epidemics can be stopped. But there is a thing that we must trust our authorities in this kind of case. 

And as you might see the Finnish government has high morale, but what if in the place of the prime minister of Finland would be some kind of populist? When we are thinking about cases like viruses, we have no chance to ask about that kind of enemy, is it even real? So what if we would use this kind of Coronavirus as the weapon, what offers us the change to order people to stay inside? 

If we want to take order in the nation we must use this kind of situation as an excuse to ask new power for the government, and the excuse for that could be stealing. And then thieves would use the force against law enforcement. So that means that the government must have martial laws for that kind of situation because it must protect people against violence, and then those well-working laws would stay in place.

BBC article about the chance to die in coronavirus:

Death ration in coronavirus case

Article about democracy

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