Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Discoveries can explain why magnetars have so strong magnetic fields.

"The study of the sound speed has revealed that heavy neutron stars have a stiff mantle and a soft core, while light neutron stars have a soft mantle and a stiff core – much like different chocolate pralines. Credit: Peter Kiefer & Luciano Rezzolla" ( Chocolate Pralines: Physicists’ Surprising Discovery About Neutron Star Structure)

Even if neutron stars are rotating at extremely fast speeds. Sound travels in those extremely thick objects. Sound is an oscillation of atoms, subatomic particles, and molecules. And soundwaves are traveling in neutron stars almost like in all other particles. Except in neutron stars sound means the oscillation of the neutron's quantum fields. And that thing makes that thing very interesting. 

When the jet of another neutron star impacts with another neutron star it can put it to resonate. That resonance is possible especially if the neutron star's core is stiff. 

The light neutron stars have a soft mantle and stiff core. Heavy neutron stars have stiff mantles and soft cores. In the case of neutron stars, the "stiff" and "soft" are far harder than iron. The material of neutron stars is one of the strongest in the universe. Researchers are interested in that material because the 2D neutron network is called "neutron-" or "quantum graphene". 

Neutrons are polar particles that have north and south poles. And that thing makes it possible that neutrons can create a similar structure to graphene. 

The discoveries can explain why magnetar's magnetic field is so strong. Magnetar is a neutron star with a very powerful magnetic field. And the reason for that is the core of that neutron star orbits very fast. Magnetars are lightweight neutron stars. That allows their core can rotate faster than heavy neutron stars. 

That thing can explain what makes magnetars so special. The fast-rotating stiff core can like hover above the mantle. And the extremely fast rotating core is the reason why magnetar's magnetic field is so strong. There is a vision that magnetars can superposition with each other. In that case, the radiation from another magnetar synchronizes the resonation of their core. 

In some other theories, neutron stars can have two stiff cores over each other. That thing removes the friction between those cores. And the core of that theoretical model rotates over the quantum rolls. The neutrons of the lower core act like small rolls. That almost removes the friction from the structure. And that thing makes it possible that the speed of the core is near the speed of light. 

That kind of rotating core can simply push the photons away from it. Or the powerful magnetic or quantum field simply captures photons between electrons that are orbiting in that field. That kind of effect can turn this kind of neutron star almost invisible.

There is no trace of phosphine in Venus's atmosphere.

Sofia-telescope found no evidence of life on Venus. And there is no phosphine in that planet's atmosphere. So that thing means that Venus is dead. 

But the question is why the first telescope saw phosphine in the Venu's clouds and then that phosphine is gone. The wrong calibration might be the problem. But how telescope couldn't detect that the source of phosphine is in Earth's atmosphere? There was not very much phosphine in Venus. 

Image Sofia-telescope

So maybe the reason for that trace was some chemical reaction where some volcano released phosphorous into Venus's atmosphere. And then things like lightning caused a reaction where carbon monoxide reacted with phosphorous. 

There is a possibility that the lightning destroyed CO or CO^2 molecules. And then phosphorous could interact with hydrogen forming PH3. So there are no lifeforms in Venus's clouds.

"Researchers have uncovered evidence that vast phytoplankton blooms may be lurking beneath Antarctic ice." ( Ecosystems? NASA’s New Evidence of Vast Life Lurking Beneath Antarctic Ice)

Antarctica is the perfect place for researching isolated ecosystems. 

There is the possibility that hidden ecosystems are lurking inside Antarctica's ice. 

But a search for extraterrestrial lifeforms continues. And Antarctica offers a good place to research the closed ecosystems. When researchers are collecting data from the lakes deep inside the Antarctic ice. 

Also from the ice itself, they can make models of what kind of lifeforms could live in some distant water moon's ocean. Antarctica is also a large freezer. And there can be found the remnants of the first organisms on Earth. 

The thing is that Antarctica is one of the most isolated and sterile areas in the world. There are unique species in those lakes that are not anywhere else. And those organisms can give information about the closed and cold ecosystems. 

Antarctica is hostile to almost all lifeforms that we know. But deep inside ice is lifeforms that don't need sunlight or straight contact with sunlight. Those organisms hunt for organisms that have contact with sunlight. And in that model, the tiniest and most producing organisms are living near the ice's surface. After that the other organisms. That is higher in the food chain are deeper under the ice.

The big question about those closed ecosystems is this. Does the nutrient fall to those lakes through the ice? Or are those lake ecosystems closed? In the last case, all nutrients surround the icy lake. That kind of ecosystem gets its energy from the black smokers or volcanic heat. That kind of ecosystem is always interesting.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

The Ingenuity helicopter got its new software. And Perseverance-rover found an organic-looking chemical compound from Mars.

NASA:s Ingenuity helicopter can use to research how to navigate without the GPS. 

The Ingenuity helicopter flies over Mars, and one of the problems with this kind of system is simple: how to navigate without the GPS? There are many possibilities for how to replace traditional GPS by using some other systems. One system what that robot helicopter can use in that kind of operation is TAINS (Terrair contour matching and Aided Intertial navigation system). The camera in the helicopter takes images from its route. 

And when the helicopter needs to return. The computer compiles images that the helicopter takes with new images. The camera sends that data to the flight-control computer. The inertial or gyroscope navigation can support return. 

The gyroscope can record the entire flight route and then the helicopter must just drive that route backward. The TAINS system is a combination of TERCOM (Terrain contour matching) and gyroscope navigation. This kind of navigation system is used in cruise missiles, but it also can use in other aerial vehicles. 

Things like robot recon planes can also use the TAINS system. The recon plane can fly a certain route. And its digital cameras store the entire mission. Also, the TAINS system can control unmanned attack aircraft. The point where the navigation system orders the drone or cruise missile to dive into the target can program that way. The aircraft releases a smart weapon at that point. 

But there is another way to locate objects and navigate by using satellites than some regular GPS systems. The robot or manned vehicle can send the laser ray to the photo-recon satellite. 

The photo-recon satellite will see the location of the laser pointer from the image. The AI or human operator can plan the route for the robot helicopter. Or drive the helicopter to the wanted position by using the remote control. The helicopter can search for interesting points for the Mars-rovers. 

Robot helicopters can use laser spectrometers in larger areas than robot cars. The helicopter can also use its laser as the laser drill. And land at the wanted position and then take samples from deeper than just the surface.

"This Perseverance rover Mastcam-Z enhanced color photo mosaic shows a butte near Jezero crater informally dubbed “Kodiak” by the rover team. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS; edited by Jim Bell/ASU" (’s Perseverance Rover Discovers Possible Organic Compounds in Mars Crater Rocks)

Perseverance-Rover found possible organic molecules from one crater on Mars.  


New findings from planet Mars are making this kind of combination interesting.  The Perseverance rover found organic-looking chemical compounds in one single crater. These kinds of findings are very interesting things. And if those organic chemical compounds are truly organic they should be found all over the Red planet. If the organic-based material is found only in one or two single areas and if there are some fossils. 

Or maybe, sleeping bacteria that are not from Earth. That thing opens new roads for cosmology. And search for extraterrestrial life forms. If there are Mars-based bacteria only in Valles Marineris canyon. That proves that extraterrestrial lifeforms can be very local. And even if the planet seems hostile there could be places where life is possible. 

But there is one interesting thing. If those bacteria are from Earth, what carried them to Mars? Or what if the bacteria fossils were found in only one crater? There is a needed DNA (RNA) or genome sample to confirm that the pill-looking structures are remnants of the bacteria. And there is the possibility that the UV radiation terminated the genome and internal structure of those proto-bacteria remnants.

Friday, November 25, 2022

James Webb telescope gives new data about exoplanet WASP-39b.

Above: artist's vision of the exoplanet WASP-39b

WASP-39b is hot Saturn. Its mass is 0,94 times Saturn and 0,28 times Jupiter. The size of that exoplanet is 1,5 times Jupiter. 

And the reason for that is WASP-39b orbits so close to its sun. The distance to the WASP-39 system is 700 light years. 

The WASP-39 is a G-spectral class star. And that means star WASP-39 is quite similar to the Sun. 

The size of that star is slightly smaller than our Sun. And that makes the WASP-39b so interesting. There are known many gas giants that are orbiting M-type red dwarfs in close distance. 

But quite a small (read low-mass) gas planet that orbits quite a hot star very close is interesting. M-type red dwarfs have solar systems, where all planets are orbiting inside the distance of planet Mercury from their sun. But the WASP 39 is much hotter than some Gliese 581. 

The trajectory of WASP-39b is closer than the trajectory of Mercury. And the intensive heat causes the gas giant to bulge to an extremely large size. The question is why this planet didn't burn in the heat of its star. The solar wind and heat from the central star should blow the atmosphere of the planet and the planet itself away. 

"The atmospheric composition of the hot gas giant exoplanet WASP-39 b has been revealed by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. This graphic shows four transmission spectra from three of Webb’s instruments operated in four instrument modes. A transmission spectrum is made by comparing starlight filtered through a planet’s atmosphere as it moves in front of the star, to the unfiltered starlight detected when the planet is beside the star. Each of the data points (white circles) on these graphs represents the amount of a specific wavelength of light that is blocked by the planet and absorbed by its atmosphere."

"At upper left, data from NIRISS shows fingerprints of potassium (K), water (H2O), and carbon monoxide (CO). At upper right, data from NIRCam shows a prominent water signature. At lower left, data from NIRSpec indicates water, sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and carbon monoxide (CO). At lower right, additional NIRSpec data reveals all of these molecules as well as sodium (Na). Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Joseph Olmsted (STScI)" ( Never Seen Before: NASA’s Webb Reveals an Exoplanet Unlike Any in Our Solar System)

The James Webb telescope analyzed the atmosphere of WASP-39b when it traveled over its star. describes the atmosphere of the WASP-39b like this: 

"The suite of discoveries is detailed in a set of five new scientific papers, three of which are in press and two of which are under review. Among the unprecedented revelations is the first detection in an exoplanet atmosphere of sulfur dioxide (SO2), a molecule produced from chemical reactions triggered by high-energy light from the planet’s parent star. On Earth, the protective ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is created similarly".

( Never Seen Before: NASA’s Webb Reveals an Exoplanet Unlike Any in Our Solar System)

"Other atmospheric constituents detected by the Webb telescope include sodium (Na), potassium (K), and water vapor (H2O), confirming previous space- and ground-based telescope observations as well as finding additional fingerprints of water, at these longer wavelengths, that haven’t been seen before".

( Never Seen Before: NASA’s Webb Reveals an Exoplanet Unlike Any in Our Solar System)

"Webb also saw carbon dioxide (CO2) at higher resolution, providing twice as much data as reported from its previous observations. Meanwhile, carbon monoxide (CO) was detected, but obvious signatures of both methane (CH4) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) were absent from the Webb data. If present, these molecules occur at very low levels". 

( Never Seen Before: NASA’s Webb Reveals an Exoplanet Unlike Any in Our Solar System)

If carbon monoxide would found in some rocky planet's atmosphere, that would be a sign of life. But the WASP-39b is mainly a gas planet. So there is some kind of photochemical reactions that are forming those molecules. 

The thing that makes those molecules interesting is that. The radiation of the WASP-39 should destroy those molecules. The radiation from that star is very powerful. And that means water and methane are surprising chemical compounds. 

The temperature in the atmosphere of that planet is about 900 C. And that means the water should turn oxygen and hydrogen at that temperature which continues until the star vaporizes its planets. And that happens when WASP-39 turns into a red giant. 

Another interesting thing is why WASP-39b is so close to its star. Maybe it is formed somewhere else, and then some cosmic catastrophe pushed it close to the G-type yellow star. 

The fact is that the mass of WASP-39b is very low for forming in its present position. The solar wind from WASP-39 should destroy that protoplanet. And that makes the WASP-39 so interesting.

How are the material and space formed?

When we think about space and material we can say that material is only a dense part of space. That means there is something that makes space denser at the point where is material. And that thing makes the material so interesting. 

Material is not separate from space and the universe the bubble that involves all known material. So the material is part of the universe. Not separated from it. And the universe is part of a bigger entirety called space. 

Nobody knows what is outside the universe. There could be a cosmic vacuum where is only wave motion. That travels away from the universe. That vacuum pulls the universe larger and larger. 

In this model time is the energy. When the universe expands it turns colder and colder. 

This process continues until the universe reaches energy same energy level as the space around it. When the energy in the universe ends. And all particles turn to wave motion. At that moment, the universe's existence as the quantum system ends. 

Of course, somebody says that wave motion and superstrings still exist. And information about the universe remains. But this is not a story about the ultimate fate of the universe. 

Universe also involves a strange gravitational effect that is unknown to us. And maybe there are other universes, but maybe we can never confirm that thing. So multiverse is more philosophy than scientific theory. 

But when we are talking about dark matter. We should rather talk about dark gravitation or gravitational effect whose source is unknown. 

Same way dark energy is the wave motion whose source is unknown. The only thing that we know about dark energy is that strange wave motion rips the universe into pieces. 

And in some theories, the source of that dark interaction is in strings between quarks. When those energy channels are oscillating that sends wave motion across space. And because that interaction affects so small structures that explain why it's so hard to detect. 

But dark energy and dark matter tell that some structure is common to all particles. And that structure that is involved in all particles is the thing that we can call graviton. Or is it so? The thing is that we should look at this structure somewhere in the elementary particles. 


There is the possibility that the source of gravitation is at the core of the particle. 

The idea of this model is that a particle with high-speed spin forms electromagnetic low-pressure near its core. And then, the wave motion from space will travel to that particle. 

In that model, the particle is like a whisk. The quantum lightning or superstrings surround some internal structure. When that particle spins at high speed. It forms electromagnetic low-pressure near its core. 

The idea is that the quantum vapor forms when the quantum field around the particle turns weaker. And the reason for that is the expansion of the universe. That thing makes particles "hairy". That hair is the superstrings were magnetic or quantum fields touch. 

 And sometimes those "hairs" are touching the quantum field around the particle. That moves energy to that particle. But that hair also sends wave motion through that quantum field. So that thing explains both dark energy and gravitation. 


When we are thinking about material and the smallest known particles there is a possibility that the elementary particles are the power fields. Or they are formed of superstrings that make them look like a whisk-looking structure.  In this model, the superstrings (or quantum lightning) are orbiting the central structure of the particles.  And that structure explains why the qubit is possible. 

If that whisk-looking structure spins at a very fast speed. That could push electromagnetic or quantum fields away from that particle. That thing forms the electromagnetic low pressure near the particle. So, could the gravitation be the effect that forms at the surface of the elementary particle?

Thursday, November 24, 2022

New instruments are uncovering secrets of the cosmos.

"This illustration shows NASA’s IXPE spacecraft, at right, observing blazar Markarian 501, at left. A blazar is a black hole surrounded by a disk of gas and dust with a bright jet of high-energy particles pointed toward Earth. The inset illustration shows high-energy particles in the jet (blue). Credit: NASA/Pablo Garcia" ( Solve 40-Year-Old Black Hole Jet Mystery With NASA’s IXPE)

AI makes system possible to follow the changes of the objects in the skies. The systematic observations of the high-energy objects in the universe are uncovering new details in their reactions. The eruption period of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes is quite stable. And that if there is some kind of explosion or nova eruption in white dwarfs that means something impacted those things. Same way if there are differences in the radiation that a black hole sends that tells it eats something. 

The new satellite called IXPE observed a black hole called Markarian 501. And that thing helps to solve the 40 years old mystery of gamma- and X-ray radiation. The magnetic field of the black hole takes material from the transition disk to the poles of that supermassive object. 

And there those particles are impacting. The speed of those particles is extremely high, and the IXPE satellite observed how those extremely high-energy particles deliver their energy when they travel outside the black hole. 

That energy will transfer to the gas and dust and form gamma- and X-rays. This is one of the most interesting things in black hole research. 

The black hole's transition disk is one of the most high-energy objects in the universe. There is a possibility that IXPE-type of satellites can also find the wormholes. 

That are suspected to travel inside that gamma-ray. In some models, the wormholes are traveling between black holes' poles. And that means the north pole of the black hole will connect to another black hole's south pole. 

The idea is that the wormhole is forming around coherent gravitational waves. That thing forms the electromagnetic tunnel across the universe. Forming of the wormhole is limited to the speed of light. But if a wormhole or electromagnetic tornado can be formed. It offers a very interesting way to send information through the universe. 

The electromagnetic wormhole can also stop the aging of the particles. The laser- or some other energy radiation will deny that wave motion can travel out from particles. So if the object is inside the electromagnetic wormhole that thing affects virtually like the gravitational base or so-called real wormhole. The particle that travels in a laser ray would use 9 years to travel to Alpha Centauri. 

In this text, the distance between Alpha Centauri and Earth is calculated by using 4,5 ly. But outcoming radiation will stop time in the particle. The observer sees that the particle travels at 50% of the speed of light. But outcoming radiation denies that the particle can deliver wave motion. So outside observer sees that the particle uses 18 years for that travel. But the particle will not age at all. 

But even if only electromagnetic wormholes are possible those radiation beams can stop time on the particle. The idea is that high-power radiation denies that energy can travel outside the particle. The thing is that. Cosmic inflation causes the energy level in the universe around that electromagnetic beam to turn lower and lower. 

So the difference between the particle and its environment grows very high. When that electromagnetic radiation ends, energy starts to travel out from the particle very fast. And that thing destroys the particle immediately. So in that case the electromagnetic wormhole just stops time in particles. But the speed of the particle is limited to the speed of light. The particle must not travel even near the speed of light. The outcoming radiation denies that the wave motion travels out from the particles. 

Sources and image.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Could dark energy be the pushing and dark matter pulling gravitational effect?

The dark interaction and antigravitation. 

The standing gravitation wave that makes impacting gravitational waves reflect can be the key to antigravitation or pushing gravitational effect. 

Are dark matter and dark energy two-way interactions of gravitation? So could dark energy be antigravitation and dark matter be gravitation in the form we know it? If that thing is true that means gravitation has similar two-way interaction. 

All other fundamental forces have two-way interaction and they push and pull particles. So why the dark energy cannot be the hypothetical antigravitation or pushing gravitation? And dark matter could be the regular pulling gravitation. 

*Dark energy is energy that rips the universe into pieces. 

*Dark matter is the mysterious gravitational effect that keeps dwarf galaxies in one structure. Nobody has seen dark matter. And the only known interaction between dark matter and visible matter is gravitation. 

*So the name of the dark matter should be dark gravitation. Nobody even knows if dark matter existed. 

*Or could the reason for that unknown effect be the virtual particles? And one virtual particle type is a standing gravitational wave. 

*If a standing gravitational wave is possible, that thing could make antigravitation possible. 

*The idea is that the energy level of that standing gravitational wave is higher than impacting gravitational waves that cause gravitational reflection. 

*And maybe that thing makes antigravitation or pushing gravitational effect possible. 

*So, could dark energy and dark matter be antigravitation and gravitation? 

Dark energy is a strange force that rips the universe into pieces. And dark matter is the gravitational effect that pushes particles away from each other. Dark energy and dark matter are forming a thing that we can call "dark interaction". 

So dark energy is pushing. And dark matter or dark gravitation is pulling particles together. Does that mean there is a question are they part of the same force? In some of the most fundamental speculations, dark energy and dark matter is the gravitation that is turned upside down. Is it possible? Can gravitation turn its mirror effect? 

Gravitation is radiation or wave motion. So gravitation can put travel to focus like all other radiation. And there is a possibility that while the gravitation travels across that focus. They are turning to their mirror waves. And that thing makes it possible that somewhere in the universe the gravitational effect turns to the opposite. 

There is a possibility. That some kind of gravitational loop or gravitational lensing is turning the gravitation to its mirror effect. In that kind of theoretical situation, coherent gravitational waves are traveling through the gravitational lens. And that lens forms the focus where gravitational waves are turning to the opposite. But could that effect cause that gravitation turns to its opposite force? 

While gravitational waves are traveling in space they will turn very weak. And if another side of the gravitational wave is at a higher energy level. That thing means that the gravitational wave can turn upside down. 

When quantum entanglement breaks. And the particles are starting to travel in different directions. We are always forgetting to explain how that thing happens. Before quantum entanglement is formed the particles must take superposition. That means that two elementary particles start to oscillate with the same frequency. 

Then if the energy level of those particles is different. There is forming an energy bridge between them. When the energy level of those particles is turning to the same level that pushes those particles away. 

When the quantum entanglement reaches energy stability. That breaks the structure. Wave motion that source is in both particles impacting in that energy channel it forms the virtual particle or energy bubble. And then the energy that reflects from that virtual particle pushes those particles at both ends of the quantum entanglement away. 

Quantum entanglement and the expansion of the universe

There is a small possibility that the universe's expansion is the reason for the cloud of extremely small particles that are superpositioned and entangled. Those particles could be gravitons, the hypothetical transportation particles of gravitation. There is a possibility that the graviton involves all particles that have mass. 

If the size and energy level of those yet unknown particles are precise same the quantum entanglement that forms between them is starting to push those particles away from each other. 

If that thing is true. That hypothetical extremely small, yet unknown particle is in every single quark that thing explains the dark energy, and the reason why we cannot observe that energy is simple. Dark energy is virtual energy. 

*When we research material and its smallest particles. We are facing one interesting thing. There must be the "final particle" the form or the thing that is involved in all particles. 

*If there is quantum entanglement between those particles there is a possibility that the energy levels of those particles are identical. And that destroys quantum entanglement. That thing pushes those particles away from each other. 

*If the energy level of those particles is different the quantum entanglement is stable. But if that particle is an inside quark. That thing causes the information that travels in quantum entanglement blows particles from each other like the wind. 

That thing can be the superstring. Or that thin could be some kind of extremely small black hole. If the energy levels of those particles are at the same level. And there is forming quantum entanglement between those particles they can push other particles out from each other. 

Because those hypothetical particles are far smaller than quarks or maybe they are smaller than gluons that cause the situation where the affected area of that quantum entanglement is so small that researchers cannot detect it. And the quantum gravitation between quarks and leptons covers the existence of those energy channels. 

But even if the quantum entanglements between those particles are stable it requires that the energy level between the ends of that thing is not the same. That thing can cause an effect where information blows those particles away from each other. The information that travels in this hypothetical quantum entanglement acts like the wind that is blowing the particle, or the superstring in that particle that acts like a sail. 

This theory requires that there is an identical particle in all other structures. And that thing can explain why dark energy is impossible to see. 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

The butterfly robot is the fastest-swimming soft robot in the world.

"Inspired by the biomechanics of the manta ray, researchers developed an energy-efficient soft robot that can swim more than four times faster than previous swimming soft robots. Credit: NC State University"( Inspired by Manta Ray Biomechanics: “Butterfly Bot” Is Fastest Swimming Soft Robot Ever)

The image above portrays a small robot that is moving like a water flea. And these kinds of robots are interesting because they can get samples from the bottom of the ocean. There is an electric or small hydraulic engine in the robot's body. And that makes the rows move at the front of it. 

Biomechanic soft robots are tools that can use in many missions. But when we are thinking about biomechanic robots where electric cells create electricity for the robot. Or synthetic muscles that microchips are controlling we are facing one problem. Living cells need nutrients. And without nutrients, biomechanic robots are dying. The limits of those biomechanic robots are that they cannot operate in highly radioactive or high temperatures. 

Small robots can also swim sideways. In that kind of robot, another side of the robot is lower than another. And the water that flows through their body can rotate small generators. The non-organic robots are less vulnerable to radioactive radiation or high temperatures than organic robots. 

But the problem with small-size robots is that those systems require effective. And harmless power source. Things like fuel cells are problematic because they are creating electricity. 

And they cannot deliver electricity to the smallest robots. There is possible to deliver electricity to miniature robots by using radio waves. Or internal energy production can be done with gold and iron bites. 

Researchers are now creating crystals that create electricity from heat. And if those crystals can deliver electricity at room temperature they can be the power source for the small swimming robots. 

Or swimming small-size robots can also use piezo-electric crystals as a power source. The sonar system can deliver pressure impulses for the silicon-core robots and those piezo-electric crystals are delivering electricity to nano-size microchips.

Image: 2) 

Things like water fleas or sharks can also equip with microchips. 

China claims success in controlling the bird's minds. And that thing means that also animals like sharks can turn to weapons. Sharks can carry surgically implanted explosives in their bodies. 

One of the most interesting types of miniature robots is the zombie insects. In that case, the insect is implanted by using a microchip. And that means the microchips are controlling those insects. Things like water fleas or small fishes can also equip with a small-size microchip. 

That is controlling their behavior. Those fishes can act as biorobots. But there is the possibility to take the skin of the fish or some other animal. And then dress that skin over the robot's mechanic body. 

The idea of those robots is similar to Terminator in terminator movies. in fictional T-101 android. The robot's core is covered by living human tissue.

Maybe that thing is not possible. But the animal's skin can use to cover the microchip-controlled mechanical body. 

In some theories, the Loch Ness monster is a robot that has the skin of some big animal over it. The purpose of that skin is to cover that this system is a robot. 

In some visions, the body of the tiger shark is a surgically implanted explosive. And the shark can turn into a biological torpedo. 

And then. Somebody puts the blood bag on the ship. Then the tiger shark will go near that ship. And the explosive will be detonated. 

In some other versions of that biological torpedo, that detonator is a neutron bomb. Then the small drone will pull the bloodline to the water. And when that shark is in a certain place the GPS will detonate those weapons.

Image 2:)

Saturday, November 19, 2022

The mystery of the rings of the binary star WR-140 is solved.

The rings around binary star WR-140 formed because the O-type, very hot star travels across the Wolff-Ryat star's dust and gas. Or the thing that causes those rings is the solar winds of those stars colliding. And that forms the high-energy gas that causes the ring-shaped structure. 

(JWST image vs model of WR140. Credit: Left image: NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI/JPL-Caltech. Right image: Yinuo Han/Peter Tuthill/Ryan Lau"( “Spiderweb” Star Discovered – Is It an Alien Megastructure?)

"Raw and processed 3D model of WR140 shells after 18 orbits (or 144 years) of cyclic dust formation. Credit: Yinuo Han/Peter Tuthill/Ryan Lau" ( “Spiderweb” Star Discovered – Is It an Alien Megastructure?)

So the rings have no alien origin. But the fact is that also cepheid stars or lone Wolff-Ryat stars can send gas rings around them. When the cepheid star pulsates its energy production changes. 

When the size of the star decreases pressure and temperature inside it increases. And nuclear fusion will increase. Then that rising energy production pushes the core of the star outwards. And even if the size of the star decreases when the pressure inside it decreases the high-energy gas continues its way through the universe. 

Or some neutron star or pulsar can form that kind of structure. When the energy pike from a pulsar hits the star. That thing increases its energy production. Also, things like white dwarfs that erupt at intervals of a certain time can form rings around the system.  In that case, rings can form straight from the white dwarfs. Or they can form when energy hits another component of the binary star.

The brain-controlled robots are not science fiction anymore.

The idea of the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) is taken from the biomechanic prosthesis. That gives people the ability to control prostheses by using neural signals. The modern versions of that prosthesis are using WLAN or Bluetooth communication. 

And that means the electrodes of those advanced systems are under the skin. There are no external wounds in that kind of system. And the transmitter gets its electricity from similar batteries that are used in pacemakers. Or the more futuristic systems can use neuro-electricity as an energy source. 

Paralyzed people can control their wheelchairs by using the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface). The key in the brainwave control robots is simple. The user of the robots uses those systems through a computer. 

BMI (Brain-Machine Interface) requires the BCI to operate. And teaching the BCI can happen by simulation. The key for those systems is that the computer must recognize the EEG that the brain sends at certain moments. 

And, the simulations can teach the BCI to connect the BCI to a certain action. The requirement for the perfect BCI system is that the computers know what kind of brain waves the brain sends when it wants to do something. 

Those BCI systems development is not as difficult as people normally think. The developers can use simulators as an example, a driving simulator where the person drives by using a virtual device. The computer will record those brainwaves while the person uses this machine. 

There are three stages in that process. 

*The driver will control the virtual device by using regular controls. And the system will record the EEG in those moments.  The system connects that EEG to the movements of the control systems. 

When as an example driver turns the wheel or presses the gas pedal the system connects that action with the EEG. And then that record can use for making the BCI system. 

*In the next stage the controller will not use physical control systems. That means the controller can make movements but the system compiles the EEG to the records that are made in the first moment. 

*And in the last stage, that data can connect to the other vehicles. The BCI might require that person moves hands or feet. 

But the goal of that kind of development process is that the user of that kind of system requires only a helmet where the electrodes are. The system can interact with users by using HUD glasses. 

Or in the most advanced visions, the system interacts with brains by stimulating the cerebral cortex or brain core. That kind of simulation makes the robot the external body of the user. The user cannot make difference between the senses. That is coming from robots and the user's senses. 

But how to eliminate the need to move hands or feet if the person uses BCI to control things like jet fighters? In some visions, the person just is paralyzed by using chemicals. Or who cares how the person who is remote-controlling some robot moves their hands or feet?

Friday, November 18, 2022

Wormholes could explain dark energy and dark matter.

When we think that the hypothetical graviton particle is a quantum size black hole. That thing can also explain dark energy and dark matter. If a mysterious and still hypothetical graviton particle is a quantum-size black hole that quantum-size black hole is acting like all other black holes. 

The time is inverse also in the quantum-size black holes. And that thing could pull superstrings inside it. So the quantum size black hole will transfer superstrings to the point in spacetime, where it formed. And that thing can explain why we cannot see dark matter. 

*If graviton is the quantum-size black hole. That can explain dark energy and dark matter. 

*Quantum-size black holes are similar to regular black holes. They are time loops. 

When escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light. Time starts to run backward. And black hole brings the material to the point, where it was born. 

*The dark energy could be like Hawking radiation. In that case, quantum-size black holes send (Hawking) radiation. That has a different wavelength than Hawking radiation. That comes out from regular black holes. 

*And dark matter is material that travels in wormholes. 

If dark matter is material that travels in the wormholes and the black hole is the wormhole itself. That thing can explain why we cannot see dark matter or dark energy. 

The black hole is a time loop. 

When escaping velocity is the same as the speed of light time stops. And when escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light. Time turns to run backward. 

So black hole takes the material to the point in spacetime where it is formed. When the material is in a wormhole or a black hole. It cannot interact straight. But black holes can send Hawking Radiation, which means. 

That there is interaction also outwards from the singularity. And that thing causes one question. Is the dark energy some kind of Hawking radiation? There is the possibility that a quantum-size black hole is sending (Hawking) radiation that has a different wavelength than regular-size black holes. 

String theory explains material is formed of 2D superstrings that can explain dark energy and maybe dark matter. Maybe superstrings are the thing called "information". And that tells that superstrings have mass. The mass of the superstrings is minimal. 

A large number of those things can explain dark energy and dark matter. If the form of all particles is a yarn ball that is formed of flat superstrings that explains why those superstrings are so hard to detect.

The artificial black hole started to send radiation as predicted.

There is a couple of reason why artificial black hole can sed similar radiation to natural black holes. 

If two particles start to orbit each other. If there is quantum entanglement between those particles that thing can form an electromagnetic antenna that conducts energy to sides. 

But there is the possibility that radiation comes out from the artificial black hole because it pulls the wall of electromagnetic or gravitational wormhole outside. And that is a very interesting scenario. 

So this is the continuum to the article where I wrote about how artificial black holes started to glow. The artificial black holes are formed by making the electron holes 1-dimensional atoms. The 1-dimensional is a possible error in the source because those atoms have length and width. And that means those atoms should be 2-dimensional or flat atoms. 

"A one-dimensional chain of atoms served as a path for electrons to 'hop' from one position to another. By tuning the ease with which this hopping can occur, the physicists could cause certain properties to vanish, effectively creating a kind of event horizon that interfered with the wave-like nature of the electrons". ( Simulated a Black Hole in The Lab, And Then It Started to Glow). 

That atom chain acts like a normal electric wire where electron holes are moving. That thing can act as the antenna that detects wormholes. When there are made electron holes to that atom chain. 

Those holes are starting to send radiation. This is one of the most interesting things in physics. There is a possibility that the thing that sends the radiation is the wormhole. When electron-hole forms in the atom that is in minimum energy level that hole can make a vacuum that pulls the walls of the wormhole outside. 

And that thing sends radiation. The reason for that is that wormholes are everywhere. 

Electromagnetic wormholes are a common thing. They are energy channels. Laser rays and black holes X-or gamma rays are one version of the electromagnetic wormhole. 

And electromagnetic wormholes are connecting quarks to protons and neutrons. But a real gravitational wormhole is not detected or recognized yet. 

The electron hole that is forming in a one-dimensional atom chain structure may pull quarks away from each other. And that thing could cause a situation where those channels where gluons are traveling are forming an antenna that collects gravitational waves or some other wave motion from their environment and sends it to those quarks. 

But there is the possibility that those holes are causing a situation where the gravitational wormhole is expanding. And that thing can form radiation. 

That comes out from the artificial black hole. The energy level of those black holes is not as high as real black holes. There must be some kind of energy source that sends that radiation.

Researchers may find the wormhole. But they cannot recognize it.

There are three main requirements for stable wormholes.

*The black holes must superposition and make quantum entanglement between them. 

*Energy level between those black holes must be different. If one black hole is at a higher energy level than the other that makes energy flow in a wormhole possible. 

*And the energy level of energy that travels in the wormhole must be higher than its environment. The coherent wave motion inside the wormhole keeps it open. 

The wormhole is open until the wave motion that comes outside breaks it. This is why stable wormholes are possible only between two black holes. 

Image II Cosmic web

Could dark matter be material that travels in wormholes? And could wormholes form the cosmic web? 

Could the wormholes be the effect behind the cosmic web? In some theories, the so-called cosmic web is forming around wormholes. And there is the possibility that dark matter is matter that travels in wormholes. Because wormholes isolate material that travels in it. This makes the material invisible to us. 

The black hole itself is the wormhole or time loop.

The black hole itself is the wormhole or time loop. The reason for that is that the escaping velocity in that object is higher than the speed of light. And because the dropping speed of the material is the same as with escaping velocity. When the speed of the particle reaches the speed of light time stops. And when escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light the time should turn to travel backward.  And when material drops in a black hole it should come out from the point in spacetime where the black hole formed. 

It's possible that researchers just don't recognize the wormhole. 

There is a possibility that the first wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge has already been found, but researchers don't recognize it. That could be one version of the problem in science. There are lots of phenomena that exist, but confirmation of those things is difficult. And until researchers get confirmation the thing is theoretical. 

The shape of the wormhole is simple. Its two superpositioned and entangled black holes. So it's the extreme version of quantum entanglement. And the next question is: can information travel in a wormhole? 

The answer is yes. The requirement that information can travel in a wormhole is that another side of the quantum entanglement is at a higher energy level than the other. And the wormhole is one of the quantum entanglement. 

The thing that keeps the wormhole open is the energy that travels inside it. If the outside energy causes the collapse of the wormhole that requires that outcoming energy has a higher level. 

And also another side of the wormhole must be at a higher energy level. If the energy level of both black holes is the same that causes the impact of the wave motion in the middle of that energy channel. And that destroys the quantum entanglement. 

We know that wormhole is possible. Laser and maser rays are energy channels through the universe. 

They are electromagnetic wormholes. The wormhole is the channel where is no crossing electromagnetic wave motion. 

Or that wave motion is coherent. So if an object travels in a wormhole it rides with that wave motion. The thing that makes wormholes possible is the electromagnetic tornado. The wave motion closes the channel inside it. And that electromagnetic tornado denies the outcoming wave motion's effect on that channel. Then wave motion that travels in that channel keeps it open. 

The reason why stable wormholes can form only between two black holes is that black holes are the highest energy objects in the universe. If we think that wormhole collapses because of outcoming energy the energy level of that radiation must be higher than the energy level of the radiation or wave motion that keeps the wormhole open. If that energy level is lower. It causes the collapse of the wormhole.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

There are many problems to search for extraterrestrial life forms.

"Artist’s conception of an M dwarf planetary system, where methyl bromide is more likely to be detected. Credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech" ( A Better Way To Search for Extraterrestrial Life)

If extraterrestrial lifeform is primitive like algae or bacteria researchers must search for the products of those organisms' metabolism. And the biggest problem is that exoplanets that can host life are very far away.

Researchers have no information on what kind of creatures they should search for. Or what those primitive aliens are eating. Without any bacteria, samples are very hard to make any kind of model that those researchers must search for. 

And for those models, the researchers must use terrestrial bacteria as the model. So when we are thinking of those hypothetical bacteria as organisms that lived billions of years on some planet those organisms would be fully adapted to their home planet. 

In some scenarios in the deep oceans of some exoplanets live organisms with the capacity to make oxygen by using electric cells and electrolysis. But even if those extraterrestrial fishes seem like fish they don't have any other connections with fishes on Earth. Except both of those organisms are living in the water. 

There is a possibility that some extraterrestrial aliens have green or red skin. That makes their skin photosynthetic. The green skin means the alien species would have chlorophyll in its skin cells. And red skin means that the alien has the same molecule. That makes purple photosynthetic bacteria photosynthetic. 


There is the possibility that we already have alien transmissions. But we cannot separate the data from cosmic background noise. 

That is one of the most interesting scenarios of the SETI program. Things like BLC-1 and Wow! signals are interesting. And the problem is that they happened only once. 

But the fact is that use of hydrogen's alpha line frequency is ineffective for data communication. In that frequency, the cosmic background noise disturbs information. And at least high-speed encoded data transmission is very difficult by using the hydrogen line's frequency. 


But when we are searching for an intelligent alien civilization. We must understand that the search for those aliens is a very difficult mission. Even if aliens use radio transmissions for communication by using synthetic radio frequencies searching for those aliens is extremely difficult. 

And the reason for that is that radio astronomers have no permission to listen to those frequencies. Listening to synthetic radio frequencies is prohibited because of data security. This thing is one of the biggest problems in the SETI program. The synthetic radio frequencies are allowing better change for everyday data transmission than hydrogen's alpha emission line. 

But for some reason, we just expect that hypothetical aliens are keeping contact with each other by using hydrogen lines in communication. That thing causes very bad disturbance for those radio transmissions. Of course, aliens must use the numeric system that we know that we can even separate the alien transmission from the background noise. 

There is the possibility that we have alien messages but we cannot recognize them. So we cannot separate that purpose information from background noise. And the reason for that is we have no key to alien data transmission. But there is no confirmation for that allegation. And that is only a hypothesis.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Researchers made black holes in the laboratory, and suddenly, it started to glow.

Simulation of a warped and spinning black hole. (Yukterez/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)(Science alert/Scientists Created a Black Hole in The Lab, And Then It Started to Glow)

The new observation can make the fundamental step to research black holes. Scientists created a virtual black hole in the laboratory, and then it started to glow. How that virtual black hole is made is explained in ScieceAlert. com. The article on that topic is below this text. 

Researchers used chains of one-dimensional atoms. And then the electrons in that chain started to hop between atoms.  That forms a similar effect to the black hole. And that phenomenon can use to detect Hawking's radiation. 

"A one-dimensional chain of atoms served as a path for electrons to 'hop' from one position to another. By tuning the ease with which this hopping can occur, the physicists could cause certain properties to vanish, effectively creating a kind of event horizon that interfered with the wave-like nature of the electrons". ( Created a Black Hole in The Lab, And Then It Started to Glow)

The thing that makes the virtual black holes in that atom chain is that those atoms are in a minimum energy state. And when the electron jumps away from the atom it creates a hole that acts like a virtual black hole. 

Sometimes researchers say that black holes are massive material holes. The gravitational effect of those objects is impressive and not even light can escape from them. 

But there is the possibility to get information about the black holes by putting the photon ring or some other rings of electromagnetic waves oscillate with the same frequency as the black hole. 

When light and other materials are falling into a black hole. They are following a spiral-shaped trajectory. And if there is possible to create a photon ring that size is precisely the same. With the most in part of the transition disk before it falls into the black hole. If there is possible to create a photon ring that size is similar to the black hole the black hole's radiation could oscillate that photon ring. And that can make it possible to research the eruptions of the black hole.

The quantum superposition between dwarf stars could be possible.

The binary star systems. There are two white dwarfs or neutron stars. That can use to research quantum entanglements between large quantum systems. But what is the limit for that superposition? 

Can white dwarfs turn to superposition? Or can only black holes make that phenomenon? The requirement for the information flow in quantum entanglement is that another side of the quantum entanglement is at the upper state. 

The binary star system with two white dwarfs that orbit each other causes one interesting theory. White dwarfs are mainly carbon. And their gravitation is very strong. That causes an effect where white dwarfs are pulling material to their core. There is a forming plague on the surface of those white dwarfs. 

And then that plague causes a fusion reaction and causes nova eruption. If there is another white dwarf near that erupting white dwarf, that thing causes the radiation oscillation in the other white dwarf. And that means there is the possibility that the magnetic fields of those white dwarfs are connecting. 

That causes plasma flow between those stars. That plasma flow can harvest energy from the universe. And if those stars would have enough high energy levels that plasma can turn to quantum entanglement and even superposition those objects. 

The thing is that two chemically identical stars can start to resonate with each other. If we are thinking about binary star systems with neutron stars or black holes those objects can form quantum entanglements between them. 

But the requirement for superposition is. The dwarf star's structure elementary particles' resonation (or oscillation) turns identical. Maybe the energy level of the neutron stars is not high enough for making that thing true. 

The quark stars where is only quarks could make superpositioned quantum entanglement between them. Unlike neutron stars, in quark stars, quarks are freely in the star. And if that thing is real there is the chance to research quantum entanglements between large particle groups or quantum systems. 

Of course, quantum entanglement is possible between black holes. But some other objects like white dwarfs or neutron stars may allow observing the oscillation of those particles. And it gives new information for developing quantum computing.

Monday, November 14, 2022

A new brain model can pave the way to a new type of AI.

There are two versions of AI or Artificial intelligence. 

*Software-based AI. That is the software that emulates some intelligent- or intelligent-looking actions. 

*The Iron-based AI. That system is the physical system that learns things. Those iron-based AI systems are like brains. They are learning like the brain. 

The organic version of those systems is the laboratory-grown neurons. That is connected to machines. The idea of iron-based AI is that there is no need for any kind of special software. The system is cognitive and it learns to be like the human brain. 

Most modern AI solutions are algorithms. And that means they are software-based systems. But new knowledge of the brain. And especially neural interconnections are making it possible to create "iron-based" artificial intelligence. 

The "iron-based" artificial intelligence is the system that we can describe as the "artificial brain". But the problem with the human brain is that the neurons have multiple connections. And the neural connections are making virtual neurons in the human brain. 

There are four main types of neural connections in the human brain. 

*Connections between individual neurons. 

*Connections between neural groups and neural groups are the brain areas or brain districts. Each of those areas or neuron groups controls certain skills. 

*And each connection has a counter connection. The purpose of counter-connection is to make sure that the cell group is made its action. So when the neurons in the brain are giving orders to the muscle cells the muscle cells send information back to the brain that they have done their job. We can say that all other skills than speech are neuromotor skills. 

When a person learns something that means there is forming a memory unit in the brain where the required motions are stored. We can say that all skills. There are needed motorial functions are movement series. And memory stores those series of movements for re-use. 

When we are thinking about neuromotor skills. All of those skills require three neurons and muscle cells. Those neurons are sensory neuron that brings data from the senses. Reactions to that kind of thing are stored in memory neurons. And finally, the neuron transmits the signal to the muscles.

If no memory block is suitable for certain situations, the brain must make that memory block for similar situations. The reason why the learning process is so complicated is that. When a person faces some kind of situation in the middle of the day brain must store that information in different places around the brain. 

So in the daytime brain are busy. One purpose of sleep time is that brain is free from the stimulus. And during sleep the brain sort the memory blocks. During that process the brain sort similar memories in the same areas. And also neurons are exchanging information with each other.

Modeling complex observations for AI is a very difficult process.

When researchers are making AI which purpose is to make complicated observations. They are facing one problem. The AI makes dangerous shortcuts. And the reason for those shortcuts is that making the observation is a more complicated process in the brain. Then just some neural signal transfer through the brain. 

In the brain, all senses, like the sense of balance, view, audition, touch, and other things are taking part in the observations. And that means the observation is always the sum of signals from different senses. But then we are always forgetting one thing. Those signals travel from the mixed with memories. 

So the observations are: 

*Signals from real-time senses that are connecting with 


And that makes observation modeling for AI mode more difficult than researchers thought. The problem is that the complicated situations the AI must make precise observations so that it can create the right reaction and response for the systems. 

The problem is how to model senses. The senses are a combination of billions of neurons. And that all of those neurons are registering stimuli little bit different ways. 

The sense of hearing is an example of a sense that looks congruent. The fact is that neurons that recognize sounds register certain sound wavelengths more strongly than other wavelengths. Likewise, from which direction the sound comes affects the intensity of the sensation. So it means that the senses are difficult to model. 

Sensorimotor skills and brain

Sensorimotor skills are the ability to give a response to a stimulus. When somebody talks to other people the person must know how to answer that speech. Or when a person slips on the floor the motoric brain cells must react to that thing immediately. 

So sensorimotor skills are a combination: 

*Sensory impulses are activating 

*Motor neurons that are giving a response to that signal. 

Some of those reactions are heredity. And some of those reactions are learned. The fact is that neurons are learning new things every day. 

During that process, they are exchanging information. And the purpose of that process is to make a person avoid situations that can cause harm. Or if that is impossible the next thing what brain must do is minimize damage. 

The brain is an impressive system. During sleep, the brain or neurons change information. And during that time, brain areas are teaching each other. 

During that process, the brain analyzes what it made in certain situations. Then it analyzes what was successful and what it should not do in similar situations. The fact is that every single neuron in the human brain has its responsibility. And neurons that are transmitting information to the brain must interact with neurons that control motors and speech. So all brain areas must work together. 

This is the problem with AI and observations. The computers and their algorithms must give the right response to the stimulus. If the system cannot analyze the stimulus right that thing causes catastrophe.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

The ESA:s "Solaris" satellite made the historical energy transfer test from the orbital trajectory.

The energy transmitter of power satellites can use:

*Laser that operates in visible, IR, or UV frequencies. 


*Radio waves 

To transmit energy to the ground.  

The ESA:s "Solaris" power satellite transmitted energy to Earth in the new experiment. The power satellites could be one solution for Earth's temperature rise. They can act as the solar shield that will cover the sun. And those power satellites can also transmit energy to the Earth in the form of laser rays or microwaves. That means power satellites can give multiple solutions in one package. 

Power satellites are not a new idea. The Boeing and Lockheed Martin corporations made the first research for those satellite-based power systems in the early 1970s. The reason for that was the energy crisis, but those plans were buried because of high prices. 

Another reason for that was materials that were not yet advanced enough. At that time. There was no nanotechnology. That means the structures were heavy. And they were hard to make. 

And also other technologies like AI that controls the entirety were not advanced enough. But now engineers and researchers can create larger solar panels that can fold themselves. So those solar panels can be like origami. Also, things like miniature shuttles and remote-controlled robots can help to create extremely large structures. 

Or otherwise, power satellites can also be a group of small-size satellites. In that kind of system, the power satellites are like a swarm. And they can aim their energy beams at one single point. By using extremely thin material is possible to make lightweight solar panels that can open themselves like blinds. And the body of the satellite can be very small. 

That means even large-size power satellites can launch into high orbit by using heavy launch vehicles. Those power satellites can give energy supply to the entire world. But power satellites can also use as killer satellites. If their energy beam hits another satellite or any other thing they can be extremely deadly. 

The power satellites can jam the GPS systems simply by covering the target areas using plasma. But those power satellites can also destroy even ground vehicles and structures if their power delivery is powerful enough. Those systems can also destroy ICBM missiles. 

The powerful radio, microwave masers, or laser systems can drop aircraft from the airborne. But those systems can also destroy ground targets. And they could be very useful tools against drone swarms.

The power satellite can also act as a high-power communication tool, and if its transmitter is flexible enough it can also be used as a radar platform. That system can have the most high-power radars. That has never been created before. 

And that thing makes those systems somehow complicated. But power satellites can deliver clean and safe energy for the entire planet. And they can make many things different than they were before. They are powerful tools in all areas where is a need for energy.

Remnants of 10 billion years old Earth discovered in white dwarf's atmosphere.

"Artist’s impression of the old white dwarfs WDJ2147-4035 and WDJ1922+0233 surrounded by orbiting planetary debris, which will accrete onto the stars and pollute their atmospheres. WDJ2147-4035 is extremely red and dim, while WDJ1922+0233 is unusually blue. Credit: University of Warwick/Dr. Mark Garlick" (ScitechDaily/Astronomers Discover Oldest Planetary Debris in Our Galaxy – Remnants of Destroyed Solar System")

In space is a binary star system of two white dwarfs WDJ2147-4035 and WDJ1922+0233. The age of WDJ2147-4035 is about 10,7 billion years old and it spent the 10,2 billion years cooling as a white dwarf. WDJ1922+0233 is much younger. 

And it's almost sure. That those white dwarfs impacted each other. Then they started to orbit each other. So those white dwarfs have been separated a long time ago. 

An interesting thing is that white dwarfs are remnants of the stars, quite similar to the sun.  If the red participant of the binary star WDJ2147-4035 was really like our sun, it spent an incredibly short period of its life as the star that has nuclear fusions and its energy production. That means WDJ2147-4035 produced energy for only 0,5 billion years. 

"The astronomers used spectroscopic and photometric data from GAIA, the Dark Energy Survey, and the X-Shooter instrument at the European Southern Observatory to calculate how long the stars have been cooling. They found that the ‘red’ star WDJ2147-4035 is around 10.7 billion years old, of which 10.2 billion years have been spent cooling as a white dwarf". ( Discover Oldest Planetary Debris in Our Galaxy – Remnants of Destroyed Solar System)

The blue participant of that system WDJ1922+0233 pushes debris to the red participant WDJ2147-4035. And that means the atmosphere of that red dwarf is polluted by planetary debris. The thing that makes this necro-planetary system interesting is that both white dwarfs might have an independent planetary system. 

The remnants of the earth-like planet in the red dwarf's atmosphere are causing interesting speculations. Necroplanetology means that science research the remnants of exoplanets near dead stars. The most interesting of the star types are white dwarfs because they were once like the sun. 

And if there is some kind of civilization in the universe that is more advanced than humans. Remnants of that civilization could be found near white dwarfs. If that hypothetical civilization wants to stay alive after the star erupts as a nova. 

They must create an interstellar flight. But in that case, those civilizations would not return. And that means they must make only space arcs. The generations would change in the spacecraft fleet that speed is about 0,1-50% of the speed of light. 

Or create giant space stations that would go to the shadows of those planets. In that case, planets could protect giant O'Neill cylinders where those creatures are moving when they cannot stay on their planets. 

When we are thinking about that earth-like planet remnant in that white dwarf system that is 90 light years away from Earth there is the possibility that the origin of that planet is somewhere else than in this binary dwarf-star system. 

By the way...

What is the difference between nova and supernova? Nova can mean many types of stellar explosions. But one determination for nova is that is the end of the life of the star that is too small for forming neutron stars. So, if the result of the star's last explosion is a white dwarf. We should talk about nova. But from the Wikipedia page about nova, you can read more about that eruption.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Could graviton be one or two quantum-size black holes?

Another model that could explain why gravitation is so special. 

Above this text is an image of the black hole. But that image could be the image of a quark. In some scenarios, the graviton is a small black hole inside the quantum field. The quantum tornado forms the point where that radiation pushes the quantum field away. So there is the electromagnetic vacuum that pulls the quantum field to the ball-shaped form. But there is also another version of the graviton and its interactions. 

The hypothetical graviton particle that should transport gravitation may be two quantum size black holes. That thing causes a quantum field whose shape is similar to the magnetic field that forms around a rod magnet. Those quantum-size black holes would be the south pole against the north pole. And there is forming a quantum tornado around those two black holes. 

Then the quantum fields are forming the lightning structure or superstring structure. That is looking like a whisk. When those black holes that size is smaller than quarks are starting to make the quantum fields or quantum lightning around them the outcoming radiation makes those flashes of lightning stronger. Because that structure starts to rotate, it turns to look like a ball. And maybe that thing is the quark. Maybe that kind of thing could explain gravitation. 

Another model of gravitation or graviton particle is that gravitation is the force that is forming around the fast-spinning particle. The idea is that when a particle spins. It creates the effect where wave motion travels to the poles or the axle of the spinning particle. And because the particle is extremely small. 

There forms a small quantum vacuum bubble to its poles because those waves impact each other just above the quantum field of that spinning particle. That bubble starts to pull wave motion to the axle of the particle. So when wave motion travels at the surface of the particle. 

Those waves are transporting the wave motion that hits the particle to its poles. So that means the particle that is making the effect of gravitation is like a neutron star or black hole. When a particle spins at an extremely high speed. It transfers wave motion to its poles like neutron stars or black holes are transferring. 

What makes gravitation interesting? That is that the graviton is missing. There is the possibility that a graviton is a quantum-size black hole or so-called black photon. The form of the graviton is one of the most important things in the gravitation theory. 

The thing is that things like neutron stars or black holes are not forming energy from nothingness. They are like generators. Generators are transforming motion into electromagnetism. The thing that neutron stars and black holes are doing the same thing. They are transforming electromagnetic fields into powerful energy beams. 

Or otherways saying they are transferring the frequency of the radio waves to X- and gamma rays. In similar ways, the Casimir effect doesn't make energy from nothingness. When Casimir plates are taken very close to each other electron cores form the quantum bridge over that hole. Then the outcoming radiation will inject energy into those bridges. And that thing loads the energy to the Casimir circuit.

Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...