Friday, May 1, 2020

The modern alchemy part II

The modern alchemy part II

What if we can someday create synthetic atoms by increasing the electron cores for the protons? That thing seems some kind of magic story, but increasing the mass of the single proton, that thing could be possible. In modern material research, the researchers can affect the nucleus of the atom. And increasing the mass or electronegativity of the nucleus that thing allows increasing the electron cores of the atom. That thing opens interesting ideas for material research and allows us to produce very unusual materials by using "synthetic atoms". The thing bases the idea is that when we are seeing the material, we are seeing the electron layers. 

The thing is that this kind of thing would give the possibility to create the thing that is called the empty electron layer. This kind of effect can be made by increasing the weight of protons by pumping the energy to it. The increasing mass or voltage of that particle would allow creating hydrogen, which has more electron layers, than normal hydrogen. That allows creating synthetic helium or even the heavier elements. 

As we know the form of material is the electron cores. The electron core is the thing, that we can see if and when we are looking at the material like stone, which is mainly silicone. So what if we can create a so-called empty electron core, where is no nucleus inside it? This kind of thing allows researchers to make the material, what is vaporizing, when the proton or singularity inside the electron balls would be lost it's extra-energy level, and when the energy level is dropping that causes that the electrons would start to lose from the cores. 

The idea is that in nature the number of electrons that are orbiting the nucleus of the atom is the same with protons. And that thing causes the idea that the mass of the electron and proton are the same. In this case, the "mass" means electromagnetic interaction. So if the mass of the protons is increasing because of the electromagnetic stress, that thing causes that the proton can pull more electrons orbiting it. 

And if the energy of the proton is conducting away, that thing causes that the electrons would fly away. The material, what is made in this way acts like normal material until the electron core would vanish. The thing is that in theory this kind of material can be used to make things, which are otherwise hard to lose. When the electricity would remove the material will vanish. This kind of thing can be called "modern alchemy". 

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