Could black holes be wormholes?
Can the black hole be the wormhole? That is one of the best questions in the world. The second question, what is the same way interesting is, are every black holes wormhole. This is one of the most important things, what we should think when we are trying to make theories about the wormholes and their effect on space-time.
So the form of the wormhole is the energy tunnel through space and time, but then we must ask is the wormhole, if it exists the common effect between two black holes or is it the thing, what is possible only between supermassive black holes? The idea is that when the black hole would send the gamma-ray radiation through space and the radiation touches another gamma-ray radiation ray, what comes from another black hole, that thing creates the energy bridge between those black holes.
There are six important questions about wormholes
1) Are both sides of wormhole pulling the material inside the wormhole?
2) Could the wormhole forming between every black hole?
3) Would the wormhole begin in the event horizon or inside it?
4) If the wormhole is forming between two black holes, would it cause that those black holes will impact because the wormhole is pulling them together?
5) If the particle is dropping in the wormhole, would it drop back in the black hole and continue the back and forth movement until the black holes are vaporized or impacted together?
6) Could the fusion reaction happen in the wormhole?
But if we would want to use those things for traveling, we must realize, that if the wormhole is forming between two black holes. That means that from both sides of the wormhole would be pulled material in that tunnel, and that means that the radiation in that tunnel is extremely powerful because the particles, what both black holes would pull in it, will impact together. This thing causes a high-energy reaction in that energy tunnel, and the material will turn in the fusion to another.
So could the new black hole forming in the wormhole, and would that thing pull the two original black holes to the giant bubble or the giant new black hole? This is one of the most interesting ideas of the black holes, what has been ever created.
And when we are thinking about the effect of the black hole, it is interacting with its environment. When we are thinking about the wormholes and their relationship with black holes, the interesting thing is the precise point, where the hypothetical wormhole will begin? Does it begin at the event horizon or inside it?
If the wormhole or the tunnel to another black hole will begin inside the event horizon, the use of that thing requires the craft, what will travel in the speed of light, because of tidal forces near the singularity and event horizons are so powerful that if the speed is slower than the speed of light, the craft would scratch in bites. And the second thing, what is also important is does the direction where the object will approach the black hole matter?
So could the object benefit the wormhole, regardless of the direction, where it can drop in the black hole? The next question is what happens if the particle would travel through the wormhole? Would it just drop back to another black hole, and start to travel in the wormhole black and forth endlessly between two black holes.
And the last thing, what we should ask, what kind of a couple of black holes makes stable wormhole possible? What happens if the black holes are the couple, where the other participant would be a supermassive black hole, and the second one would be Cygnus X-1-type, stellar size black hole? Would the larger participant just pull the smaller one through the wormhole? And would that wormhole, what is forming between the same-size black holes cause that sooner or later those black holes would collide together?
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