Saturday, March 20, 2021

The speed of light and extra-dimensions


When the speed of an object closing the speed of light, it faces similar resistance with aircraft, which is closing the speed of sound. So sometimes the speed of light is mentioned as the "light barrier". The visible effect, when the object is closing the speed of light is could the "light barrier" be the wall between dimensions? This thing is quite simple to model. The energy level of the particle must move between certain borders, that the object can stay in the dimension.

If the energy level rises too high, the object will jump to a higher dimension. If the energy level is too low, the object would fall to a lower dimension. So that means that if the energy level of the particle would rise too high, which means that the escaping velocity from the particle is higher than the speed of light, that thing will make the object jump to another dimension.

The speed of light is called "Tau", and tau-zero means the speed of light. But tau is a little bit more than just the speed. That term means the united combination of the speed and mass of the particle. And the thing is that the photon, a particle that has no mass can reach the speed of light or "tau-zero". The thing is interesting: the higher the resting mass of the object, the greater the amount of energy it needs to accelerate to the speed of light.

The thing that makes the escaping velocity is the speed of the object and the weight of the object. So when the heavy object would reach the speed of light, the energy of the object would turn too high, and the object just jumps out from the dimension.

The dimensions are like floors in the building. The traveler cannot pass the dimension. The object must go through the dimension. And that means that the interaction between the dimensions would be possible only with dimensions that are closest in a row. Otherwise, the energy level, that is required is too high, and the upper dimension interaction with the lower dimension is easier because in that case, the object will release energy. And the energy level of the particle, which is at a higher dimension is always higher than the energy level, which is a lower dimension.

Can the extra-dimension surround the particle, what is remaining in our dimension? Or must the particle jump to another dimension, and leave the third dimension. If the particle is in the fourth or fifth dimension it cannot interact straight. The interaction with the third dimension happens by tunneling effect between the light wall. The fifth dimension cannot interact with our dimension straight. The interaction must happen through the fourth dimension.

So can the dimension be small? The small dimensions that are involving in our third dimension might be small, but they can also be the gates to other dimensions. When the dimension is "alone", it's like space. the higher the sequence number of the dimension, the fewer particles reach it. And that means the mass of material in the higher dimensions is smaller than in the lower dimensions. Or the number of particles in higher dimensions is smaller than in lower dimensions. But the same way those particles are higher energetic. If the energy level will drop too low, the particle would drop to a lower dimension.

At this point, the position of the particles is determined by the energy level of that particle. When the energy level of the particle is rising, it would reach the extra dimension, which makes that particle invisible to us.


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