Sunday, October 23, 2022

The interesting thing in quantum entanglement is the string that connects superpositioned particles.

The centripetal force acts in all particles. And if the rotation speed is high enough, that thing causes the situation where even elementary particles are forming the channel. 

Quantum entanglement is one of the most useful phenomena in the quantum world. In that "spooky effect of distance," the system puts the elementary particles (like photons, quarks, electrons, etc.) to oscillate in the same frequency. That means the same elementary particle is at the same time, in two different positions. 

Also, things like electromagnetic fields can put to superposition. When two elementary particles are superpositioned and entangled that thing happens by using electromagnetic fields like laser rays. Photon or electron clouds are also forming electromagnetic- or quantum fields. And those things can use to put even complicated quantum systems into superposition. 

Theoretically, superposition is possible also between quark groups. And theoretically, things like protons, neutrons, and other kinds of elementary particle groups can be superpositioned. So theoretically, also complicated quantum systems can put to superposition. 

But the thing that makes superposition interesting is that. There forms a string or wire between those superpositioned particles. And that string makes them act like some stick. When another particle at the end of that stick is moving the another will also move. 

But what is that string that connects those two particles? There is the possibility that the film where the water bubble spins and stays in its form illustrates that situation. 

Could there be a channel through black holes?

When a particle spins very fast that motion should form a channel through it. But if we want to make a channel through an electron. We must spin that particle at an extremely fast speed. So could black holes spin so fast that they can form a channel through the singularity? In that model, the fast spin of the object causes the situation where centripetal force pushes the superstrings away from its axle. The centripetal force could rip also quarks and leptons in pieces. 

But it requires an extremely fast spin. If those channels through elementary particles are true, they can offer limitless energy solutions. That means there is a quantum vacuum in the middle of particles that is acting like those bubbles in the water drop. And if there are small quantum lightning or strings between those particles those strings can collect energy from the quantum fields. 

When radiation or wave motion, which mission is to duplicate particles hits the primary particle it increases the spin of that particle. There is a possibility that there is a forming tunnel through that particle. And that tunnel forms a quantum tornado through space. When that quantum tornado impacts another particle, it will start to oscillate it. 

But is that string some kind of wormhole? That is an interesting question. If we think that there is a hypothetical transporter particle graviton, that transports gravitation, there is the possibility that the tunnel through electron or quark forms between hypothetical gravitons. If there is a graviton inside all particles, which have mass. The extremely fast spin will create a tunnel that unmasks the graviton. 

That thing causes interesting speculations of black holes. When we think about the possibility of the superposition of things like stars. We must understand that superposition is possible only between similar elementary particles. And superposition between quark stars is possible because those hypothetical stars consist only of quarks. 

Also, the black holes can turn into superposition. The spin of black holes is extremely fast. And that thing can cause a situation where superstrings or gravitational channels. That forms a situation where singularity can turn to the side from the rotation axle. 

In that case, that thing could form a channel through the black hole. But that thing is only a hypothetical model. The thing behind this model is that centripetal force affects all systems. And theoretically, even elementary particles can break into bites by spinning them fast enough.

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