Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Could we someday use "wormholes" in the interstellar travel?

Could we someday use "wormholes" in the interstellar travel?

1) What if we could use "wormhole" as the "camera obscure"

The most realistic way to benefit the "wormhole" (1) is to use it as a "camera obscure". This electromagnetic tunnel would carry the photons through it, and then that thing can be used as the "optic fiber", what will bring the light from another side of this electromagnetic phenomenon. Another version is to create an extremely small wormhole and send the nanotechnical probe through it. 

If we are thinking about Einstein-Rosen bridge as the route to other stars, we must realize one thing. The "wormhole" is an energy bridge between two black holes if that thing exists, and that thing means that the radiation in the wormhole could be extremely powerful, and this is the thing, what might make use of this phenomenon as the gate to other stars impossible for manned spacecraft. 

Light and other radiation would travel in the wormhole to both directions, which means that when the hypothetical spacecraft would drop in the black hole and starts the journey in the wormhole, that means that it would face incoming particles. When the spacecraft would impact with those particles those impacts release high energy levels, and that means that the craft could vaporize immediately when it will drop in the wormhole. 

2) There are two types of theoretical wormholes

2.1) The real wormholes

The real wormholes, what are forming between two black holes, and what is suspected to be in the line with the radiation, what comes from or near the singularity. The problem with that thing is that if the particle drops in the wormhole, the tidal forces could destroy it immediately. 

2.1) The virtual wormholes

The virtual wormholes, what can be the electromagnetic rays like gamma- or some other radiation, what is forming the line between objects. One of the solutions, what could be used as the virtual wormhole would be the laser-ray and the thing bases the idea that the craft would travel inside that ray. Then that ray would load the craft with so powerful energy, that the time inside it would turn slower. 

2.2) What is the difference between virtual and real wormholes? 

The difference between virtual- and real wormhole is that in the virtual wormhole the time inside the craft would turn to go slower. But the travel between objects would take as much time, what it takes without wormhole if the observer would be outside the craft. So the speed of the craft would not increase, and the time would stop inside this hypothetical device. 

And the real wormhole is the gate, where the craft would travel in the tunnel, which makes the time what to take to travel between objects be faster. In this hypothesis travel to another star could happen in seconds and the difference between the virtual and real wormholes is that in the first one the time would slow only in the particle. 

2.3)What if we would create an electromagnetic wormhole?

The problem with an electromagnetic wormhole is that thing needs singularity. So the energy of the object should increase to the level that the object turns to a black hole. And the risk is that this artificial black hole would start to pull the entire solar system in it. If we would create a stable singularity, that thing would be very hard to control.

Another thing, that would increase the risk is that the wormhole would not be possible or it doesn't form in that case. So the worst scenario is that the singularity starts to expand, and that's why this kind of test and systems are hiding risk, that they are causing the end of the world. 

2.4) What if we would create the laser-ray and use it as the virtual wormhole

In this scenario, the spacecraft would travel inside the laser-ray. And the counter-radiation of the lasers would keep the radiation away from the outer layer of the spacecraft. That means that the laser system would be larger than the spacecraft, and this thing causes that the craft would travel inside the laser ray, which is used as "virtual wormhole". 

The problem is that the laser-ray would vaporize the spacecraft. Another version is to use maser-radiation, which would turn the spacecraft to the particle, where the time is moving extremely low. That kind of system can be made by creating virtual wormholes. 

Image II

3) The problem with a so-called real wormhole is the tidal forces?

There is the possibility that tidal forces near that spot would crush the craft in bites, and that means the speed of the craft should be near the speed of light when it would be driven to the wormhole. But we are forgetting that the spacecraft can be protected by using an electromagnetic shield, which would push or pull the particles away from the craft. That system might use two powerful magnets, which are pulling ions to them. 

That spacecraft might look a little bit F-89 Scorpion jet fighter(2) (Image II), and the reason why the system needs two magnets is that the gravity would pull the spacecraft inside the wormhole. The thing is that if some theoretical design would seem like something, that doesn't mean that this "something" cannot turn straight to some futuristic concept. And in that electromagnetic tunnel travels plus and minus ions. 

This means that the magnets must pull both away from the route of that craft. When the protons and electrons are hitting those tanks, they can be turned to antimatter. But the thing is that if we want to benefit wormhole in real life, we must create our black hole by using the electromagnetic radiation or find the natural black hole. 

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