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Cognito Ergo Sum II



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Cognito Ergo Sum II

Cognito Ergo Sum "I think I am," said René Descartes, and the question is does the thinking mean that person or creature exists. So when we are thinking that only aware creatures can think we must realize that there is a question what makes this Descartes quote one of the most interesting topics in history. That question is that would the creature need the ability to think that it exists?

If we are thinking about things like stones they exist. We can test that thing by kicking the stone without a shoe, and that thing proves that thing exists. So does the ability to react to some kind of things like yelling by saying, "are you all right" mean that the creature understands the meaning of the words? The artificially intelligent robot can emulate feelings by looking at certain marks from the face of a human.

When the volume of the speech rises very high that robot can say "please low down your noise". Or if a person seems to be red or breathing badly that robot can go and offer help and use things like Heimlich Maneuver, but the thing is that certain parameters activate the action what the robot makes. Those actions are stored in the database, certain modules that include certain actions. But that doesn't mean that the robot understands what it does.

The fact is that if we are thinking of things like bugs, we must ask are those things real or are they alive. The answer is biologically bugs are alive creatures because they can make descendants and they can defend themselves. If some wasp would sting you, that thing means that the wasp exists, and that experience would be painful. But then we might think robot what would make copies of itself, and defend its operation area. The robot that makes copies of itself could call the "Von Neumann machines".

The fact is that if some car factory, what can make sub-robots that can find the raw materials independently and make copies of itself would also defend its area what makes it less living than some bug? The Von Neumann-machine can make powerful things like copies of itself, but it might not realize what it does. So does wasp understand what it does, when it puts its sting in the human skin? That thing is interesting. The very complicated Von Neumann-machines would be the things, what would revolutionize many things.

Quantum computers are causing the revolution in artificial intelligence. Quantum computers can run more complicated algorithms than we ever imagine. So even the computing capacity would put limits to the operations of artificial intelligence, we must realize that the quantum computers would make things, what computers ever make.

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Can we turn our brains into the quantum computer?

Can we turn our brains into the quantum computer? Here I mean that could we put a person in a controlled dream, where the neural network of brains is operating as a quantum computer.

And that thing causes the discussions, what are the limits of artificial intelligence? Can we someday turn our brains into the quantum computer? In that case, the person would put in the condition, where the consciousness is connected off. Then the person would turn to the quantum computer, what operates by following the electric impulses, what are giving the impulses through the neural tracks.

In that case, the person would put in the "controlled dream", and then the brain would acting like the quantum computer. In some of the wildest ideas or jokes, the abductions are things, that are made, when the humanoids need more calculation capacity in their crafts. The fact is that the neural tracks neural systems that are connected to a computer can act as the quantum computer.

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