Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Now it's good time to think about the future

Now it's good time to think about the future

Somebody said that year 2020 is the worst in human history, because of the coronavirus. But I think that when we are sitting in quarantine and afraid every single cough, we can make some productive things, and think deeply, where the world is going on. The thing is that the best and the most effective way to limit the pandemics is prohibiting the flying because that thing is so fast, that the symptoms of the person would not start in the aircraft. So if we would travel by using slower methods, the quarantine can be start and the ship can be isolated. But the thing is that this might look too absurd. 

The problem is that the natural resources are ending, and that's why we should think, where to find the new energy sources, and the second problem is how to fix the nature and technology together, that this mixture will serve both human and Earth. The thing is that things like traditional energy sources are ending sooner or later, and if we would want to use things like uranium, we must just take that thing to another planet. 

And even today the digging the uranium, what is the heaviest element in nature is not cheap and easy to dig. Without energy, we cannot make anything with our technology. The thing is that maybe someday in the future, we can create giant generators by using nanotechnology. 

In this kind of visions the atomic size compass needles, and then start to rotate them in the ocean. The idea is that the compass needle, what is forming of three or four atoms would be installed in the frame, which is like a benzene molecule. That ring-looking carbon chain structure would connected iron atoms, which makes it act like stator and the magnetized molecule will rotate in that frame. Those generators would put in the nanotubes, which makes them rotate by the capillary vortex. The trillions of those machines could create energy for the entire human civilization, but this thing would be made in the distant future. 

Even if we are on the top of evolution, we cannot still change our home planet. And if we cannot make a craft, what would have the ability to travel between stars, our end would be the nova explosion of the Sun, or by the way, there have been created the hypothetical technological models, what the entire civilizations would use after the energy production of the star has been ended. 

One of the most interesting ideas is to make the rings, what are circling the white dwarf and the movement of those rings would make them the most awesome generators, what mankind has ever imagined. Those giant wheels would be the result of civilization, what wants to stay at home. 

The second way how the entire civilization can move to other solar systems is the giant wheel, where are lots of cylinders. When the star is starting to explode, the rotating speed of the wheel would have risen in the extremely high level, and when the eruption starts, the cylinders would be released, and they can fly around the universe. 

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