Monday, March 30, 2020

Why COVID 19 seem to be more dangerous to elder people than young?

Why COVID 19 seem to be more dangerous to elder people than young?

1) Could the genome of COVID 19 cause more effect, if the DNA of people is spent?

The next text is thought about the mechanisms, that are making COVID 19 dangerous. If some virus is looking like COVID 19, it might not mean that the effect of that virus would be similar to COVID 19. There are thousands of types of coronaviruses, and some of them are extremely dangerous the HIV-virus is looking like coronavirus(1), but for some reason, that virus is classified as Lentiviruses(2), but their structure is similar with coronaviruses, and there is a very big possibility that people are making mistakes with HIV and coronaviruses. 

Sometimes it is asked why COVID 19 is so dangerous for elder people and the physical wealth doesn't seem to affect that thing is the thing, that makes people curious. Why the physical condition doesn't affect to that infection. And maybe the reason for that thing is that the genomes of the elder people are damaged or spent during life, and that means that the effect of COVID 19 is more powerful than in the young people, whose genomes are fresh and in good condition. 

The reason for eldering is that the genomes or DNA molecule of human would be stressed by chemicals or electromagnetic radiation. In this case, the DNA would be shaken, and then the parts of it would drop out of the chain. There are rumors that the genomes have a connection with the symptoms that are caused by COVID 19, and that means that some people would be immune to that virus. But I suggest that we should not test the possibility that we could be immune in real life. 

2) What if the core-antigen of the COVID 19 looks like some other virus, what could be an easier target to the immune system than COVID 19.

The problem is that if the immune system thinks that RNA-based retrovirus is some kind of DNA-virus it can attack against those viruses by using wrong methods. If the RNA-molecule would be released in the macrophages, that thing causes that those cells are infected. The thing, that makes COVID 19 so dangerous is that it can infect the macrophages as many other coronaviruses can. 

If the immune system fights against viruses it must make sure that the genome of the virus would not be released in the immune cell. The macrophages are not the only immune cell, and when the target is the normal virus the destruction of the DNA molecule can be happened by using enzymes. 

2.1) If the immune defense doesn't recognize the core-antigen of a retrovirus, that thing can cause that the immune cells are infecting. And in the case of COVID 19 is possible that the core-antigen of the virus is looking like some other more harmless viruses. 

But in the case of RNA-virus, the internal transportation system of the cell can think that RNA is coming from the nucleus of the cell, and turn it to the cell organ. And after that, this thing would make the cell organ to build new viruses. So this is the reason, why RNA-virus can cheat the immune system of the human race, and connect the RNA in the genome of human beings. 

And if the COVID 19 is one type of retroviruses and the thing, that makes the immune system slow could be that the antigen of the outer layer of the virus could look like some other virus molecule. If that thing happens the immune system can think, that it knows the virus and starts to fight against the infection, but it would not recognize that the thing, that causes the infection is different than what it should be. 

The COVID 19 is the RNA-virus and that means it is a so-called retrovirus, what are normally connecting their genome in the cells and then they would silently start to create descendants. Normally those viruses are very silent, and they are hard to notice. That kind of viruses are always modifying the genomes of the other species, but sometimes the RNA-virus is turning very aggressive, and cause the disease. 

2.1) There is a larger mass of data stored in the immune system or old people, and that thing makes the reaction of defense cells slow.

And if the genome of the virus is connecting to that DNA, the effect would be greater, and the immune system of elder people is reacting slower, because the data, what is stored in the immune system has a bigger size. During the lifetime every organism would leave the mark to the immune system, and those marks make the immunity. If there are lots of marks, that thing makes the immune system reaction time for virus slower, than if there are only a few marks in that information storage. 

If the reaction of the immune system is slow, there could be released more viruses in the body, and that makes the reaction of the immune defense weaker. And I don't know how difficult target the COVID 19 is for immune cells, but there is a possibility that the "horns" of the core and partially cored genome makes the immune cell difficult to destroy the genetic material of the virus. 

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