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Showing posts from September, 2022

Dark matter or the invisible gravitational effect could explain something about dark energy.

There are galaxies full of dark matter. And galaxies, there is no dark matter. So in theory, dark matter can form glimpses that we can call planets or dark matter nebulas. The problem is that we can see only the gravitational effect that comes from something invisible. So the second dominating effect in the universe is almost unknown.  Dark matter glimpses send gravitational waves similar way to all other massive targets. And that means when some particle travels through the dark matter nebula that nebula pumps gravitational energy to that particle.  Sometimes introduced a theory that dark matter is virtual material. In that case, the dark matter or that gravitational effect is formed by the maser effect of the gravitational waves. When gravitational waves impact together. They have a similar effect to all other wave motions. When wave motion impacts other wave motion that has the same frequency. That increases the power of the wave motion. Same way as gravitation turns the direction o

What kind of place was the young universe?

Cosmologists say that the young universe was "hot", but they don't usually explain what "hot" means. There was a lot more energy in the early universe, and material along with wave motion was thicker than today.  But the universe was not similar as its today. The reflection was stronger and cosmic inflation was extremely strong. Also, radiation was stronger, and that caused the vaporization of material to be slower.  The material was at a higher energy level than it's now. But the base energy level of that system was also higher. And time was different in that system.  The gravitational interaction was also stronger. The reason for that objects was closer to each other. But the electromagnetic interaction was different. The quantum fields and radiation pushed those objects and pumped more energy into them.  In the young universe, two forces fought against each other. Radiation rips the universe into pieces and gravitation pulls objects back together.  The ex

The water worlds are more common than we thought.

The water worlds are more common than we thought. So could the hypothetical planet X be the frozen zombie planet there are no internal nuclear reactions? There are plans to send a probe for searching that mysterious object which causes the errors in the trajectory of Neptune. Could that thing be the frozen water world there are no internal nuclear reactions? The thing that makes this hypothetical planet interesting is that it's invisible.  Water worlds or planets that are covered by a water layer are more common than anybody expected. The water worlds can be planets there is liquid water. But there is also the possibility. That large-size objects are forming from ice. So in some theories, the mysterious "Planet X" is the frozen water world. In that case, hundreds of kilometers deep of ice can cover a large part of that planet.  But in the case of "Planet X," we should talk rather about the "gravitational effect X" than some planets. One of the explanat

The new images of the Orion nebula are here.

New systems and new accuracy are bringing new details to well-known objects. The JWST-telescope is bringing a new view to the Orion nebula. And as you see the details are fascinating. The young star in the nebula rises its energy level. That thing causes incredible lightshow.  The Orion nebula is an incredible target. Stars are forming all the time in that nebula. Which makes it an interesting target if researchers want to observe the birth of stars. The shockwaves in that nebula are causing that there are lots of young stars.  There are a couple of details about those images that are interesting. One of those details is ghostly "hooded characters" or filaments in the nebula. Another is the waveform that is formed. There is also a chess-button looking structure in that nebula.  When the energy level of the star changes. And the young star in its cocoon is also an interesting detail. Those details are marked in the second image. The image source is  Images: h

Are we on the brink of finding extraterrestrial lifeforms as the Swiss government's scientists say?

The image above this text portrays an artist's imagination of an alien world with icy geysers. That world could be like the Triton moon of Neptune. And there is the strange planet in the sky of this world that can be somewhere.  In this text, the focus is on the search for non-intelligent alien species. Those species can be like mushrooms or bacteria. And maybe those lifeforms are opening the window to the question of what kind of planet can host intelligent lifeforms. If some old planets are hosting only primitive organisms, maybe those planets can tell why nature started to favor intelligence in the case of our species. Why there is no other intelligent species than humans on Earth?  Gliese 436 b is the planet covered by burning ice. The surface temperature of that planet is 431 Celsius. But strong gravitation denies the ice melting. That thing causes re-estimation for the term habitable zone.  There must be liquid water on the planet. Well, liquid water is important for life for

What kind of exoplanets do intelligent life forms need?

The artist's vision of the exoplanet "Proxima B". The surface of the closest known exoplanet, "Proxima B" or "Proxima Centauri B", could look like this artist's vision.  If the planet's surface is too hostile there will not form lifeforms. Life as we know it requires liquid water. And of course, life needs the right environment for advancement. But when we are trying to think about what is the right environment for creating advanced civilizations we must realize one thing.  There must be some reason for intelligence. The species must get some benefit from intelligence. And that means that if the conditions on the planet are too stable there is no need for intelligence.  The planet that is favorable for the development of life is not necessarily favorable for the development of intelligence. There must happen something that makes evolution benefit intelligent lifeforms.  Species like humans use intelligence to adapt the environmental changes. In

Dark energy: when stars shine is too bright.

   The description of dark energy is simple. There is too much energy in the universe.  Sometimes some researchers say that stars are shining too brightly. And that thing means there is some kind of unknown external or internal source for mysterious dark energy. Or actually, dark energy is no mystery at all. Its wave motion which source is unknown.  But what is the source of that mysterious wave motion?  There is a couple of explanations for dark energy.  1) Dark energy could be the wave motion that is coming outside the universe. That means there should be some energy sources that make this thing possible. So that thing (almost) proves the existence of the multiverse.  2) Dark energy could be the quantum soundwaves coming from the quarks and gluons. The strong nuclear force is the interaction between quarks and gluons. And when gluon travels between quarks it causes a similar effect to the hammer that hits metal balls.  In this model, there are two different types of dark energy.  A)

The chameleon effect, what is it?

The chameleon effect is the thing that involves other effects in the system. There are two versions of that effect.  1) Specific chameleon 2) Scaled chameleon.  The specific or unique chameleon effect is the effect that involves two particles or objects. That chameleon is easy to detect because it rises or decreases the state of only a few objects in the system. And that makes those couple of objects more visible or brighter than others. And we know many specific chameleons, like the interaction between electrons and air molecules during lightning.  But scaled chameleons also exist. The best example of scaled chameleons is gravitation. That effect affects all particles in the same way. The scaled chameleon affects the entire system. And that makes it hard to detect if an observer is inside the system. So this is the reason why we are hard to notice things like gravitons. Gravitons are too often that we cannot separate them from quantum porridge.  Scaled chameleons are hard to detect in

What is the solar cycle?

If we can predict the solar cycle, we could protect our electronic components more effectively. When the ion eruption from the sun starts we must shut down many satellites. There is a so-called SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) Whose mission is to collect data about the sun and especially warning signs of solar eruptions.   SOHO is the satellite system between Earth and the sun. That system's mission is to warn people that the ion eruption endangers communication and other satellites. The data that SOHO collects is used to make predictions for solar eruptions. And maybe someday there are so-called space weather broadcasts that warn people that there is a massive ion flow coming from the sun.  The sun might seem stable. But the fact is that the energy production of our central star changes in a certain cycle. Radiation that comes from the nucleus of the sun pushes its core outside. And when the outer core expands pressure in the nucleus of the sun decreases. That causes nucl

Which one was a first egg or chicken?

Helix Nebula in visible light.  Two forces affect the planetary nebula. Those forces are electromagnetic forces of the giant plasma cloud. The shine of those particles is electromagnetic radiation that pushes particles away from each other. The electromagnetic interaction affects two directions. It can push, and it can pull objects.  Another force is gravitation. That pulls particles together. The symmetry of those forces. Or repelling and pulling effects determines if there is a possibility that some kind of stars or planet form in those nebulas.  The electromagnetic force between ions or monopolar particles that have the same polarity pushes those particles away from each other. the electromagnetic force between anions and ions is pulling particles together along with gravitation.  When we look at the Helix nebula above this text, we see the shine. Image one is taken by using visible light. And the second one is in the infrared wavelength. That is the emission radiation of ions and a

Astronomers found a one-kind-of of the triple star system.

"Artist’s interpretation of HD 98800, a quadruple-star system located 150 light-years away in the constellation TW Hydrae. Bin Liu and Alejandro Vigna-Gomez suggest that the more massive tertiary-star system" "TIC 470710327 could have started in a similar configuration – two binary systems with one of them eventually merging into one, bigger star. TIC 470710327 is located very close to “Cassiopeia”. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA" (“One of a Kind” Massive Triple Star System Detected) The massive triple-star system TIC 470710327 is very special. The reason for that is those stars are extremely massive. The binary stars have a combined mass of 12 times the Sun. But the third component has the mass of 16 suns.  The binary stars are orbiting each other very close. And because the third component is heavier than binary stars, that means the system is not yet stable. The binary stars might turn to orbit the third component.  Because the third component is

Why was NASA's Artemis mission postponed?

NASA postponed the Artemis launch. The reason for that is, that they wanted to be sure that this mission will be successful. It would be embarrassing if the Orion mega-booster will detonate on the launch pad. The key element in the Artemis mission is "Orion". That booster is the most powerful rocket ever created by NASA. And this rocket involves brand new technology that has never been used before.  So Artemis is much more than some moon program.  It offers a framework for many R&D projects.  NASA can use the "Orion" booster in heavy missions. And one of those missions is to launch heavy satellites in higher orbiters. Also if NASA makes a manned Mars flight in the future, that mission requires a heavy booster to rise nuclear reactors to the Moon orbiter.  If the nuclear rocket will put together and launched from the Moon orbiter that denies radioactive debris fall to Earth. But that kind of mission requires a heavy-duty booster.  The U.S. military is concerned a

The James Webb telescope uncovered that strange rings surround a distant star WR 140.

The strange rings or cores surround distant star WR 140. Those concerning shells look like some kind of waves. There is a possibility, that those concentric shells are formed when gravitational waves are hitting material around that star. Those rings can be pressure waves from that star or they can be the result of gravitational waves. WR 140 is a variable that changes its brightness in a certain period.  The WR 140 is the so-called Wolf-Rayet star. The surface temperature of that star is 70000K which is usual for Wolf-Rayet stars. Some of Wolf-Rayet stars have no hydrogen at all. They are burning pure helium or even heavier elements.  Or another thing that could form those strange rings can be changed the energy production of that star. describes WR 140 like this: "WR140, located some 5,600 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Cygnus, is a so-called variable star that periodically dims and brightens. Whether the star's variability has anything to do with