Monday, March 22, 2021

The Higgs boson and the rise of the mass of the particles.



The ultimate stealth

Do you know what happens if the atoms at the body of the aircraft start to spin at the speed of light? That thing will make the object invisible for radar, infrared, and even the human eye. This thing would make the big step for stealth systems. In some visions, the rotating atoms outside the body of the aircraft could drive plasma to a certain side.

The pike at the nose of the aircraft can make plasma, which would drive through the outer layer of the craft. The rotating atoms would act like the rolls, whose mission is to make the plasma flowing over the body of the aircraft. That thing would give the craft extremely high maneuverable capacity. And those nano- or quantum systems can install in the saucer-shaped craft.

Higgs boson and speed of light

When we are thinking about the form of the Higgs boson, we can say that this boson is one of the states of the electron, if we are simplifying things. The Higgs boson is a particle that comes out from the collimation of the electron and positron. The high-energy state would release the Higgs-boson in the collimation in the LHC-accelerator of CERN. And the fact is that there might be at least one or two unknown particles in the Higgs boson, which is an extremely small particle that requires an extremely high energy load for separating itself from other particles.

Sometimes is introduced an extremely interesting question, could the Higgs boson form by simply increase the speed of the rotation of the electrons? If that thing would be possible that would make a great advantage for the physical research and increasing the horizontal rotation speed of the Higgs boson that thing would make it even more high-energetic, and maybe that thing will make it possible to shoot those unknown particles out from Higgs boson.

But have you ever heard a term called "ghost particle"? The ghost particle means when the speed of a particle is rising, it would reflect less energy away than the particle, which is in rest mode. When the speed of the particle will reach the speed of light, that thing will make the situation, where the particle cannot reflect or shine any kind of energy forward. And if that particle will send energy backward, the speed of energy is the same as the speed of light.

The reason why the particle would not reach the speed of the light is that when the particle would close that magic speed, the energy level or "gravity" or escaping velocity from the particle would be the same as the speed of light. And the escaping velocity or is the speed of the (particle+mass of the particle) must not cross the value 300 000 000 m/s. So here I'm not writing, about the Tau Factor, which is a little bit different thing.

So if the theoretical speed of light is 300 000 000 m / s and the real speed of light is 299 792 458 m / s, the reason for that difference could be that the photon has the mass. And when we are thinking about the name speed of light, we should call that thing rather the speed of photons.

When the particle would reach the speed of light, it cannot be seen. So there is one of the most incredible ideas about stealth technology, which bases the idea of the "ghost particle". If the spin or rotation of the atoms or electrons in the entirety like aircraft will start to rotate at the speed of light, that thing will make the object ghost. The idea would make ultima-stealth possible.


The quantum bubble and speed of light


The quantum bubble and speed of light

Creating the quantum bubble behind the nozzle of the fusion engine can increase the speed of the exhaust gas of that thing. So could the opposite warp system, where the exhaust gas will travel in the warp-bubble make the dream of traveling faster or almost the speed of light possible.

When in normal models warp-bubbles are surrounding the entire spacecraft, the opposite version means that only the exhaust gases are shot in that bubble. If that model is working, the needed energy level is lower.  

Images: Pinterest

Monoatomic structures can make the homogeneous quantum field.

When we are thinking about the quantum bubble, or the absolute pure iron or some other metal, that kind of object can use to create the homogeneous energy field. If the object is made by using the same atoms like iron or aluminum, it can create a homogenous magnetic field, which is similar to single iron or aluminum atom.

The homogenous structure, where is only one type of atom is allowing create the quantum field around it. If the antenna is made by using only one kind of atom, it would be acting like one single atom in certain circumstances.

But there is one thing, what makes those quantum bubbles dangerous is the thing, that there is no outcome energy. So there is the possibility that time would travel extremely fast inside the quantum fields. So the craft must equip with the plate, which would make time dilating inside the quantum field.

The speed of light is the problem in crossing the speed of light. There is no known particle, that can cross the cosmic speed limit. So by warping the space around the spacecraft is one version of the system, that can cross the speed of light.

In some versions, the system uses the opposite warping. In that case, the system makes the warp-bubble in the exhaust tube of the rocket engine, and in that case, the warp-bubble would affect only the exhaust gas of the rocket engine. If we are thinking possibility to create a bubble of emptiness, what is another name for the quantum field to the end of the nozzle of the rocket engine, that system can accelerate the fusion rocket to the speed, which is near the speed of light.

What if the exhaust gas of the spacecraft would ride in warp-bubble, what is closing only the exhaust gasses inside them?

If we are thinking of the most conventional version of the fusion rocket, what is known as "Project Daedalus", we might think that the craft is quite slow. The Daedalus might be quite easy to create. The system can be the machine gun, that shoots lithium bullets in the middle of the point, where the lasers or electron guns are pointed.

If we are thinking of the most conventional version of the fusion rocket, what is known as "Project Daedalus", we might think that the craft is quite slow. The Daedalus might be quite easy to create. The system can be the machine gun, that shoots lithium bullets in the middle of the point, where the lasers or electron cannons are pointed.

Those laser rays would cause the lithium fusion, and that would make the ”Daedalus” very capable system. But how to make it faster? One version is to create the quantum bubble behind the nozzle, and that thing can increase the speed of the particles to extremely high speed.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Lorentz's strange attractor. The butterfly-effect can turn the zero-point energy possible.



Lorentz's strange attractor can make pure energy or one version of "zero-point energy possible". If the electricity would travel in the superconducting circuit it can travel there forever, and if the circuit would take energy from outside in the form of radio waves, it can make it possible that the system can get more energy than it delivers.

Lorenz's strange attractor is one of the most interesting things in chaos theory. The strange attractor is the model of the system, where energy will surround endlessly, and if there will come energy from outside, the energy in the strange attractor will grow. So the idea of the system is that the strange attractor would be acting as the generator, which creates energy from the radio fields, and it can transmit it to the normal electric circuit.

Lorentz's strange attractor is the model is the self-sustaining system, where energy travels in a circuit, and the circuit means that when energy is traveling around the form it just transfers to the other circuit. So the energy would travel in the system forever if some turbulence would not break the form. That thing requires that energy is traveling only one direction, and if the system can conduct it nowhere, that means it would travel forever. And the outcoming energy will increase the power of the energy, which travels in the system.

The key element in the chaos theory is that if the butterfly flaps its wings on another side of Earth, that thing causes the hurricane at another side on Earth. The reason for that is that the friction would eat less energy from the system than it gets. If we would be on the liquid planet, where friction is extremely low, and we would blow, we can make the storm, what would ever end.

The requirement for that stable trade winds is that the energy, what that wind will get is higher than the energy that goes to friction. One version of this kind of effect is the whirl, like the "Great Red Spot of Jupiter" where the anticyclone gets more energy than the friction takes. And the reason for the power of that whirl is the gravity of the moons of Jupiter, the internal heat of the planet, and the energy of sunlight, which makes that whirl continue forever.  Or some big object can hit to that point, and destroy the form.

Term attractor means a set of phase spaces into which a dynamic system ends up when time passes and in the vicinity of which it also remains, even if the system is slightly disturbed. And the thing is that also atoms, and subatomic particles are also one version of the systems. The system can be stable or it can be moving.

So if we are thinking the quantum entanglement, and superposition, can this kind of turn to stable in one situation. The system must get the energy from somewhere else, and the case is that if the quantum entanglement and superposition are through the level of dimension.

In that case, the quantum entanglement and superposition can stay "forever", or at least until the existence of the material of the dimensions is ending. The quantum entanglement has caused a theoretical possibility that the energy can be brought from higher dimensions to our dimension by using the superpositioned particles.

The Lorentz's strange attractor or Lorentz's butterfly is also the form of the particle, or twin particle system, which can be in two spaces (or quantum spaces) at the same time. Lorentz's strange attractor is the thing that could symbolize quantum entanglement, the condition where two particles have opposite spin, and that thing is one of the most interesting visions of the quantum systems. '
But if the system can be in two spaces or quantum spaces at the same time, could those particles be in two dimensions at the same time? So if the particles are in a superposition, and they are also quantum entanglement, could that mean that the other part of this superposition particle pairs can be in the upper dimension and one is at the lower dimension?

In this case, the strange attractor would connect the dimensions. But the Lorentz's strange attractor is one of the most interesting models of artificial intelligence. There two supercomputers (or quantum computers) that can make data flow through the same hub, and that would make the system create the own models. The idea is that when data is traveling through the hub, the hub would send the action to the actor. Then the system would analyze the action and make the additions or deletions required to streamline operations.


The speed of light and extra-dimensions


When the speed of an object closing the speed of light, it faces similar resistance with aircraft, which is closing the speed of sound. So sometimes the speed of light is mentioned as the "light barrier". The visible effect, when the object is closing the speed of light is could the "light barrier" be the wall between dimensions? This thing is quite simple to model. The energy level of the particle must move between certain borders, that the object can stay in the dimension.

If the energy level rises too high, the object will jump to a higher dimension. If the energy level is too low, the object would fall to a lower dimension. So that means that if the energy level of the particle would rise too high, which means that the escaping velocity from the particle is higher than the speed of light, that thing will make the object jump to another dimension.

The speed of light is called "Tau", and tau-zero means the speed of light. But tau is a little bit more than just the speed. That term means the united combination of the speed and mass of the particle. And the thing is that the photon, a particle that has no mass can reach the speed of light or "tau-zero". The thing is interesting: the higher the resting mass of the object, the greater the amount of energy it needs to accelerate to the speed of light.

The thing that makes the escaping velocity is the speed of the object and the weight of the object. So when the heavy object would reach the speed of light, the energy of the object would turn too high, and the object just jumps out from the dimension.

The dimensions are like floors in the building. The traveler cannot pass the dimension. The object must go through the dimension. And that means that the interaction between the dimensions would be possible only with dimensions that are closest in a row. Otherwise, the energy level, that is required is too high, and the upper dimension interaction with the lower dimension is easier because in that case, the object will release energy. And the energy level of the particle, which is at a higher dimension is always higher than the energy level, which is a lower dimension.

Can the extra-dimension surround the particle, what is remaining in our dimension? Or must the particle jump to another dimension, and leave the third dimension. If the particle is in the fourth or fifth dimension it cannot interact straight. The interaction with the third dimension happens by tunneling effect between the light wall. The fifth dimension cannot interact with our dimension straight. The interaction must happen through the fourth dimension.

So can the dimension be small? The small dimensions that are involving in our third dimension might be small, but they can also be the gates to other dimensions. When the dimension is "alone", it's like space. the higher the sequence number of the dimension, the fewer particles reach it. And that means the mass of material in the higher dimensions is smaller than in the lower dimensions. Or the number of particles in higher dimensions is smaller than in lower dimensions. But the same way those particles are higher energetic. If the energy level will drop too low, the particle would drop to a lower dimension.

At this point, the position of the particles is determined by the energy level of that particle. When the energy level of the particle is rising, it would reach the extra dimension, which makes that particle invisible to us.


Friday, March 19, 2021

Theories of Relativity and the time dilation


Image I

Theories of Relativity and the time dilation

When we are trying to observe the Theories of Relativity, we might say that the names of those brilliant theories should probably be the opposite. Theory of General Relativity should be Theory of Special Relativity because that theory handles things like black holes and some other extreme conditions.

And Theory of Special relativity is handling things that are happening in the so-called "straight universe". The reason, why I think about that is that the Theory of General Relativity made after there were differences between theoretical and real trajectories of planet Mercury. And that is the reason, why we should think about that thing more carefully.

Why the names of those theories are that way? And where Einstein got the value of c, the speed of light. Did he use the 300 000 000 m/s or the value 299 792 458 m/s? 


Image II


The time dilation

The image above this part of the text introducing the situation where one particle is moving and another is stable. The same image could be used as a part of string theory. The superstring would be the thin wormhole or energy channel through the universe. Or they can be just the wave movement. And the electrons or some other particles can orbit that superstring.

Do you know that time dilation means that time travels slower on electrons than protons? The reason is that the electrons are moving around the proton.

The image above introduces a situation, where the particles are related to each other.  So on the particle that is stable, the time moves faster than on the particle that is orbiting it. And if this would be the model of the hydrogen atom, time moves faster on the proton than the electron. The speed of an electron makes the time dilation true.

But the fact is that even the stable objects are moving. They are not moving in the place. They are moving in time. The thing is that the electron needs energy for keeping itself orbiting. And the energy for the electron will get from the nucleus of atoms.

If we can see the atoms with very high accuracy we could see the shower of wave movement coming from the point, where the electron is orbiting the nucleus. That thing would pump the energy out from the atom. When the energy in the atom ends, that thing makes the end of the existence of the atom, and finally, even protons are turning to wave movement.

So sooner or later the energy will end in the nucleus of the atoms, and even protons are destroyed, which means that the force, that keeps quarks in the proton is turning too weak. And the quarks are released from the proton because the energy cannot come from emptiness.

The aging of particles means that the forces, that are keeping them in the form are lost or they are pumped to somewhere else in the form of electromagnetic wave movement. So what is the time dilation? One version of the explanation of that is that the time dilation is the longer existence of material. 

Image I:

Image II:

Warp-bubble and the dream of the faster-than-light travel



Warp-bubble and the dream of the faster-than-light travel

Black holes and the Theory of General Relativity

Crossing the speed of light is possible at least in one place: Black Holes. When the particle will reach the event horizon, its speed will increase to the speed of light. But because the falling particle is the same as the escaping velocity. So at the point of the event horizon, the escaping velocity is the same as the speed of light. And it will increase until the center of the black hole. 

When we are thinking about the black hole, we might think that in the singularity, the ball-shaped space, where the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light the time travels backward. But the remarkable thing is that there is an object in the black hole, where the entire material is pressed in the size, that is smaller than an atom. 

And in the middle of that thing is the point, where is no gravity at all. The idea of this is that even in the strongest possible gravity fields, gravity would act like in the regular ball-shaped object. But in a black hole, the material is in a form that is smaller than even the atom. And in the middle of that form could be a similar point with all other balls. The zero-gravity point. 

The quantum field would make it impossible to cross the speed of light. The fact is that "vacuum space" is the theoretical thing. The Universe is full of energy and particles like electrons, protons, and dark matter. So the quantum fields are closing the entirety inside them. Those things are making it impossible to cross the speed of light in normal situations. 

What we should do when we want to travel with the speed, what is higher than the speed of light? The answer is simple, we must just remove the quantum field, which will give the cosmic speed limit. So removing the quantum fields around the craft would remove the resistance around it. 

The bubble of nothingness would make it possible that the craft can travel faster than the speed of light. The idea of this kind of bubble is simple, the electromagnetic field would just push all other quantum fields away from the craft, and that would remove the resistance of the quantum field from around the object. 

And that thing would make the craft crossing the cosmic speed limit. Another version is to increase the mass of the craft when it would travel near the speed of light. So the craft itself would turn to travel with the speed, which would be higher than the speed of light because the resistance of the quantum fields is removed.


So did Einstein make mistake?

The weakness in standard models of physics and quantum mechanics is that they are made for standard situations. The standard models are not made to handle things like a black hole, extremely high speed, or the energy levels, what is releasing from the black hole collisions. They are made for handling more regular and theoretical conditions. The fact is that those "standard" conditions are purely theoretical, and then another fact is that the standard models are not suitable for any special event or environment. 

The problem with things like the Theory of General Relativity is that they need the speed of light. And another thing is Albert Einstein was just a person. A human being, who must use the data, what he could get. And in the time of Albert Einstein was not quantum computers, which can make very complex models by using accuracy, which is higher than any human can use. 

And also quantum computers can make mistakes. The thing is that the power of those computers depends on the data, what they are handling. And that thing makes computers interesting. If somebody or something will make the decision, that thing will depend on the data, what is given to the system.

We can say that Theory of Special Relativity is made in the time of classic mechanics. And Theory of General Relativity would be the beginning of the time-space and quantum mechanics.


The Theory of General Relativity is one of the most remarkable formulas in the world. 




c=The speed of the light

The thing about this formula is that Albert Einstein created it in 1916, during the First World War. The formula is easier to handle and understand than the formula of the Theory of Special Relativity, which Einstein introduced in 1905. The Theory of General Relativity was published in the year 1915, which was the worst possible time to publish scientific theories. 

When we are thinking about those two theories we can say that the Theory of Special Relativity was made in the time of classic mechanics. And the theory of General Relativity was the gate to the time-space and quantum mechanics. The reason why Albert Einstein made the Theory of General Relativity was the differences between the metered values of the trajectory of planet Mercury and the calculations about that thing. 

So Einstein created the new formula, which is the most well-known in the world. The differences between true and theoretical trajectories of the planet Mercury made the road to the idea of curving the universe. And because gravity affects light, that means that when the escaping velocity is crossing the speed of light, that means the speed of the particle would cross that level too. drop to


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