Saturday, May 2, 2020

Could the artificial black hole be real someday?

Could the artificial black hole be real someday?

There are lots of writings about the thing, what is called a black hole bomb, and then we might think that this kind of thing seems very exotic, and the idea of this kind of thing is just making the artificial singularity, what simply pulls everything around it inside this thing. So what kind of machine this thing could be? The thing is that the black hole bomb can be made on purpose or by accident. 

The system might be a very simple thing in theory. It might look like a little bit the NIF (National Ignition Facility)(1), which means that there is a ball-shaped structure around the metal ball, and the idea is that this kind of system could just push energy to that ball, what would turn to artificial singularity. The system works like in the fusion tests, but the purpose of the energy pump just increases the mass of the object. In the ball-shaped structure would be the target, which is stressed fully geometrical electromagnetic impulses.

Even if the singularity is small and short-living this kind of system could be extremely devastating because it would pull the atoms from around it in the singularity, and that can cause the fusion, where the atoms in the atmosphere start the fusion. And that thing can cause very big destruction. The energy to the steel ball would inject by using the radio waves or some other type of electromagnetic radiation. 

The most powerful thing would be the annihilation reaction of what would be done around that object. And the injection of this very powerful radiation and energy would turn the particle to a black hole. If the singularity is stable, what means in this time that the time of the existence of this thing is about 20 seconds, that effect can pull the entire planet inside and this is why the tests with singularity are extremely difficult and dangerous. 

If the stable singularity is forming that thing is more dangerous than antimatter, which is also a very powerful phenomenon. But the thing that makes the singularity more dangerous is that it can stay a long time. And if we are thinking about the possibility to create atom-size singularities, there is a problem that the singularities can accumulate together, and if that thing happens that thing can make the stable singularity in some particle accelerator. 

The thing, that makes the singularities extremely dangerous is that those things are pure energy or rather saying fields of gravity energy. There is not the material of kinetic forms of singularity, and that makes them hard to control if that thing is some times possible. We cannot touch gravity and if we would inject energy into that thing, it would cause expanding the singularity. 

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