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Showing posts from August, 2022

Astronomers found that exoplanet TOI-1452 b could be a so-called water world.

Artist's impression of exoplanet TOI-1452 b The anatomy of water worlds.  Exoplanet TOI-1452 b is orbiting red dwarf TOI-1452 for 11 days. There is a possibility, that a thick water layer covers the entire exoplanet TOI-1452 b. That thing makes that exoplanet very interesting. TOI-1452 b is 70 times larger than Earth and five times more massive than our planet. TOI-1452 b is possible a locked planet where powerful winds are blowing because the difference in temperature between day and night sides is very big. So what kind of world the water world can be?  That temperature difference causes extremely strong winds. The windspeed in those jet streams can rise over Mach 1. The difference in the wind speed in latitudes causes the stripes in the water world's atmosphere and the friction between those stripes will heat the atmosphere of the water world.  And if there forms some kind of hurricanes in the atmosphere of water worlds those hurricanes can stay years. The water worlds have

James Webb-telescope detected carbon dioxide in the exoplanet's atmosphere.

Above: Artists' impression of exoplanet Wasp-39B Exoplanet Wasp-39b has carbon dioxide in its atmosphere. That thing is one of the possible marks of the lifeforms. But there is also the possibility that oxygen is connecting to carbon in the atmosphere of Wasp-39b. The Wasp-39b is a giant exoplanet. It's so-called hot Jupiter and the atmospheric temperature of that planet is 900 degrees Celsius. That is an extremely hot planet, so there should not be any lifeforms.  But there is one possibility that is not what somebody wants to hear. The possibility is that the carbon dioxide is coming from the high atmosphere of some invisible target near Wasp-39b. The object can be some kind of moon near Wasp-39b. There is also water (H2O) and sodium (Na) in that planet's atmosphere.  The Wasp-39b orbits its central star in four days. The mass of the Wasp-39b is one-quarter of Jupiter. So its mass is similar to Saturn but the size is larger than Jupiter. The reason for that is that the Wa

Photon rings around black holes part II.

The inner shadow of the photon rings could tell that there is some kind of radiation that pushes the photon ring away from the event horizon. So is that inner shadow the result of the Hawking radiation? Or is it an even more exotic thing?  Can that inner shadow tell the wavelength of the radiation turns so short that radiation that falls in the black hole is invisible? There is the possibility that the black hole can pull that radiation straight. But if there is wave motion that is coming from the black hole. That thing can form short-living virtual particles.  There is the possibility, that those short-living particles are the source of dark energy. When photons are orbiting a black hole they are interacting with their environment. Those photons are collecting things like gravitational energy and resend that wave motion around the universe. That dark shadow means that there is the possibility that the photon itself can be the hypothetical graviton.  There is the possibility that aroun

Photon rings around black holes can help to detect gravitational waves or even dark matter.

There is a photon ring around black holes. That photon ring is an example of the energy level and the force of the gravitation of black holes. That photon ring is one of the things that is predicted but the evidence of those photons that are orbiting black holes is not confirmed yet. That photon ring is one of the things that is making black holes invisible.  The photon that orbits a black hole precisely at the point of the event horizon can act as a tensor between the world inside the singularity and outside it. So the photon that is orbiting a black hole just at the point of the event horizon can conduct energy away from the black hole. By using two-way quantum entanglement. But the photon will not necessarily require quantum entanglement for conducting energy away from the black hole. The photon can stretch by massive gravitation if another side of the photon is inside and the other is an outside event horizon. That photon acts like an antenna, that conducts energy out from a black

Supermassive black holes are forming and ripping galaxies.

Image: NASA The supermassive black holes are forming galaxies. But they also push material away from them. The interaction between black holes and their environment is more complicated than people think. When a black hole pulls material inside it the energy level of the material rises to an extremely high level. Part of that material travels to the poles of the black hole and impacts together.  That thing causes very high power X- and gamma ray beams that are leaving from black holes or at least near that thing. When those radiation pikes hit the material cloud around the black hole it makes the material shine. That shine means that the plasma that forms the main part of the galaxy is sending radiation.  What is the difference between interstellar and interplanetary nebulas? One description is that there are heavier elements like silicon and iron in the interplanetary nebulas.  Interplanetary nebulas are the supernova remnants. And interstellar nebulas are mainly hydrogen and other lig

Most of the planets are orphans without parent stars.

We always think that planets are orbiting their parent stars. But the reality seems very different. Researchers think, that most of the planets in the universe are orphan or rogue planets. Rogue planets are traveling in the universe until some star catches them. There is the possibility that somewhere in history rogue planet traveled through the young solar system. And that thing caused the disastrous gravitational effect in our solar system.  Rogue planets are still a threat to our solar system. Some of those rogue planets are heavy rocky planets and if the planet with four Earth masses will travel through our solar system we would be in trouble. There are theories that maybe Uranus or even Earth were once rogue planets. The strange posture of Uranus supports the theory that the origin of that planet was somewhere else than in our solar system.  Snowball-Earth theory (The Precambrian extinction)  But the argument against that is in the case of Earth. Is the position of the Earth simil

Strange gravitation.

The shape of gravitation is a wave motion. And because it's wave motion. That thing means that gravitation acts like all other wave motions. So when wave motion impacts particles their effect is similar to when two cars are impacting. When two objects are impacting the kinetic energy transforms to wave motion. The energy or wave motion that begins from the impact point will travel through the object which can be a car, particle, etc.  And then that wave motion continues its movement behind the object. If impacting objects are cars people will hear that wave motion as the sound. When that impact happens at the quantum level the impacting wave motion faces the quantum field that forms the particle. And that quantum field moves backward like jelly. Then the wave motion continues to travel behind the object.  When gravitation hits the nose of the particle the wave motion continues to travel backward of the particle. The reason for that is that energy travels always from the higher ener

Why have we not found intelligent civilizations in our universe yet?

One theory is that those intelligent civilizations are just too far away. Even if there could be over 30 intelligent civilizations in our galaxy. They can simply be too far away from us. Milky Way is a huge place. When we are thinking about the size of the Milky Way the diameter of the main gas disk is 200 000 light years.  And there are stars outside the main gas disk. But the thing that limits the forming of lifeforms in the galaxies is that there must be elements that are required for life. And of course, there must be planets that are suitable for lifeforms.  We know that all stars don't have planets orbiting them. There are billions of blue giants in the universe. Those stars are formed in the gas clouds that are forming mainly of hydrogen. Those blue giants and supergiants are common in the open star clusters. So the open star clusters are full of young stars.  And they can turn into galaxies. Milky Way has been open star cluster once until there was formed black hole. And an

Fast radio pulses or FRBs:s can use to give information about material around galaxies.

Could the short-term WARP bubble be the thing that causes FRB? The FRB:s (Fast Radio Pulses) are the energy events whose origin is unknown. The phenomenon itself s quite similar to the XRB (X-Ray Burst) or GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst). The energy level of the FRB is lower than XRB and GRB so there is the possibility that some magnetar or neutron star eats the planet or some other thick object when the FRB is forming.  In some exotic theories, the neutron star will get the extremely high power radio- or some other energy impulse. And maybe the neutron star gets impacted by the GRB.  When that radiation ends the effect is similar to a neutron bomb. Neutrons of a neutron star send an energy impulse in the form of high-power neutron radiation. That high-power neutron radiation can form the WARP bubble around that neutron star.  If the GRB or XRB hits to neutron star it causes a similar effect to a neutron bomb. There is the possibility that this kind of thing where neutrons of the neutron star ar

Yale scientists returned dead pig's cells to life.

Image: "Illustration of organ perfusion and cellular recovery with Organic technology. The cell-saving blood analog is delivered to vital organs one hour after death. Credit: Marin Balaic. (Scitech Death: Yale Scientists Restore Cell, Organ Function in Pigs After Death) What if the research will inject lots of mitochondria into the body that is dead a short time ago? And those mitochondria can deliver into the cell membrane, making this possible to return the person to life. The idea is that the new transplanted mitochondrial will return cells to life.  The research on where dead tissue will return to alive is always interesting. If dead cells can return to life. That thing makes it possible to return dead brain tissue alive after the person is without oxygen long time. Avoiding brain damage is one of the things that the technology that returns dead cells to life after a long time. The article below this text describes the case where dead cells are returned to l

Hot ice and temperature limit.

In this text, I will write about hot ice as a phenomenon. That is visible in a strong enough gravitation or magnetic field. So this is not writing about a chemical compound called "hot ice".  Normally people think that ice is cold. But actually, there is hot ice in the universe. Gravitation can cause conditions, where the ice covers the entire planet. The intense gravitation denies the movements of the water molecules. But there is the possibility that the extremely strong magnetic field can cause a similar effect.  ******************************************************************* O'Neill cylinders.  The futuristic O'Neill cylinders are creating artificial gravitation using rotation movement. The problem with that thing is the centripetal force. The magnets can compensate for the centripetal force by pulling the structures inside. And that denies the breaking of that structure.  So there is the possibility that the futuristic space stations are creating artificial g

Salt can be key to extraterrestrial life.

The salty oceans stay liquid at a lower temperature than water where is no salt. So salty oceans can offer a place where microscopic lifeforms can create. But there is also the possibility that the alien organisms can form in crystal water. Salt also involves sodium that can deliver energy.  Also, sodium is an important component in mammals' neural systems, or rather saying sodium channels that are important for functions of neurons require sodium. So intelligent aliens require salt for their sodium channels if their neural system is similar to ours.  So if the alien has a similar neural structure to humans or mammals. That means they also need sodium for their neural system. On Earth, mammals are taking sodium from the salt. Pure sodium reacts very fast and roughly with water. But if sodium is connected with chloride that thing forms the salt molecule that is not so dangerous.  That crystal water can be in the pocket of the salt crystals. And there can form some kind of primitive

How strong is strong nuclear force?

Image 1:) Strong nuclear force holds 99% of the universe's mass. That means its strongest known interaction. And somebody has introduced that gravitation is strong interaction that leaks from the atoms. The strong interaction is an interaction between quarks and gluons.   The strong interaction is the reason why the annihilation reaction is so powerful. And that reaction where antimatter faces material is the only known reaction where a strong nuclear force is released. But when we are thinking about the form of the baryons or baryonic hadrons we can focus on why two black holes orbit very close to each other and are sending gravitational waves. The origin of the gravitational waves could be in the gluon tunnels between the quark and gluon.  The baryon or baryonic hadrons like proton and neutron are forming of three particles called quarks. Or, the most common baryons, protons, and neutrons consist of the quarks and gluons that transmit strong nuclear force between those quarks. Wh

Machine learning found hidden components in X-ray pulses.

"An X-ray pulse (white line) is built from 'real' and 'imaginary' components (red and blue dashes) that determine quantum effects. A neural network analyzes low-resolution measurements (black shadow) to reveal the high-resolution pulse and its components. Credit: SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory"( learning reveals hidden components of X-ray pulses) The behavior of the line makes it possible to model why an X-ray can tunnel through the material but doesn't warm it. As you can see from the image above this text there is a strange form in the blue line which is another imaginary or virtual component in the X-ray radiation. The X-ray pulse (white) has two imaginary or virtual components. Blue and red.  The blue component seems to have the mirror form to the red component. When the red component rises the blue component decreases. And maybe this is the explanation for why the gravitation is so weak or why gravitation will not rise the mass o

The ESA:s EnVision will be the next Venus mission.

Image 1)EnVision aerobraking in Venus atmosphere. Credit: ESA/ Paris Observatory / VR2Planets / Damia Bouic ( Mission: Readying Spacecraft To Surf Venus’ Hot, Thick Atmosphere) The EnVision program by the ESA (European Space Agency) is the project to map Venus and research its surface using radars. The special thing about this mission is that the van-size space probe would lay very low altitude and surf in Venus' thick atmosphere for a couple of years. The EnVision would use to test things like aerobrake. The aerobrake is the method where the friction of the atmosphere is used to slow the craft's speed. That thing will save lots of fuel. And surfing in that planet's atmosphere makes it possible to take samples from the high atmosphere.  Image 2:) "Artist impression of ESA’s EnVision mission". Credit: ESA/VR2Planets/Damia Bouic ( Mission: Readying Spacecraft To Surf Venus’ Hot, Thick Atmosphere And the craft can als

Could super earth host life?

An artist's illustration of the view. From the exoplanet LHS 1140b. That giant orbits an M dwarf star about one-fifth the size of the sun.  The planet could be a prime target for follow-up studies in the search for life elsewhere in the universe. (Image credit: M. Weiss/CfA )( Alien Planet Is Best Place Yet to Search for Life).  Water is fairly common in the universe. But the problem is that life needs liquid water. There are some models that in the water droplets of the vapor in the atmosphere of the hot planets can form the RNA molecules. In that case, the water droplets with RNA could be the most primitive organisms that we can imagine. Those hypothetical organisms would be only the RNA bites and organelle in the water droplet that can copy itself.  The mass of that exoplanet is about 6,6 times Earth, and the size of it is about 1,4 times of Earth. There are calculations that this 6,6 Earth mass is the limit of the mass of the planet. That can host life.  S

What happens inside the black hole?

  Gravitation is the weakest of all forces. It's neutral. And that means it interacts with all objects the same way. Gravitation is the most dominant effect in the universe. And its mystery.  There is the possibility that black holes help to answer: what is gravitation? Gravitation is wave motion, so there must be something that sends this wave motion. And maybe black holes can solve what is that thing, that pulls everything together? But what doesn't warm the object?  Many people are asking why black holes are so interesting. The reason for that is that black holes can give information about gravitation.  And there should be also lots of dark matter around the black holes. That should make it possible to detect that thing. But nobody has seen dark matter yet. So it remains as the gravitational effect.  What happens inside the black hole? That thing is a mystery. Nobody knows what happens behind the event horizon. The next-generation tool in astronomy as sensors that can detect

The new lidar can revolutionize nanotechnology and anti-stealth technology.

  "The new OPA replaces the multiple emitters of traditional OPAs with a slab grating to create a single emitter. This design enables a wide field of view without sacrificing beam quality. Credit: Hao Hu, the Technical University of Denmark" (ScitechDaily/Smaller, Cheaper Lidar With New Chip-Based Beam Steering Device).  The new lidar that uses the chip-based technology can use in the new nanotechnology. And it can also have the ability to operate in an anti-stealth role. The new very small-size lidars (laser radars) can make the next big step in nanotechnology. The lidar means optical-radar or long-range laser scanner. Sometimes it describes that it's optical area radar. (Wikipedia, Lidar). The lidar can use like radar. But it's a more multi-use system.  Lidar can see soft targets, like animals. And things like regular stealth systems cannot affect that scanner. The optical stealth suits also cannot resist the lidar scanners that are making 3D images of the surface. 

The 3D nanostructure makes it possible to create strong and lightweight materials.

Image 1:) "Researchers successfully 3D printed a dual-phase, nanostructured high-entropy alloy. That exceeds the strength and ductility of other state-of-the-art additively manufactured materials. Credit: UMass Amherst. ( 3D-Printed High-Performance Nanostructured Alloy That’s Both Ultrastrong and Ductile) Nanotechnology and nanostructures are miniaturized versions of structures and machines we see every day. The nanostructure makes the material stronger and lighter. One of the examples of nanostructures is the steel plate that is full of small boxes. Steel plate is a strong material and the boxes inside it are making it lighter.  Image 2:) "Graphene is an atomic-scale hexagonal lattice made of carbon atoms". (Wikipedia/Graphene) But researchers can make those boxes stronger by using a 3D nanopillar structure that purpose is to stiffen those boxes. This is one of the versions of the nano-steel. That structure makes it strong but there is more space

Why does the Earth spin faster than usual?

Why does the Earth spin faster than usual? And, why are earthquakes in northern areas turning more common? Does climate change have something to do with that thing? The theory goes like this.  There is the possibility that climate change has something to do with that thing. Warm weather causes the water vaporizes in oceans. So there is less water in the seas. And that means the mass of water is lower. When Earth spins the water in seas, and lakes move backward. And that can slow the spin. The thermal energy in the atmosphere increases and pumps more energy to the Earth's solid core. That thing causes thermal energy in solid land mass increases.  And that thing can also have an effect on to spin of Earth.  The warming temperature can also cause earthquakes in the northern region. In the same way, when the oil industry causes earthquakes the melting ground frost causes the core of the earth flattens. And turns lighter. In that case, the pressure on the solid rock above magma turns we

Planet 9 causes discussions again.

"Illustration of the hypothetical Planet 9. Credit: R. Hurt/IPAC, Caltech" ( 9 is running out of places to hide) Hypothetical Planet 9 or 10, if you think that Pluto is the planet is a mystery. And maybe it remains a mystery. There are billions of theories about what that mystery could be. And nobody ever detected that planet. The only observations about that planet are gravitational interactions between something unseen and planet Neptune.  In some visions that planet would be a miniature black hole. Or maybe it was some rogue planet that traveled near our solar system. Nobody has seen that planet yet. But sometimes there is intensive research for finding that planet. But all attempts to find that mysterious gravitational object are failed.  The "Planet 9" is the name of an unknown anomaly in the trajectory of planet Neptune. And the thing is that Planet 9 is not a red dwarf called "Nemesis". There is suspicion that "Planet 9" is

The oil and gas industry causes earthquakes.

Image 1:) "Oil and gas production was strongly correlated with 68 percent of earthquakes larger than 1.5 in magnitude". ( and Gas Production Is Causing a Worrying Number of Earthquakes) Oil and gas deposits are in the caves or pockets deep underground. The pressure of the oil and gas the pocket's roof up. The pressure supports the structure that holds the roof of those deposits up. When oil and gas are conducted away from those deep underground deposits.  The pressure decreases in those pockets. 68% of those earthquakes are stronger than 1,5 Richer says research from the University of Texas. ( and Gas Production Is Causing a Worrying Number of Earthquakes) And that removes the support from the roof. Because there is not enough pressure the roof of those deposits collapses. And that thing causes earthquakes. There is the possibility that taking water from underground deposits causes similar earthquakes. Also, the use of water from un