Monday, April 27, 2020

Dream manipulation

Dream manipulation 

Dreams are a powerful tool if the person would see the same dream simultaneously, and the dream is handling some constructive thing. And some researchers have created an idea to use artificial dreams to force people to make the solutions for some things like engineering. We know that if the people would see the same dream night after night it would cause the obsession, and force that individual for making things, what they would not otherwise make.

This is one of the things, why the dream hacking and manipulation is dangerous. So the thing, that the people would just get sleep, and the problem will put straight to their brains by using electromagnetic radiation like radio waves, that thing allows to make researchers or engineers, what acts like a "human computer".That means that the problem would be turned to the subconscious, and then the brains would work with this kind of problem.

But the thing is that the person who controls dreams is one of the most powerful persons on Earth. There are two possibilities what this person can do is the individual, what loses the ability to concentrate, because the obsessions are over everything in the mind of that person. And another thing is that this person can be turned to an effective researcher, what mankind has ever created.

Dreams are interacting with our minds. The dream would be a suitable time to connect the mind of the person to the computer game-type of a matrix, where the researchers could meet and create the tools along with other specialists, and there is a tale that the "Dreamland" is this kind of  "Second life"-style extremely sophisticated matrix, but is it connected to the brains? Or is it operated by using the normal computer screen?

If the creators of those systems would make the "multiplayer computer game", where the researchers, developers, and tactic makers would cooperate freely with other specialists by using remote working stations, and those things like drawings for the new type of systems can be made from another side of Earth. In that case, the ultimate data security can be guaranteed, and those people cannot be tracked to any government research facility.

But the connection to the virtual world can be made by portable EEG-scanner, what would be put on the head. And that system can be connected to the virtual reality by using the Internet connection, and the problem is always that the person can tell that thing to others. This thing makes dreams the ultimate tool for this kind of thing.

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