
Showing posts from August, 2022

Astronomers found that exoplanet TOI-1452 b could be a so-called water world.

James Webb-telescope detected carbon dioxide in the exoplanet's atmosphere.

Photon rings around black holes part II.

Photon rings around black holes can help to detect gravitational waves or even dark matter.

Supermassive black holes are forming and ripping galaxies.

Most of the planets are orphans without parent stars.

Strange gravitation.

Why have we not found intelligent civilizations in our universe yet?

Fast radio pulses or FRBs:s can use to give information about material around galaxies.

Yale scientists returned dead pig's cells to life.

Hot ice and temperature limit.

Salt can be key to extraterrestrial life.

How strong is strong nuclear force?

Machine learning found hidden components in X-ray pulses.

The ESA:s EnVision will be the next Venus mission.

Could super earth host life?

What happens inside the black hole?

The new lidar can revolutionize nanotechnology and anti-stealth technology.

The 3D nanostructure makes it possible to create strong and lightweight materials.

Why does the Earth spin faster than usual?

Planet 9 causes discussions again.

The oil and gas industry causes earthquakes.