Friday, December 11, 2020

The wormhole theory and the explanation for the form of wormholes



The wormhole theory and the explanation for the form of wormholes

Can we someday travel through wormholes? Maybe not, but there is a possibility we can send an unmanned miniature probe through it or use it as the camera obscura. In that case, the wormhole would be acting like optic fiber, which brings light through it, and that light can use to make it possible to make observations from the distant areas in the universe.

The natural explanation for things like dark matter is that the lost matter or dark energy would be the energy stored in the wormholes, and the thing that is ripping the universe into pieces would be the oscillation of the wormholes. So does that feel like some kind of strange vision? The existence of wormholes doesn't mean that it can use in travel. There is the possibility that only energy can travel through that energy tunnel. There are lots of articles about wormholes and you might look at them by Googling the words wormhole theory. In this case, I must remember that wormhole is a theory.

Traveling through the wormhole is one of the most interesting visions in the world. But how that thing happens? There is a possibility that the living organism cannot travel through that thing or only energy can travel through the Einstein-Rose bridge or energy tunnel. In that case, we could try to use the wormhole for making observations from the distant areas of the universe.

The question is how the particle could travel through the wormhole that the time would not run in it. So two possibilities make that travel possible, but the size of the object what can make it would be open.

The virtual wormhole

The first possibility is that the wormhole is a radiation ray. In that case, the energy that comes out from the black hole would cause increasing the energy level in the particle, that the mass of it would rise. And along with the mass and speed, the time would stop in the particle. So if we think that way, things like X-ray bursts are virtual wormholes. The traveling would happen with the speed of light, and the time dilation causes that the time would stop in the particle.

In this case, the object or particle travels maximum with the speed of the light and the journey to Alpha Centauri would take 4 years if the observer would stand outside the object. But the time would stop in the object. But what if we would raise the speed of the object to the speed of the light. And then start to increase its mass? Would that cause the situation that the time moves backward?

So if we want that time would travel backward in that particle we must increase the mass of the object by pumping it with energy that the escaping velocity is about 80% of the speed of the light. And then increase the speed of the object to the level of 60-70% of the speed of the light. That combination should guarantee the virtual crossing the cosmic speed limit. But the need for energy is huge.

Real wormholes (Could the form of wormholes be the connected event horizons of the black holes?)

The idea of the wormhole bases the thing, that a supermassive object like a black hole would drop out from the dimension. The idea of the wormhole is that when a particle drops in a black hole where the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light the energy level of that object would increase so high, that they are also dropping out from the dimension or black hole. So the wormholes would be the connected singularities of the black holes that are oscillating with the same frequency.

The real wormhole would be the bridge of radiation, what travels through the universe. The thing is that this energy bridge would press the object, and then the radiation in it would make the time stopped. But the flow of the particles or electromagnetic radiation causes that the object would travel between distances in seconds.

The electromagnetic bridges would need a black hole for forming. The fact is that the gravity inside those bridges would be extremely high, and the fact is that the radiation would be devastating. If two black holes are pulling the material inside it, and the particles would impact the wormhole, that thing causes the most powerful fusion in the universe. And in that case, traveling through a wormhole would be impossible.


The wormholes and cosmic web


Image I: The model of a wormhole

The wormholes and cosmic web

At this point, we must realize that there is little difference if the material can travel through the wormhole in the form of electrons or photons than the human can travel through those hypothetical energy channels. Even if we could send the miniature unmanned probe, what size is about a couple of centimetres, that thing is far away from technology, that some astronaut can travel through that energy channel.

The attempt to explain every phenomenon in the universe by using mathematical calculations is doomed to fail. There are many things in the world, that we cannot even see, and one of them is the fourth dimension. We cannot realize or describe it, because we cannot imagine things that we cannot see. We cannot see things in the black hole, because there are no photons, what can escape from that place. The event horizon is the end for observation of material, but we can imagine that there are many layers behind that point, and the gravity would get strengthen behind that point.

Even if escaping velocity reaches the speed of light that doesn't mean that the existence of material doesn't end. The material exists behind the event horizon, and then it would continue to drop in the mass center as it does on Earth or some other "normal planet". So the nucleus of the black hole would continue to pull the material to it even if it crosses the line, where escaping velocity is the speed of light.

Image II: The cosmic web

Is cosmic web or cosmic neural structure caused by wormholes?

Could the Cosmic neural structure prove that wormholes exist? When we are looking at the famous cosmic megastructure, what is called "Cosmic neural structure" where the gas has been packed in the form that looks like some kind of gauze, we might ask, why the gas and dust makes that structure? Does that structure form across the energy channels, what could be the Einstein-Rose bridges? Or is there something else like the X-ray radiation, which causes that some bites of dust are heavier than others?

And then the material should act as it acts in the normal universe. That means that crossing the speed of the light would be possible at least inside the black hole. But can we do that thing outside the black hole and singularity? Maybe there is a wormhole or Einstein-Rose energy bridge or energy channel that takes the material away from the black hole. Who knows the truth. And finding out the truth requires fly in the black hole, and in that case, there is a possibility that our spaceman doesn't return.

The reason could be that the black hole would not create a wormhole because they do not exist or it doesn't oscillate with the same frequency with another black hole, which means there is no energy channel between them. Or the astronaut comes out from the white hole from another universe, and then the return requires the black hole, which would take the astronaut back to our universe. And we have no single observation about white holes.

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Thursday, December 10, 2020

Wave movement and dimensional theories


Wave movement and dimensional theories

The technical remote view would make it possible to use computers without any tools (What if telepathy is possible? Part II)



Image I (Pinterest)

The technical remote view would make it possible to use computers without any tools (What if telepathy is possible? Part II)

The explanation for Kirlian images is that the image in the field of electromagnetic field (or radio signals) that are delivered by the human nervous system. The electricity in the neural tracks is causing the electromagnetic field, what can capture by using a radio antenna, what is the EEG-machine, what will read the electromagnetic functions of the neural electricity from long distances. The idea of the technical remote-view or TRW is just to read the EEG from long distances and then drive that EEG to the decoder, which can show thoughts on the screen.

Or if the TRW machines would interact with the neural system, that thing can connect computers straight with the human nervous system. That would make robots like "another body" for humans, but that technology has more powerful use than we ever imagine.

The technical remote-view or TRW is the attempt to read the neuroelectric signals and project them to screens or use them to control the computers. If there is the possibility to create a machine that reads the electromagnetic fields of the human nervous system and also transmits data to the neural structure that thing would make it possible to make the computer that can interact with the user without the keyboards or other connections. The person must just open the computer, which would just make the connection with the human nervous system, and then the interaction between computer and human would have no limits.

The fact is that this thing would make the most powerful tool in data science possible. The system can just be used by thinking about some actions, and the computer would make everything, what the user of the system wants. Capturing the electromagnetic impulses from brains can be done by using a radio antenna, and the computer might decode the EEG-signals that it would capture near the user.

But the most interesting vision is to make human brains the quantum computer. In this case, the data would put to travel through the brains by using electrodes. The computer would just send the signal to another temporal lobe, and then the signal would travel through the brains to the decoder. This thing would make it possible to make a very powerful quantum computer quite "easily". The person would just put to sleep in bed between the electrodes, and then the electric signal would send through the nervous system.

In some other scenarios, the electric signal would send through the nervous system from head to feet or feet from the head, and then the decoder would decode the solution. In the case where the signal travels through the nervous system lengthwise, it would go through so many neurons as possible. So that thing would make the system more powerful, but that kind of thing is futuristic scenarios.

Kirlian photography:


Image II

What if the entire swarm of wasps would connect by using miniaturized modems

And finally, the man-made aliens can be something, what we ever imagine. Nanotechnology allows making the microchips that are stimulating the neurons of things like wasps or honey bees. What if we would connect the wasps or other bugs by using the microchips. The microchips would use as the miniaturized radio transmitters, which is interacting with the neurons of the bugs. The microchips would glue on the forehead of the bugs, and the neural electric stimulation makes those bugs the robots, which can control by using the remote controller.

Those systems could make the bugs one big collective unit, that travels around the area. The problem is that those "intelligent bug swarms", that are created may for defending the area against some things as killer hornets can misuse as weapons. Those weapons or "biorobots" are powerful tools but also in the wrong hands those microchipped bugs can use as weapons.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Cognito Ergo Sum II



Image I

Cognito Ergo Sum II

Cognito Ergo Sum "I think I am," said René Descartes, and the question is does the thinking mean that person or creature exists. So when we are thinking that only aware creatures can think we must realize that there is a question what makes this Descartes quote one of the most interesting topics in history. That question is that would the creature need the ability to think that it exists?

If we are thinking about things like stones they exist. We can test that thing by kicking the stone without a shoe, and that thing proves that thing exists. So does the ability to react to some kind of things like yelling by saying, "are you all right" mean that the creature understands the meaning of the words? The artificially intelligent robot can emulate feelings by looking at certain marks from the face of a human.

When the volume of the speech rises very high that robot can say "please low down your noise". Or if a person seems to be red or breathing badly that robot can go and offer help and use things like Heimlich Maneuver, but the thing is that certain parameters activate the action what the robot makes. Those actions are stored in the database, certain modules that include certain actions. But that doesn't mean that the robot understands what it does.

The fact is that if we are thinking of things like bugs, we must ask are those things real or are they alive. The answer is biologically bugs are alive creatures because they can make descendants and they can defend themselves. If some wasp would sting you, that thing means that the wasp exists, and that experience would be painful. But then we might think robot what would make copies of itself, and defend its operation area. The robot that makes copies of itself could call the "Von Neumann machines".

The fact is that if some car factory, what can make sub-robots that can find the raw materials independently and make copies of itself would also defend its area what makes it less living than some bug? The Von Neumann-machine can make powerful things like copies of itself, but it might not realize what it does. So does wasp understand what it does, when it puts its sting in the human skin? That thing is interesting. The very complicated Von Neumann-machines would be the things, what would revolutionize many things.

Quantum computers are causing the revolution in artificial intelligence. Quantum computers can run more complicated algorithms than we ever imagine. So even the computing capacity would put limits to the operations of artificial intelligence, we must realize that the quantum computers would make things, what computers ever make.

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Image II

Can we turn our brains into the quantum computer?

Can we turn our brains into the quantum computer? Here I mean that could we put a person in a controlled dream, where the neural network of brains is operating as a quantum computer.

And that thing causes the discussions, what are the limits of artificial intelligence? Can we someday turn our brains into the quantum computer? In that case, the person would put in the condition, where the consciousness is connected off. Then the person would turn to the quantum computer, what operates by following the electric impulses, what are giving the impulses through the neural tracks.

In that case, the person would put in the "controlled dream", and then the brain would acting like the quantum computer. In some of the wildest ideas or jokes, the abductions are things, that are made, when the humanoids need more calculation capacity in their crafts. The fact is that the neural tracks neural systems that are connected to a computer can act as the quantum computer.

Image II:

Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...