Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What animal would be best to use as a model for the robot bug?

What animal would be best to use as a model for the robot bug?

Robot bugs are the newest tools in robotics, and those modeled bugs are used in scientific and military purposes. Those systems might use fuel cells or small batteries for creating electricity for their operations. If the robot would use fuel cells it can come to the dish, which is filled with hydrocarbon, what this system would use as the fuel. 

Or if they are using the rechargeable batteries, that means that those robots can land on the layer, what is acting as a wireless loading station for those things. That kind of layer can use solar power, and that can be used in the remote areas for supporting that kind of operation. 

The small size of those robots is not the problem, they can communicate over the internet with full-size computers. If the robot bug would operate in fixed areas like in the house, they could use the WLAN for communication, but if the operations would happen outside or some remote areas, there is a possibility that those robot bugs would operate along with bigger robots, what is carrying the support station for those small-size robots. 

Death's-head hawkmoth is one of the best bugs, what the researchers can model as a robot. Those large-size butterflies are not normally addicted to looking them closer. And the thing that those bugs are normally active in the night, would make them unseen. 

Could the artificial robot bug the next-generation cruise missile, what uses things like antimatter warhead. 

When we are thinking about the use of that kind of system, they can be a benefit in scientific, law enforcement or intelligence and attack missions. Those artificial bugs can slip in the house or stand outside the window, and observe things, what is going on in that room, and the system might use laser- or some other kind of microphones and camera systems. That kind of system could send the data to the commanding centers. 

But the artificial bugs can be deadly weapons. They can deliver poison or radioactive material in the bodies of targeted persons. And in some science fiction books is introduced the model that inside those bugs would be installed the ball, where is antimatter particles hovering in the magnet field, as I have written sometimes earlier. 

In this case, the magnetic pushing effect will keep the antimatter-ions away from the inner layers of that ball. If the magnetic field of that ball would be removed, the antimatter ions would be released to air, and then the system would detonate even large areas. The thing is that one gram of antimatter could destroy the entire planet. And this is the reason, why this kind of technology is so frightening. 

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