Thursday, September 29, 2022

What kind of place was the young universe?

Cosmologists say that the young universe was "hot", but they don't usually explain what "hot" means. There was a lot more energy in the early universe, and material along with wave motion was thicker than today. 

But the universe was not similar as its today. The reflection was stronger and cosmic inflation was extremely strong. Also, radiation was stronger, and that caused the vaporization of material to be slower. 

The material was at a higher energy level than it's now. But the base energy level of that system was also higher. And time was different in that system. 

The gravitational interaction was also stronger. The reason for that objects was closer to each other. But the electromagnetic interaction was different. The quantum fields and radiation pushed those objects and pumped more energy into them. 

In the young universe, two forces fought against each other. Radiation rips the universe into pieces and gravitation pulls objects back together. 

The expansion of the young universe was similar. But because the universe or the plasma bubble that forms visible material was smaller the effect of expansion was stronger. 

Strong reflection caused the speed of light to be slower. Or photons moved with more curving trajectories. 

Time was slower in the young universe. And there were situations where the photons were trapped inside the radiation. That means the high-energy material formed the photon crystals that formed standing photons inside that plasma. 

Because the material was thicker the effects of the things like supernovas were more powerful than its today. Those stars exploded in the young universe as super supernovas. 

The thing that formed those super supernovas was similar to the effect of the detonation in water. When some explosive detonates in water. Its effect is more powerful than if that explosive detonates in the air. 

Those super supernovas affected also other stars in the young universe. And their shockwaves can destroy many stars. The thing is that the life of the stars in the young universe was short and fast. 

The interesting thing in the young universe was that if we would be in that space, we would not feel that anything was smaller than in the modern universe. Everything was smaller in that strange space. Of course, the energy level of the young universe was higher than it's today. 

But that would not mean that the stars were "hotter" than in the modern universe. The terms "hot" and "cold" depending on the difference between the base energy level and the object. So if we think that the base energy level of the early or young universe would be two million degrees Celsius, that means the "zero kelvin" in that system is two million degrees celsius. 

The base energy level in our universe is -273,15 degrees Celsius or zero Kelvin. That thing is made in the laboratory. The Universe itself is at least three to four degrees hotter than the absolute zero point. 

But if we want to measure that temperature we must be outside that system. If we are inside that system the lowest possible energy level is 2 million degrees Celcius in our system. The thing is that we can measure only temperature differences, and the base temperature or energy level of the system is the energy minimum. Below that is no energy that we can measure.

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