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Showing posts from March, 2021

The Higgs boson and the rise of the mass of the particles.

    The ultimate stealth Do you know what happens if the atoms at the body of the aircraft start to spin at the speed of light? That thing will make the object invisible for radar, infrared, and even the human eye. This thing would make the big step for stealth systems. In some visions, the rotating atoms outside the body of the aircraft could drive plasma to a certain side. The pike at the nose of the aircraft can make plasma, which would drive through the outer layer of the craft. The rotating atoms would act like the rolls, whose mission is to make the plasma flowing over the body of the aircraft. That thing would give the craft extremely high maneuverable capacity. And those nano- or quantum systems can install in the saucer-shaped craft. Higgs boson and speed of light When we are thinking about the form of the Higgs boson, we can say that this boson is one of the states of the electron, if we are simplifying things. The Higgs boson is a particle that comes out from the collimation

The quantum bubble and speed of light

  The quantum bubble and speed of light Creating the quantum bubble behind the nozzle of the fusion engine can increase the speed of the exhaust gas of that thing. So could the opposite warp system, where the exhaust gas will travel in the warp-bubble make the dream of traveling faster or almost the speed of light possible. When in normal models warp-bubbles are surrounding the entire spacecraft, the opposite version means that only the exhaust gases are shot in that bubble. If that model is working, the needed energy level is lower. Images: Pinterest Monoatomic structures can make the homogeneous quantum field. When we are thinking about the quantum bubble, or the absolute pure iron or some other metal, that kind of object can use to create the homogeneous energy field. If the object is made by using the same atoms like iron or aluminum, it can create a homogenous magnetic field, w

Lorentz's strange attractor. The butterfly-effect can turn the zero-point energy possible.

    Lorentz's strange attractor can make pure energy or one version of "zero-point energy possible". If the electricity would travel in the superconducting circuit it can travel there forever, and if the circuit would take energy from outside in the form of radio waves, it can make it possible that the system can get more energy than it delivers. Lorenz's strange attractor is one of the most interesting things in chaos theory. The strange attractor is the model of the system, where energy will surround endlessly, and if there will come energy from outside, the energy in the strange attractor will grow. So the idea of the system is that the strange attractor would be acting as the generator, which creates energy from the radio fields, and it can transmit it to the normal electric circuit. Lorentz's strange attractor is the model is the self-sustaining system, where energy travels in a circuit, and the circuit means that when energy is traveling around the form it j

The speed of light and extra-dimensions

  When the speed of an object closing the speed of light, it faces similar resistance with aircraft, which is closing the speed of sound. So sometimes the speed of light is mentioned as the "light barrier". The visible effect, when the object is closing the speed of light is could the "light barrier" be the wall between dimensions? This thing is quite simple to model. The energy level of the particle must move between certain borders, that the object can stay in the dimension. If the energy level rises too high, the object will jump to a higher dimension. If the energy level is too low, the object would fall to a lower dimension. So that means that if the energy level of the particle would rise too high, which means that the escaping velocity from the particle is higher than the speed of light, that thing will make the object jump to another dimension. The speed of light is called "Tau", and tau-zero means the speed of light. But tau is a little bit more t

Theories of Relativity and the time dilation

  Image I Theories of Relativity and the time dilation When we are trying to observe the Theories of Relativity, we might say that the names of those brilliant theories should probably be the opposite. Theory of General Relativity should be Theory of Special Relativity because that theory handles things like black holes and some other extreme conditions. And Theory of Special relativity is handling things that are happening in the so-called "straight universe". The reason, why I think about that is that the Theory of General Relativity made after there were differences between theoretical and real trajectories of planet Mercury. And that is the reason, why we should think about that thing more carefully. Why the names of those theories are that way? And where Einstein got the value of c, the speed of light. Did he use the 300 000 000 m/s or the value 299 792 458 m/s?    Image II   The time dilation The image above this part of the text introducing the situation where one par

Warp-bubble and the dream of the faster-than-light travel

  WARP-drive Warp-bubble and the dream of the faster-than-light travel Black holes and the Theory of General Relativity Crossing the speed of light is possible at least in one place: Black Holes. When the particle will reach the event horizon, its speed will increase to the speed of light. But because the falling particle is the same as the escaping velocity. So at the point of the event horizon, the escaping velocity is the same as the speed of light. And it will increase until the center of the black hole.  When we are thinking about the black hole, we might think that in the singularity, the ball-shaped space, where the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light the time travels backward. But the remarkable thing is that there is an object in the black hole, where the entire material is pressed in the size, that is smaller than an atom.  And in the middle of that thing is the point, where is no gravity at all. The idea of this is that even in the strongest possible gravity