Monday, August 29, 2022

Astronomers found that exoplanet TOI-1452 b could be a so-called water world.

Artist's impression of exoplanet TOI-1452 b

The anatomy of water worlds. 

Exoplanet TOI-1452 b is orbiting red dwarf TOI-1452 for 11 days. There is a possibility, that a thick water layer covers the entire exoplanet TOI-1452 b. That thing makes that exoplanet very interesting. TOI-1452 b is 70 times larger than Earth and five times more massive than our planet. TOI-1452 b is possible a locked planet where powerful winds are blowing because the difference in temperature between day and night sides is very big. So what kind of world the water world can be? 

That temperature difference causes extremely strong winds. The windspeed in those jet streams can rise over Mach 1. The difference in the wind speed in latitudes causes the stripes in the water world's atmosphere and the friction between those stripes will heat the atmosphere of the water world. 

And if there forms some kind of hurricanes in the atmosphere of water worlds those hurricanes can stay years. The water worlds have stripes because there is nothing that can disturb the atmosphere. Forming clouds requires islands or dry areas. Ans waves require that there is some kind of shoals. 

If there are no shoals or landmass the oceans can be very slight, because nothing will cause the waves. There are possible massive vertical flows that are chancing water at the surface. But those flows require that there is some kind of volcanic activity below the ocean. There is the possibility that water layers over the water world exoplanets are even thousands of kilometers deep. 

The massive gravitation can pull water even to ice. The exoplanet Gliese 461 b has a surface covered by ice even if the temperature on that planet is 436 degrees Celsius, but the extreme gravitation pulls water to ice on that planet. 

There is also the possibility that a thick water layer presses the bottom of the ocean to ice. The reason for that is the extremely high pressure will deny the oscillation of water molecules. 

But if the gravitation on the surface of the water world is stronger on Earth but lower than forming of hot ice requires. That means the water will not boil at 100 degrees Celsius. So the oceans of the water worlds can be extremely hot, and they will not boil. Because of massive gravitation. 

There is possible that that planet's ocean swims some kind of lifeforms that are similar to that swam in Earth's oceans before the oxygen is released into the Atmosphere. The water worlds are exoplanets that can support quite similar lifeforms like fishes or sea insects even if that planet is in a powerful radiation zone. The water layer protects animals that are living in that ocean. 

Can there be intelligent lifeforms on water worlds? 

The ocean worlds are very interesting in the point of search for intelligent lifeforms. The intelligent lifeforms can make undersea structures and underwater stations for protecting themselves against the powerful radiation of the central star of some water world. But in most of those models, the intelligent civilization must form on other planets. 

On the water worlds themselves, the endemic species cannot reach the level of the technically advanced civilization, because they cannot make fire or melt metals, which is the key element for technical inventions. But there is always the possibility that the endemic species can use volcanic temperature for melting metals, that was the first step for humans on that route to technically advanced species.


Sunday, August 28, 2022

James Webb-telescope detected carbon dioxide in the exoplanet's atmosphere.

Above: Artists' impression of exoplanet Wasp-39B

Exoplanet Wasp-39b has carbon dioxide in its atmosphere. That thing is one of the possible marks of the lifeforms. But there is also the possibility that oxygen is connecting to carbon in the atmosphere of Wasp-39b. The Wasp-39b is a giant exoplanet. It's so-called hot Jupiter and the atmospheric temperature of that planet is 900 degrees Celsius. That is an extremely hot planet, so there should not be any lifeforms. 

But there is one possibility that is not what somebody wants to hear. The possibility is that the carbon dioxide is coming from the high atmosphere of some invisible target near Wasp-39b. The object can be some kind of moon near Wasp-39b. There is also water (H2O) and sodium (Na) in that planet's atmosphere. 

The Wasp-39b orbits its central star in four days. The mass of the Wasp-39b is one-quarter of Jupiter. So its mass is similar to Saturn but the size is larger than Jupiter. The reason for that is that the Wasp-39B is forming of lighter elements than Jupiter. And that means it's lighter but 1,3 times bigger than Jupiter. The question is why Wasp-39b doesn't lose its atmosphere to its star G-class star Wasp-39 ("Malmok"). That star is slightly smaller than our Sun.  

The Wasp-39b orbit time around its star is 4 days. So why Wasp-39 didn't burn that planet to an interplanetary cloud? Why Wasp-39's star wind of ions doesn't blow the Wasp-39b to space? The gravitation on Wasp-39b is not so powerful that it could keep that gas giant in one piece. And Wasp-39 is not any red dwarf. It's quite similar to our sun. 

So some people say that Wasp-39 b should not even exist. Many other exoplanets are orbiting their center star in a couple of days. But those planets are orbiting red dwarfs whose surface temperature is about 3500 celsius. Wasp-39's surface temperature is about 5000-6000K (about 4726-5726 degrees Celsius) (The temperature of the Sun's photosphere is 5772K)

There is the possibility that there is another small dwarf or so-called real planet in those solar systems. Even Earth-mass rocky planets are hard to detect if their size is very small. If the earth-mass planet forms mainly of heavier elements like iron and other heavy metals that thing means that its size is smaller than Earth if its gravitation is the same as Earth.


Sunday, August 21, 2022

Photon rings around black holes part II.

The inner shadow of the photon rings could tell that there is some kind of radiation that pushes the photon ring away from the event horizon. So is that inner shadow the result of the Hawking radiation? Or is it an even more exotic thing? 

Can that inner shadow tell the wavelength of the radiation turns so short that radiation that falls in the black hole is invisible? There is the possibility that the black hole can pull that radiation straight. But if there is wave motion that is coming from the black hole. That thing can form short-living virtual particles. 

There is the possibility, that those short-living particles are the source of dark energy. When photons are orbiting a black hole they are interacting with their environment. Those photons are collecting things like gravitational energy and resend that wave motion around the universe. That dark shadow means that there is the possibility that the photon itself can be the hypothetical graviton. 

There is the possibility that around the black hole is the area where the massive gravitation pulls also wave motion straight. In that case, the straight-moving photon would have an extremely high energy level. So could that shadow show that a black photon exists? The black photon would itself be the mysterious graviton. Or it can be the route to that particle. 

Near black holes happens things that are impossible in the regular universe. The extreme curvature of the universe makes it possible that wave motion that has a high energy load can turn straight. And when the energy level of photons will rise enough that thing can cause that photon turns black. That photon ring can prove many things. And it gives information about the most extreme phenomenon in the universe. 

Photon rings around black holes can help to detect gravitational waves or even dark matter.

There is a photon ring around black holes. That photon ring is an example of the energy level and the force of the gravitation of black holes. That photon ring is one of the things that is predicted but the evidence of those photons that are orbiting black holes is not confirmed yet. That photon ring is one of the things that is making black holes invisible. 

The photon that orbits a black hole precisely at the point of the event horizon can act as a tensor between the world inside the singularity and outside it. So the photon that is orbiting a black hole just at the point of the event horizon can conduct energy away from the black hole. By using two-way quantum entanglement.

But the photon will not necessarily require quantum entanglement for conducting energy away from the black hole. The photon can stretch by massive gravitation if another side of the photon is inside and the other is an outside event horizon. That photon acts like an antenna, that conducts energy out from a black hole. 

When particles are falling through the event horizon there is a short moment where they are between two worlds. That means at that moment the point of the black hole forms a tensor. The particle or superstring will conduct energy or wave motion away from the black hole. 

Black holes are quantum systems. And energy is always flowing from higher energy level systems to lower energy levels systems. 

All black holes are rotating. And that rotation increases the energy of that particle or bite of superstring that acts as a tensor. That means there is forming a small black hole, precisely at the point of the event horizon. That black hole sends radiation like all other black holes. So that radiation pulls energy out from the larger black hole. 


The tensor black hole that is just at the point of the event horizon makes a channel through the event horizon. 

Because the gravitation field around black holes pulls even light inside them. It is impossible to transmit information out from black holes.

Except, in this case, there is another black hole just at the point of the event horizon. That small black hole acts as a tensor or connector between the world inside and outside of the event horizon. That small black hole drives radiation away from the black hole and decreases its mass. 

That energy will increase the energy level of the photons that are orbiting the black hole turning their energy level hyper-high. There is the possibility that those photons can someday detect dark matter. If that photon impacts dark matter that should cause an anomaly in its energy level. And sensors can detect that thing. 


If there is a quantum entanglement or black hole at the point of the event horizon. That quantum entanglement or black hole acts like an antenna that transfers energy out from the area inside the event horizon. So that thing could prove the existence of Hawking radiation. Or that the source of Hawking radiation is inside the event horizon. 

The energy level at bottom of the tensor or connector is higher than at the top of it. That makes it conducts energy out from the black hole. Because that energy comes inside the event horizon, that makes the black hole vaporizes sooner or later. 

Energy will conduct out from the black hole through the physical tensors, like particles that are falling through the event horizon. Or virtual tensor like quantum entanglement. Whenever wave motion comes out from a black hole inside the event horizon it loses its mass. 

And also gravitational waves that black holes are sending are decreasing their mass. So the photon rings can use to detect gravitational waves. 

So this photon ring conducts energy out from the black hole by superpositioning individual photons with photons that are inside the event horizon. There is the possibility that some photons are traveling just, precisely at the point of the event horizon. 

That means this photon is in two positions at the same time. And the event horizon splits that photon. Then the photon can create quantum entanglement with two other photons. The first photon is orbiting that black hole near its event horizon and the second photon would be inside that black hole. That quantum entanglement acts like an antenna that transfers energy out from the area inside the event horizon. So that thing could prove the existence of Hawking radiation that comes inside black hole.

Image: )

Supermassive black holes are forming and ripping galaxies.

Image: NASA

The supermassive black holes are forming galaxies. But they also push material away from them. The interaction between black holes and their environment is more complicated than people think. When a black hole pulls material inside it the energy level of the material rises to an extremely high level. Part of that material travels to the poles of the black hole and impacts together. 

That thing causes very high power X- and gamma ray beams that are leaving from black holes or at least near that thing. When those radiation pikes hit the material cloud around the black hole it makes the material shine. That shine means that the plasma that forms the main part of the galaxy is sending radiation. 

What is the difference between interstellar and interplanetary nebulas? One description is that there are heavier elements like silicon and iron in the interplanetary nebulas. 

Interplanetary nebulas are the supernova remnants. And interstellar nebulas are mainly hydrogen and other light elements like helium. 

And that radiation pushes the plasma particles away from each other. So the supermassive black holes inside the galaxy are forming galaxies. But the energy that is left from the transition disk and material around the black hole also rips the galaxy into pieces. The jets of the black hole are transferring material away from galaxies but they are also forming the disturbance. 

Without those disturbances, forming of new galaxies is impossible. Same way cosmic disturbances like energy impacts are making it possible that protostars are starting to form. Stable systems cannot form stars. There is needed some kind of disturbance or asymmetry that is causing the formation of the stars. 

When the radiation of the exploding supernova or some cosmic eruption hits the interstellar nebula that causes the weight of the particles changes. This thing causes the effect where particles of the interstellar nebula start to go together. Forming of the star in a cloud that is mainly hydrogen requires that there is helium. In an interplanetary nebula, things like silicone or iron will start to grow the material around it. 

Or in some other heavier elements that are causing the gravitational center. Otherways the ionized hydrogen between atomic hydrogens is starting to pile the particles up. The formation of the stars requires that there is a gravitational center in the nebula. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Most of the planets are orphans without parent stars.

We always think that planets are orbiting their parent stars. But the reality seems very different. Researchers think, that most of the planets in the universe are orphan or rogue planets. Rogue planets are traveling in the universe until some star catches them. There is the possibility that somewhere in history rogue planet traveled through the young solar system. And that thing caused the disastrous gravitational effect in our solar system. 

Rogue planets are still a threat to our solar system. Some of those rogue planets are heavy rocky planets and if the planet with four Earth masses will travel through our solar system we would be in trouble. There are theories that maybe Uranus or even Earth were once rogue planets. The strange posture of Uranus supports the theory that the origin of that planet was somewhere else than in our solar system. 

Snowball-Earth theory (The Precambrian extinction)

 But the argument against that is in the case of Earth. Is the position of the Earth similar to other planets? The fact is that the Earth might be changed its position in our solar system. Or maybe the Sun stole young Earth from another star. Snowball-Earth was happening in the Precambrian era. 

But there is also the possibility that the trajectory of Earth turned extremely oblong. That caused the major parts of the Earth covered under the ice. There was also open water near the equator. Period of this period was in Cryogenian period about  720 to 635  million years ago

And the evidence about the snowball Earth is the thing that supports the theory that maybe Earth was once far from the Sun. Some other theories explain the cold era as the change in the climate. 

But was Earth sometimes in farther past rogue planet? This thing is a nice hypothesis. But it doesn't mean to form of life. And that period could be only a short time in the history of Earth.


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Strange gravitation.

The shape of gravitation is a wave motion. And because it's wave motion. That thing means that gravitation acts like all other wave motions. So when wave motion impacts particles their effect is similar to when two cars are impacting. When two objects are impacting the kinetic energy transforms to wave motion. The energy or wave motion that begins from the impact point will travel through the object which can be a car, particle, etc. 

And then that wave motion continues its movement behind the object. If impacting objects are cars people will hear that wave motion as the sound. When that impact happens at the quantum level the impacting wave motion faces the quantum field that forms the particle. And that quantum field moves backward like jelly. Then the wave motion continues to travel behind the object. 

When gravitation hits the nose of the particle the wave motion continues to travel backward of the particle. The reason for that is that energy travels always from the higher energy level to the lower energy level. And that difference between the two energy layers is called the potential difference. When wave motion travels through the quantum system it will deliver or get energy from the quantum system. And that thing causes the material would fall to the gravitational center. 

If the distance between begin and end of the object is long. That means that the system reaches a stable condition longer time. Stable condition or energy stability is the situation where begin and end of the track of the wave motion are the same. And that thing means that the energy flow in the system ends. 

Can the superstring theory explain why gravitation is so weak? 

Superstring theory describes particles as the whisk or yarn ball-looking quantum fields. The superstrings are the wave motion or quantum lightning that form the quantum field. 

The whisk-shaped form where superstrings are traveling over the poles makes the particle can have multiple quantum states at the same time. That thing means that every single superstring can have a different energy level or quantum state, 

The idea is that the gravitational radiation must travel through the superstring that is like serpentine. The catching area of the radiation is very large, but the problem is that gravitational radiation must travel through that superstring. 

When we are thinking about superstring as the paper serpentine the thickness of that paper is not very big. And there is no time to transfer information to the superstring. 

So why gravitation is the weakest of all forces? 

So why gravitation is the weakest of all forces? The answer might be easier than people ever imagine. The idea is that the wavelength of the gravitation waves is so short that the gravitation will impact the superstring. Because a superstring is extremely thin far thinner than some quarks or even gluons the energy difference between two layers is so small that the wave motion travels through that superstring causing an extremely small potential difference. 

The reason why gravitation affects long distances can be that the superstrings are very long. So the area that receives the gravitational wave is so large that it can receive enough gravitational radiation. But the depth of that superstring is so small that the potential difference between the side that is closer to the gravitation source and the side that is away from that source is very small. 

The superstring is like some kind of serpentine. The length of that thing can be very long. But the thickness of those papers is so small. The gravitational effect will affect straight through that superstring, not across it. And that means there is so little time to collect energy. 

The length of the superstring is very long. And also the width of the superstring can be large. but the thickness of that thing is so small that it makes gravitation weak. So catching area for gravitation would be large, but that radiation has a very short time to tunnel through the superstring. And that time will not give time to transfer information or energy to the superstring, 

Wave-particle duality and gravitation. 

The gravitation is the wave motion that behaves like all other wave motions. The limit of the speed of gravitational radiation is the speed of light. So gravitation can make whirls, it can reflect. 

Wave-particle duality means that the gravitation can also take the shape of the particle and otherwise.  And when two very powerful gravitational fields are impacting there is the possibility that those fields are jumping out from each other. In some wild theories, the gravitation can turn even solid if the gravitation field is powerful enough.

Image: Pinterest

See also:

Black holes¨

Gravitational waves


Standard model


Theory of Relativity

Wave motion

Friday, August 12, 2022

Why have we not found intelligent civilizations in our universe yet?

One theory is that those intelligent civilizations are just too far away. Even if there could be over 30 intelligent civilizations in our galaxy. They can simply be too far away from us. Milky Way is a huge place. When we are thinking about the size of the Milky Way the diameter of the main gas disk is 200 000 light years. 

And there are stars outside the main gas disk. But the thing that limits the forming of lifeforms in the galaxies is that there must be elements that are required for life. And of course, there must be planets that are suitable for lifeforms. 

We know that all stars don't have planets orbiting them. There are billions of blue giants in the universe. Those stars are formed in the gas clouds that are forming mainly of hydrogen. Those blue giants and supergiants are common in the open star clusters. So the open star clusters are full of young stars. 

And they can turn into galaxies. Milky Way has been open star cluster once until there was formed black hole. And an elliptic protogalaxy formed because a black hole pulled the gas cloud into it and forms a quasar. Then formed the whirl and the material disk started to form. So there is a possibility that there are planets in the elliptic galaxies. 

There is also the possibility that larger galaxies are "hovering" gas out from the open star clusters and they cannot form planets. Another case that the galaxy cannot form is that the cosmic eruption destroys that gas cloud. But if the open star cluster is forming those blue giants would turn into black holes when they used their fuel. 

And then those black holes are starting to impact forming the quasar. In some other visions, the gas cloud collapses into a supermassive black hole. And then that black hole starts to form quasar around it. So quasars are protogalaxies. And once Sagittarius A was one of those quasars. 

Planets in young galaxies would be gas giants because there are no heavy elements yet. All elements form in the fusion reactions inside stars. And there must be enough heavy and solid elements that can form planets in the nebula that rocky planets can form. 

When the Milky Way started to form around the supermassive black hole called Sagittarius A, there were no heavy elements in the young milky way. There must be stars that can form elements like silicone and metals that form rocky planets. Many stars have exoplanets. But those exoplanets are so-called hot or cold Jupiters or other types of gas giants. 

The gas giants can, of course, have primitive lifeforms in their clouds. But that requires that the planet's temperature is low enough that there are water clouds. Water is urgent for the lifeforms as we know them. 

The water itself cannot form life. And even if there are lifeforms on some exoplanets there is a possibility that those lifeforms cannot rise to drylands because the radiation that comes from the neutron stars and black holes sterilizes the dry lands. 

The water layer also protects lifeforms against cosmic radiation. And especially gamma- and X-ray radiation that comes from the black holes and neutron stars. The high-energy electrons and other particles send high-power X- and gamma-ray bursts when they hit the planet's atmosphere. 

If the planet is too close to neutron stars or black holes those objects send the high-energy particles to the planet's atmosphere. And those particles cause very powerful X- and gamma-ray bursts that can cause a situation where the planet's dry areas are under the high-power X- and gamma-ray radiation. 

We are the luckiest species in the world. We are far away from the center of the Milky Way. Many people think that we should search for intelligent lifeforms from the center of our galaxy because there are more stars. The fact is that there are also more comets, asteroids, and more radiation. So there is a bigger possibility that the cosmic impacts destroy those planets. 

And if those planets are too close to Sagittarius A or some other black hole burns those lifeforms away. Or those planets vaporize into interplanetary nebulas that fall into black holes. 

But then we must realize that if there is some kind of civilization on another side of the center of the Milky Way we would not hear that civilization. The radiation that comes from Sagittarius A would cover all signals that come behind it. 

See also:

Black holes

Galaxies (Elliptic, and spiral galaxies)

Open star clusters

Sagittarius A


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Fast radio pulses or FRBs:s can use to give information about material around galaxies.

Could the short-term WARP bubble be the thing that causes FRB?

The FRB:s (Fast Radio Pulses) are the energy events whose origin is unknown. The phenomenon itself s quite similar to the XRB (X-Ray Burst) or GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst). The energy level of the FRB is lower than XRB and GRB so there is the possibility that some magnetar or neutron star eats the planet or some other thick object when the FRB is forming. 

In some exotic theories, the neutron star will get the extremely high power radio- or some other energy impulse. And maybe the neutron star gets impacted by the GRB.  When that radiation ends the effect is similar to a neutron bomb.

Neutrons of a neutron star send an energy impulse in the form of high-power neutron radiation. That high-power neutron radiation can form the WARP bubble around that neutron star. 

If the GRB or XRB hits to neutron star it causes a similar effect to a neutron bomb. There is the possibility that this kind of thing where neutrons of the neutron star are adjusting to higher energy levels and suddenly release this energy is forming the WARP bubble. And maybe that thing is the key to the mystery called FRB. 

When particles fly inside the WARP bubble their speed could be higher than otherwise. And then they hit to quantum fields of the regular universe. In that process, they send radiation impulses when they slow their speed. 

Could the similar effect that forms neutron radiation in neutron bombs be behind the FRB?

When high-power neutron radiation that comes from the object that is forming of pure neutrons is leaving it will push quantum fields and radiation away from the neutron star. That radiation impulse will form a short-term electromagnetic vacuum around the neutron star.

And the material turns to wave motion faster than otherwise. The radiation and electrons are traveling faster than around the neutron star. Then those particles and wave motion that impacts regular quantum fields are slow and send energy impulse through the universe. 

The FRBs are traveling through the universe and every time those radio waves hit material they adjust atoms to higher energy levels. And when that radio stress ends those atoms are sending radiation when their energy level decreases to base level. So the FRB can use to observe the material in the intergalactic space.

See also 

FRB (Fast Radio Burst)

GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst)


Neutron star


XRB (X-Ray Burst)


Sometimes I think that the names of the XRB (X-Ray Burst) and GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst) should turn to FXB (Fast Xray Burst) and GRB should turn to FGB (Fast Gamma-Ray Burst).

Monday, August 8, 2022

Yale scientists returned dead pig's cells to life.

Image: "Illustration of organ perfusion and cellular recovery with Organic technology. The cell-saving blood analog is delivered to vital organs one hour after death. Credit: Marin Balaic. (Scitech Death: Yale Scientists Restore Cell, Organ Function in Pigs After Death)

What if the research will inject lots of mitochondria into the body that is dead a short time ago? And those mitochondria can deliver into the cell membrane, making this possible to return the person to life. The idea is that the new transplanted mitochondrial will return cells to life. 

The research on where dead tissue will return to alive is always interesting. If dead cells can return to life. That thing makes it possible to return dead brain tissue alive after the person is without oxygen long time. Avoiding brain damage is one of the things that the technology that returns dead cells to life after a long time. The article below this text describes the case where dead cells are returned to life. 

There is no description of how that thing is done. But I suspect that this waking up cells from death is made by injecting mitochondria into those dead cells. Normally cell dies when it will not get nutrient or oxygen. Death means that the cell or its mitochondria cannot create energy anymore. And that causes the death of those cells. There is the possibility that new mitochondria can be injected into those cells. And if they get nutrients the cell's energy production will restart. 

When we are thinking about the possibilities That this kind of technology can give, we might first think about accidents. If dead brain tissue can return to life there is the possibility, that the accident's victim avoids brain damage. But in some visions, the dead body can inject very much mitochondria that are entering cells by using nanotechnology. Those mitochondria could return a person to life.


Hot ice and temperature limit.

In this text, I will write about hot ice as a phenomenon. That is visible in a strong enough gravitation or magnetic field. So this is not writing about a chemical compound called "hot ice". 

Normally people think that ice is cold. But actually, there is hot ice in the universe. Gravitation can cause conditions, where the ice covers the entire planet. The intense gravitation denies the movements of the water molecules. But there is the possibility that the extremely strong magnetic field can cause a similar effect. 


O'Neill cylinders. 

The futuristic O'Neill cylinders are creating artificial gravitation using rotation movement. The problem with that thing is the centripetal force. The magnets can compensate for the centripetal force by pulling the structures inside. And that denies the breaking of that structure. 

So there is the possibility that the futuristic space stations are creating artificial gravitation by spinning can eliminate the effect of the centripetal force. The centripetal force will break the structure of the system requiring a fast rotation speed for creating a strong gravitational field. Magnets, that pull the core of those giant cylinders inside can keep the structure in one piece.



There is the highest limit in the mass of the super-earth that it can support life. If the mass of the planet is too high and gravitation too strong it can get the cover called hot ice. Gravitation simply pulls water to a layer that temperature is so high that even steel is melting. But the strong gravitation locks water molecules in a stable form.

If the gravitation on the planet rises even higher.  That makes it possible. That all gas from its atmosphere turns into a solid form called hot ice because of a strong gravitation field. The hot Jupiters are staying in one piece because their gravitation field pulls material together. 

That form is similar to ice. But its temperature is extremely high. The extremely powerful magnetic field could pull water molecules to the condition. Where they locked on the layer in the form that looks like ice. 

Also if the water layer of the planet is deep enough the water pressure will cause the entire floor of that planet's ocean to be covered by ice. Fusion tests are shown that the extreme temperature causes the Sun's nucleus to be a dark place. 

Because all radiation is at infrared frequency. There is also the possibility that intense heat will just close photons inside it, because the strong radiation makes it impossible, that the photons can escape from the nucleus of the stars. 

The hot ice causes the idea that intense heat and pressure can lock particles in stable places. The radiation would press atoms and molecules with so high power that all motion ends. That kind of situation could be very interesting because of the radiation that comes from all sides.

Along with pressure, the intense radiation can make atoms and molecules behave like they are in absolute zero-kelvin degrees. And that thing makes it possible to create superconductors that can operate in extremely high temperature

Salt can be key to extraterrestrial life.

The salty oceans stay liquid at a lower temperature than water where is no salt. So salty oceans can offer a place where microscopic lifeforms can create. But there is also the possibility that the alien organisms can form in crystal water. Salt also involves sodium that can deliver energy. 

Also, sodium is an important component in mammals' neural systems, or rather saying sodium channels that are important for functions of neurons require sodium. So intelligent aliens require salt for their sodium channels if their neural system is similar to ours. 

So if the alien has a similar neural structure to humans or mammals. That means they also need sodium for their neural system. On Earth, mammals are taking sodium from the salt. Pure sodium reacts very fast and roughly with water. But if sodium is connected with chloride that thing forms the salt molecule that is not so dangerous. 

That crystal water can be in the pocket of the salt crystals. And there can form some kind of primitive organisms. But the salt can also create conditions where osmosis will transfer liquids between the cell and its environment. So maybe someday we will see the first alien organisms swimming in a salty ocean or crystal water on some distant world.


Saturday, August 6, 2022

How strong is strong nuclear force?

Image 1:)

Strong nuclear force holds 99% of the universe's mass. That means its strongest known interaction. And somebody has introduced that gravitation is strong interaction that leaks from the atoms. The strong interaction is an interaction between quarks and gluons.  

The strong interaction is the reason why the annihilation reaction is so powerful. And that reaction where antimatter faces material is the only known reaction where a strong nuclear force is released. But when we are thinking about the form of the baryons or baryonic hadrons we can focus on why two black holes orbit very close to each other and are sending gravitational waves. The origin of the gravitational waves could be in the gluon tunnels between the quark and gluon. 

The baryon or baryonic hadrons like proton and neutron are forming of three particles called quarks. Or, the most common baryons, protons, and neutrons consist of the quarks and gluons that transmit strong nuclear force between those quarks. When baryonic hadrons are spinning with extremely high speed that structure would act like the boom that throws the wave motion that travels through the quantum field of baryon away from it.

In the same way, the black holes that are orbiting each other are creating the energy bridge between them. So there is the possibility that there are gluon tunnels that are traveling between those black holes. 

Image 2:) Proton

When we are thinking about the mysterious graviton. Researchers could find that still hypothetical particle somewhere between gluon and quark. If we are thinking that the X-rays are coming from quarks and gamma rays come from gluons. That means the next particle in the atom's nucleus could be a graviton. 

Because gravitational waves existed. That means we can call that phenomenon gravitational radiation. Gravitational waves are wave motions like light. So when we are thinking about the spin of gravitational baryons the channel between quarks can throw that gravitational wave motion to the sides of the baryons. 

And maybe the gravitation or gravitational waves are at an extremely high energy level. But the radiation would not transmit energy to the particle. Or the thermal energy will transfer away from it immediately. There are two ways that things can happen. The first way is that gravitational radiation will travel over the particle without touching it. That forms an electromagnetic vacuum behind that particle. 

And the light quantum that the material sends will travel through that shadow. Or the pressure of gravitational radiation pushes energy through the particle. That means the energy flow from the backward of the material is higher than at the front of it. 

One of the reasons for that is the vaporization of the particle. That impacting gravitation radiation causes the asymmetry in the energy field of that particle. But the vaporization of material that is the reason for cosmic inflation means that the gravitation radiation turns stronger in the back of the particle.

Image 1:)

Image 2:)

Machine learning found hidden components in X-ray pulses.

"An X-ray pulse (white line) is built from 'real' and 'imaginary' components (red and blue dashes) that determine quantum effects. A neural network analyzes low-resolution measurements (black shadow) to reveal the high-resolution pulse and its components. Credit: SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory"( learning reveals hidden components of X-ray pulses)

The behavior of the line makes it possible to model why an X-ray can tunnel through the material but doesn't warm it. As you can see from the image above this text there is a strange form in the blue line which is another imaginary or virtual component in the X-ray radiation. The X-ray pulse (white) has two imaginary or virtual components. Blue and red. 

The blue component seems to have the mirror form to the red component. When the red component rises the blue component decreases. And maybe this is the explanation for why the gravitation is so weak or why gravitation will not rise the mass of the particles. Maybe the wavelength of the gravitation radiation is so short. That it will not transfer energy to particles. Similar way with other wavelengths. 

And maybe gravitation radiation or gravitational wave motion is like X- and gamma rays. Maybe the energy level of the gravitational wave motion or radiation is very high but that radiation cannot transfer that energy to the particles or objects. 

The interesting thing about this image is found in the blue curve. The blue curve shows that in this structure energy level decreases when the energy level of the red energy line rises. That means there seems to be some kind of electromagnetic vacuum or "electromagnetic low pressure" at the same point where the red line rises. So is there some kind of negative energy at the point where the red line rises? 

The blue line seems to form the mirror line to the red line. And that thing is interesting. This is one of the most interesting things in the history of quantum mechanics. That means the blue line could explain why the X-ray radiation can travel through the walls without making holes. If that blue line pulls energy out from atoms immediately. 

That means the X-rays cannot. Rise the energy level of atoms when it's tunneling through the walls. So if the X-ray or the blue line just pulls the extra energy away from the atoms immediately when the X-ray stresses it that thing doesn't cause so much oscillation as infrared radiation with a longer wavelength. 

Infrared radiation has a longer wavelength. And if that opposite curve of infrared radiation is lower. That means infrared radiation transfers more energy to those atoms than X- and gamma-ray radiation. But that observation about the behavior of imaginary components helps to make theories about what kind of effect the negative energy could be. 

Could gravitational waves be the next radiation from gamma rays? So gravitational waves can be extremely short-wave radiation. 

There is the possibility. That gravitational waves might be similar to the X- or gamma-rays. X- and gamma-rays. Those radiation types have high energy levels but they cannot transfer that energy to the material. X- and gamma-rays can travel through extremely thick material. The plasma ring of Earth will drive those radiations away from Earth. 

Gravitation is also a wave motion It doesn't warm objects. But it can move them. And that thing gives a hint, that maybe that gravitational wave motion is a very short wave motion outside the gamma rays. Maybe the effect of gravitation forms when the short-wavelength gravitational radiation impacts particles. 

Then that thing forms an electromagnetic shadow on another side of the particle. That quantum shadow pulls wave motion away from the particle. And that means the gravitation moves energy to the particle. But then that energy moves out from the particle and acts like a small-size rocket engine.

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Friday, August 5, 2022

The ESA:s EnVision will be the next Venus mission.

Image 1)EnVision aerobraking in Venus atmosphere. Credit: ESA/ Paris Observatory / VR2Planets / Damia Bouic ( Mission: Readying Spacecraft To Surf Venus’ Hot, Thick Atmosphere)

The EnVision program by the ESA (European Space Agency) is the project to map Venus and research its surface using radars. The special thing about this mission is that the van-size space probe would lay very low altitude and surf in Venus' thick atmosphere for a couple of years.

The EnVision would use to test things like aerobrake. The aerobrake is the method where the friction of the atmosphere is used to slow the craft's speed. That thing will save lots of fuel. And surfing in that planet's atmosphere makes it possible to take samples from the high atmosphere. 

Image 2:) "Artist impression of ESA’s EnVision mission". Credit: ESA/VR2Planets/Damia Bouic ( Mission: Readying Spacecraft To Surf Venus’ Hot, Thick Atmosphere

And the craft can also map surfaces and chemical compounds of the atmosphere and the planet's high mountain areas by using lasers and radars. The EnVision opens the road to a long-wing sailplane or airship that can fly in Venus's atmosphere. And maybe in the future, that kind of laboratory will fly in the atmosphere of Venus and gas giants. 

So EnVision is a very interesting project. Maybe this project answers the question. Are there some very primitive microbes hovering in the clouds of that planet? There is the possibility that there are some primitive microbes that can use the temperature of Venus' atmosphere as an energy source. 

Images and other sources:

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Could super earth host life?

An artist's illustration of the view. From the exoplanet LHS 1140b. That giant orbits an M dwarf star about one-fifth the size of the sun. 

The planet could be a prime target for follow-up studies in the search for life elsewhere in the universe. (Image credit: M. Weiss/CfA )( Alien Planet Is Best Place Yet to Search for Life). 

Water is fairly common in the universe. But the problem is that life needs liquid water. There are some models that in the water droplets of the vapor in the atmosphere of the hot planets can form the RNA molecules. In that case, the water droplets with RNA could be the most primitive organisms that we can imagine. Those hypothetical organisms would be only the RNA bites and organelle in the water droplet that can copy itself. 

The mass of that exoplanet is about 6,6 times Earth, and the size of it is about 1,4 times of Earth. There are calculations that this 6,6 Earth mass is the limit of the mass of the planet. That can host life. 

Super earth of giant rocky planets orbiting very close to red dwarf stars is causing discussions about alien life. There is the possibility some of those super earth have liquid water on their surface. There is the possibility that also yellow stars have super earth. 

Researching those super earth that are orbiting red dwarfs is giving data that can use to make models about the lifeforms of planets that are more similar to Earth. The idea is that life is almost always born in oceans or underwater conditions. 

Even if organisms on planets around red dwarfs remain at primitive level or underwater conditions there is the possibility, that there is a similar planet orbiting some yellow star. And the life forms on that super earth would turn more advanced, creating even civilization. 

And that always causes discussions about the lifeforms that could live on those planets. Those rocky worlds are locked, but vaporizing water from oceans can make those planets' surface temperature low, and freezing night-side of the planet will also lower the surface temperature. So could there be some lifeforms? 

Even if the dry land areas on those planets are hostile to lifeforms. There is a possibility that some kind of alien organisms can live in their oceans. When we are talking about alien life, we must realize that intelligent alien life is a different thing than alien life. There is the possibility. Primitive organisms like bacteria can live on many planets. 

But intelligent aliens are a little bit different thing. They might not be as common as some bacteria or algae. The water worlds or planets that are covered by water layers can host some primitive lifeforms. 

There is one thing that we must realize. That thing is that there could be lifeforms in the oceans. But those lifeforms might not able to rise to drylands. So there could be some algae or even fish-type alien organisms on those planets. 

The water layer protects those animals against the heat of the eruption of the red dwarf. The organisms that live in the alien planet's oceans can exist even close to deadly radiation sources. The water layer is a good protector against the radiation that comes from neutron stars or black holes. 

But the thing is that intelligent lifeforms need some other conditions. In all models technically advanced civilization requires the ability to live and operate in dry lands. All models that are made of alien lifeforms are models. Nobody saw those lifeforms yet. Or there is no concrete evidence that certain planets are hosting life. 

Silurian hypothesis: are aliens visited on Earth? The fact is we don't know. 

There is a so-called "Silurian hypothesis" about the ancient alien visitors to Earth. The evidence of those things is weak. And nobody can say 100% surely are those visitors true or false. And that's why they are under research. Those pieces of evidence are the Egyptian and Mayan artifacts and things like Nazca lines. 

And the artifact on the walls of some cathedrals, along with folk stories like American Indian and Buddhist stories of the blond-hair gods or warriors, give some kind of possibility that some kind of alien visit to Earth is possible. But the "smoking gun" evidence is missing. There is no concrete proof that some nation has alien bodies. Or the existence of those bodies wanted to deny. 

There are a couple of signals like Wow! and BLC1. The origin of the BLC-1 is in the direction of Proxima Centauri. 

The Wow! signal was captured by the "Big Ear" telescope. And the BLC-1 was captured by the Australian Parkes observatory. 

The programmer of the computer forgot to determine which of those two antennas are receiving the transmission. But astronomers calculated the origin of that signal for both antennas. So there are two possible directions where the "Wow! signal" can come. And in another direction is a Sun-like star 3000 light years from us. 

The origin of those signals can be in intelligent civilizations. But the fact is that those signals are captured only once. That makes mystery. There are opinions that the natural source of those signs requires that those signals are repeating or that the chemical compound of those transmitters should be unique. 

The thing is that the "Silurian hypothesis" is one of the versions of the theory that somewhere in our universe is an intelligent civilization. Or in the universe, there must be intelligent civilizations. There are billions of galaxies in the universe and we would be too lucky if we are alone. But how close are those civilizations? 

That thing remains a mystery. Until the first confirmed data transmission comes from another star. And, of course, we must realize that the origin of the data transmission must not necessarily come from endemic species. The source of those signals can be the alien outpost. Or it can be a man-made satellite. Without repeating. The source of those mysterious Wow! and BLC-1 signals remains a mystery.!_signal

What happens inside the black hole?


Gravitation is the weakest of all forces. It's neutral. And that means it interacts with all objects the same way. Gravitation is the most dominant effect in the universe. And its mystery. 

There is the possibility that black holes help to answer: what is gravitation? Gravitation is wave motion, so there must be something that sends this wave motion. And maybe black holes can solve what is that thing, that pulls everything together? But what doesn't warm the object? 

Many people are asking why black holes are so interesting. The reason for that is that black holes can give information about gravitation.  And there should be also lots of dark matter around the black holes. That should make it possible to detect that thing. But nobody has seen dark matter yet. So it remains as the gravitational effect. 

What happens inside the black hole? That thing is a mystery. Nobody knows what happens behind the event horizon. The next-generation tool in astronomy as sensors that can detect gravitational waves. And there is a possibility that the gravitational waves are uncovering the secrets behind the event horizon. 

When material or particles are dropped into the black hole they might stretch. Those particles are turning into 2D form. When they are touching the event horizon. So extremely high speed. Along with heavy gravitation are turning those particles a little bit like anyons the 2D particles. That means those particles are turning a little bit like the wave motion. Most of the parts are not dropping straight into the black hole. They are creating a whirl around the event horizon. That whirl is called a transition disk. And that thing causes the theory that this whirl continues its movement inside the black hole. 


There is the possibility that wormholes are gravitational tornados. 

The gravitational tornado would not let other gravitational waves through it. And that thing could make the antigravitational effect or levitation possible. There is a possibility that wormholes are gravitational tornados. 

Black holes are pulling particles and wave motion inside them. That means there is a possibility that gravitational waves are making the hollow ball that will not let the other gravitational waves through it. 

There is the possibility that a gravitational tornado crosses the black hole. Or maybe, that hypothetical gravitational tornado continues through the universe as the structure called a wormhole. 

That gravitational tornado could close other gravitational fields outside it. Particles that are at the point of the wall of that gravitational whirl would turn extremely heavy. And they can clean the gravitational tornado from the objects and quantum fields. That means the wormhole if that exists is the warp tunnel across the universe. 

But there is no evidence about that kind of whirl. The idea is that gravitational waves are like other wave motions. And they should make whirls like all other wave motions. 

There is also the possibility that gravitational waves can create a ball that acts like a gravitational tornado. 

The event horizon is the point where wave motion and photons are whirling around a black hole. The reason for the centripetal force the event horizon is a little bit at the point where the escaping velocity crosses the speed of light. 

The black holes are also making wave motion whirling around it. That means there is the possibility that also gravitational waves can form the area that other gravitational waves cannot cross. 

The thing is that this kind of hypothetical gravitational whirl can remove gravitation inside it. So if we could make the ball of the gravitational waves we could make the real antigravitation or WARP-ball. The wave motion of the gravitational waves can isolate its inner area from the outside. But that thing is a pure hypothesis. 


Deep in the black hole should be the bubble where is no gravitation. The extremely fast-spinning singularity can pump lots of energy out from there. And sooner or later the superstrings would fall into that hypothetical bubble. 

Then those superstrings would cut the superstrings at the opposite side of that bubble. And then those superstrings. Or bites of wave motion start to act like an antenna. They would transmit energy to singularity. Maybe that kind of wave motion is the origin of Hawking radiation. 

When the stable wave motion is at the singularity the energy level of that pike rises. The pike will rotate in the center of the black hole. And the energy level rises so much that it can break through the event horizon. Because all black holes spin around that pike. It will act like a laser. And maybe that pike is the origin of the X- or gamma ray radiation from the poles of the black hole. 

The idea of that bubble is coming from other balls. All other balls like Earth have the point just in the middle of them where is no gravitation. So that kind of place should be in the black hole because the black hole is also a ball. 

Because of the event horizon, we cannot see through the black hole. The event horizon is the whirl of photons and wave motion that surrounds a black hole. At that point, the escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light. And behind that point, even the light cannot escape from the black hole.

The new lidar can revolutionize nanotechnology and anti-stealth technology.


"The new OPA replaces the multiple emitters of traditional OPAs with a slab grating to create a single emitter. This design enables a wide field of view without sacrificing beam quality. Credit: Hao Hu, the Technical University of Denmark" (ScitechDaily/Smaller, Cheaper Lidar With New Chip-Based Beam Steering Device). 

The new lidar that uses the chip-based technology can use in the new nanotechnology. And it can also have the ability to operate in an anti-stealth role. The new very small-size lidars (laser radars) can make the next big step in nanotechnology. The lidar means optical-radar or long-range laser scanner. Sometimes it describes that it's optical area radar. (Wikipedia, Lidar). The lidar can use like radar. But it's a more multi-use system. 

Lidar can see soft targets, like animals. And things like regular stealth systems cannot affect that scanner. The optical stealth suits also cannot resist the lidar scanners that are making 3D images of the surface. 

Things like clouds cannot stop the lidar system. There is the possibility that lidar will use higher power to remove clouds and things like smoke away from its way. The lidar will rip water droplets from its route by using more power. 

And that same system can also use in the very high accurate laser radars in long-range systems. The name of this new technology is chip-based OPAs (Optical Phrase Arrays). In Lidar magazine is the story, that OPAs are the next generation tools for lidar systems. (Lidar magazine/Why Optical Phased Array is the Future of Lidar for Autonomous Vehicles)

The old fashion OPAs have poor ray quality. But in the new design, those problems are solved. The description of that system is in the article on ( Smaller, Cheaper Lidar With New Chip-Based Beam Steering Device)

The difference between lidar and laser-tool is very small. The only difference between a laser sensor and a laser machine tool is the power. That the system uses. 

And that makes lidar so powerful tool. When lidar sees things like small hills on the surface, it can increase its power. That makes it possible that this type of system can remove even atom-size anomalies. 

The new lidar can make extremely thin laser rays that can observe the form of the nanomachines. The lidar will transfer a smaller energy load to the nanostructure than regular lasers. And that means it has a smaller effect on the complicated structures of the nanomachine molecules than so-called regular laser systems. 

The lidar systems can use to scan the surfaces. That kind of ability makes it possible to find the anomalies from the things like graphene. And OPA-systems can also revolutionize graphene production. 

The lasers can use to remove extra layers of carbon atoms from graphite. But the chip-based system makes it possible to create a laser system that covers larger areas. When a laser system detects an anomaly it can increase its power and remove that anomaly with pinpoint accuracy. 

The laser system can vaporize graphite or carbon atoms of graphite layer by layer. In this case, the layer will be smooth. And graphite will be put to cover that layer. Then the laser starts to remove atoms layer by layer until there is only a 2D carbon atom structure left. 

But the OPA:s can make many other things. It can form a group of separated laser rays, that can scan areas. And this kind of system can use to detect stealth fighters. The ability to use optical areas to detect stealth aircraft increases the abilities of the radars to detect many types of targets.


The 3D nanostructure makes it possible to create strong and lightweight materials.

Image 1:) "Researchers successfully 3D printed a dual-phase, nanostructured high-entropy alloy. That exceeds the strength and ductility of other state-of-the-art additively manufactured materials. Credit: UMass Amherst. ( 3D-Printed High-Performance Nanostructured Alloy That’s Both Ultrastrong and Ductile)

Nanotechnology and nanostructures are miniaturized versions of structures and machines we see every day. The nanostructure makes the material stronger and lighter. One of the examples of nanostructures is the steel plate that is full of small boxes. Steel plate is a strong material and the boxes inside it are making it lighter. 

Image 2:) "Graphene is an atomic-scale hexagonal lattice made of carbon atoms". (Wikipedia/Graphene)

But researchers can make those boxes stronger by using a 3D nanopillar structure that purpose is to stiffen those boxes. This is one of the versions of the nano-steel. That structure makes it strong but there is more space than in regular steel. And that makes it lighter. 

One of the interesting possibilities is the metallic aerogel. Aerogel is one of the lightest materials in the world. And if the researchers can copy its structure to metals that make it a powerful tool everywhere there is a need for lightweight structures. 

Image 3:) Alpha graphite unit cell. (Wikipedia, Graphite) 

Image 4:) Diamond unit cell, showing the tetrahedral structure. (Wikipedia, Diamond) There is possibility that nanotechnology copies this structure to another atoms. And that makes possible to create new fundamental materials. 

Nanotechnology makes it possible to put iron or some other metal atoms into the form that is found in diamonds. Metallic diamonds are one of the dreams of material researchers. 

One of the possibilities to make structures stronger is to put graphite between metal layers. In that case, alpha graphite unit cells will be put between metal layers side by side. They should form a thin graphite layer between those metal layers. And that graphite should support those structures. 

But the most powerful nanomaterial is graphene. The 2D graphite can use to cover layers. Graphene is one of the strongest materials in the world. There is a possible position of nano springs created by using DNA between two graphene layers. Those springs will make the graphene layers stronger than ever. When something hits graphene the impact will transmit to the nano springs. And that thing makes two-layer graphene a very strong material.

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Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Why does the Earth spin faster than usual?

Why does the Earth spin faster than usual? And, why are earthquakes in northern areas turning more common? Does climate change have something to do with that thing? The theory goes like this. 

There is the possibility that climate change has something to do with that thing. Warm weather causes the water vaporizes in oceans. So there is less water in the seas. And that means the mass of water is lower. When Earth spins the water in seas, and lakes move backward. And that can slow the spin. The thermal energy in the atmosphere increases and pumps more energy to the Earth's solid core. That thing causes thermal energy in solid land mass increases.  And that thing can also have an effect on to spin of Earth. 

The warming temperature can also cause earthquakes in the northern region. In the same way, when the oil industry causes earthquakes the melting ground frost causes the core of the earth flattens. And turns lighter. In that case, the pressure on the solid rock above magma turns weaker. That causes the rock above the magma can jump upwards easier. And it can cause earthquakes. Maybe those explanations are not right. But the thing is that climate change has a connection with northern earthquakes and the fast spin of Earth.

Planet 9 causes discussions again.

"Illustration of the hypothetical Planet 9. Credit: R. Hurt/IPAC, Caltech" ( 9 is running out of places to hide)

Hypothetical Planet 9 or 10, if you think that Pluto is the planet is a mystery. And maybe it remains a mystery. There are billions of theories about what that mystery could be. And nobody ever detected that planet. The only observations about that planet are gravitational interactions between something unseen and planet Neptune. 

In some visions that planet would be a miniature black hole. Or maybe it was some rogue planet that traveled near our solar system. Nobody has seen that planet yet. But sometimes there is intensive research for finding that planet. But all attempts to find that mysterious gravitational object are failed. 

The "Planet 9" is the name of an unknown anomaly in the trajectory of planet Neptune. And the thing is that Planet 9 is not a red dwarf called "Nemesis". There is suspicion that "Planet 9" is some kind of density in the Kuiper Belt.

Or it might be the cloud of dust just outside the Kuiper belt. One explanation for that "planet" is that the members of the Alpha Centauri system (Alpha Centauri A and B, Proxima Centauri, and Luhman-16) would go in a straight line. And that causes the gravitational anomaly. 

There is also the possibility that the energy impulse from the black hole or somewhere else causes the anomaly in the trajectory of planet Neptune. The interesting thing about Planet 9 is that we cannot see it. The anomalies of the trajectory of the Neptune were real. But the thing that causes them remains a mystery. 

One of the possibilities is that hypothetical Planet 9 kicked off from orbiting trajectory. The distance to that hypothetical object would be so high that even a small gravitational effect could pull that planet out from its trajectory. 

Could planet 9 be some kind of rogue planet? In some hypotheses, planet 9 is the old planet from maybe the Van Maanen system. That means there is no radioactive material left. And that planet is the zombie. Maybe planet 9 just passed our solar system. 

If we would find that planet the surface temperature of it could be the same as the cosmic background. Which is 3 kelvin. Or even lower. That makes that planet extremely hard to detect. If the temperature on that planet is lower than 3 Kelvin. That means energy travels to that planet. But even though the surface temperature is precise 3 kelvin that planet is hard to detect, because there is no infrared radiation. 

The surface of that hypothetical planet would be in superconducting condition. And it makes the planet an extremely large size quantum hard disk where signals remain in their form. That means all radiation that is left from Earth and impacts Planet 9 will be stored on the surface of that planet in the form where it is transmitted. 

But there is one interesting hypothesis. That is that Planet 9 is formed of dark matter. So planet 9 exists but the only observable thing about that planet is its gravitational field. 

That means we could not see or touch that planet. That planet would be only the gravitational effect that will cause anomalies to the trajectory of Neptune. But the thing is that mystery remains. Planet 9 waits for its finder. And maybe that planet ever found. Today scientists have better tools than ever before. And they should find that planet. But if the "planet" is a small nebula where the bites are near zero kelvin, that thing is hard to see.

The oil and gas industry causes earthquakes.

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"Oil and gas production was strongly correlated with 68 percent of earthquakes larger than 1.5 in magnitude". ( and Gas Production Is Causing a Worrying Number of Earthquakes)

Oil and gas deposits are in the caves or pockets deep underground. The pressure of the oil and gas the pocket's roof up. The pressure supports the structure that holds the roof of those deposits up. When oil and gas are conducted away from those deep underground deposits. 

The pressure decreases in those pockets. 68% of those earthquakes are stronger than 1,5 Richer says research from the University of Texas. ( and Gas Production Is Causing a Worrying Number of Earthquakes)

And that removes the support from the roof. Because there is not enough pressure the roof of those deposits collapses. And that thing causes earthquakes. There is the possibility that taking water from underground deposits causes similar earthquakes. Also, the use of water from underground deposits causes a similar effect to the oil industry. 

Image 2:)  The GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) satellite. In the future, the power satellites can look a little bit like this. 

The futuristic solar power satellites are delivering endless and pure energy to ground. The energy satellites are planned from the 1970's . The problem with those satellites is that atmosphere absorbs radiation.  So the transmitting power of those satellites is megawatt-class that the satellites can deliver power to ground effectively. And that makes those satellites dangerous in the wrong hands. 

Some people criticize those systems. The same satellites can work as ultimate battle stations which can sweep missiles and aircraft away from the skies. And if the system is powerful enough. It can harm the structures on Earth. 

The earthquakes and power satellites. 

There are plans to create large-size solar-power stations that orbit the Earth. Those satellites will deliver energy to the energy network by using radio waves that are sent to antennas. And those antennas are delivering those radio waves to the electric network. The power of those satellites is extremely high. 

And sometimes people are concerned that those radio waves can warm the underground water deposits. That thing causes the size of the water expands. Also, fast vaporization makes it possible that the water acts similar way to oil and gas. When a large mass of water will remove from the ground fast. That can cause earthquakes. 

The satellite base seismic weapon. (Shuttle's seismic secret) 

If the satellites are using microwaves, lasers, or crossing radio waves that are creating electric arcs underwater that thing can cause artificial earthquakes. The ELF radars that are used to locate underground structures and underground oil deposits can create electric arcs deep underground. 

And that thing can make an artificial earthquake in some areas. The idea is that the electric arc vaporizes water, gas, or oil and causes a similar effect to the oil industry. When the underground liquid vaporizes that thing causes changes in the pressure and physical conditions underground. That thing can cause synthetic earthquakes.

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Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...