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Showing posts from November, 2022

Discoveries can explain why magnetars have so strong magnetic fields.

"The study of the sound speed has revealed that heavy neutron stars have a stiff mantle and a soft core, while light neutron stars have a soft mantle and a stiff core – much like different chocolate pralines. Credit: Peter Kiefer & Luciano Rezzolla" ( Chocolate Pralines: Physicists’ Surprising Discovery About Neutron Star Structure) Even if neutron stars are rotating at extremely fast speeds. Sound travels in those extremely thick objects. Sound is an oscillation of atoms, subatomic particles, and molecules. And soundwaves are traveling in neutron stars almost like in all other particles. Except in neutron stars sound means the oscillation of the neutron's quantum fields. And that thing makes that thing very interesting.  When the jet of another neutron star impacts with another neutron star it can put it to resonate. That resonance is possible especially if the neutron star's core is stiff.  The light neutron stars have a soft mantle and st

There is no trace of phosphine in Venus's atmosphere.

Sofia-telescope found no evidence of life on Venus. And there is no phosphine in that planet's atmosphere. So that thing means that Venus is dead.  But the question is why the first telescope saw phosphine in the Venu's clouds and then that phosphine is gone. The wrong calibration might be the problem. But how telescope couldn't detect that the source of phosphine is in Earth's atmosphere? There was not very much phosphine in Venus.  Image Sofia-telescope So maybe the reason for that trace was some chemical reaction where some volcano released phosphorous into Venus's atmosphere. And then things like lightning caused a reaction where carbon monoxide reacted with phosphorous.  There is a possibility that the lightning destroyed CO or CO^2 molecules. And then phosphorous could interact with hydrogen forming PH3. So there are no lifeforms in Venus's clouds. https://www.universetod

The Ingenuity helicopter got its new software. And Perseverance-rover found an organic-looking chemical compound from Mars.

NASA:s Ingenuity helicopter can use to research how to navigate without the GPS.  The Ingenuity helicopter flies over Mars, and one of the problems with this kind of system is simple: how to navigate without the GPS? There are many possibilities for how to replace traditional GPS by using some other systems. One system what that robot helicopter can use in that kind of operation is TAINS (Terrair contour matching and Aided Intertial navigation system). The camera in the helicopter takes images from its route.  And when the helicopter needs to return. The computer compiles images that the helicopter takes with new images. The camera sends that data to the flight-control computer. The inertial or gyroscope navigation can support return.  The gyroscope can record the entire flight route and then the helicopter must just drive that route backward. The TAINS system is a combination of TERCOM (Terrain contour matching) and gyroscope navigation. This kind of navigation system is used in cruis

James Webb telescope gives new data about exoplanet WASP-39b.

Above: artist's vision of the exoplanet WASP-39b WASP-39b is hot Saturn. Its mass is 0,94 times Saturn and 0,28 times Jupiter. The size of that exoplanet is 1,5 times Jupiter.  And the reason for that is WASP-39b orbits so close to its sun. The distance to the WASP-39 system is 700 light years.  The WASP-39 is a G-spectral class star. And that means star WASP-39 is quite similar to the Sun.  The size of that star is slightly smaller than our Sun. And that makes the WASP-39b so interesting. There are known many gas giants that are orbiting M-type red dwarfs in close distance.  But quite a small (read low-mass) gas planet that orbits quite a hot star very close is interesting. M-type red dwarfs have solar systems, where all planets are orbiting inside the distance of planet Mercury from their sun. But the WASP 39 is much hotter than some Gliese 581.  The trajectory of WASP-39b is closer than the trajectory of Mercury. And the intensive heat causes the gas giant to bulge to an extreme

How are the material and space formed?

When we think about space and material we can say that material is only a dense part of space. That means there is something that makes space denser at the point where is material. And that thing makes the material so interesting.  Material is not separate from space and the universe the bubble that involves all known material. So the material is part of the universe. Not separated from it. And the universe is part of a bigger entirety called space.  Nobody knows what is outside the universe. There could be a cosmic vacuum where is only wave motion. That travels away from the universe. That vacuum pulls the universe larger and larger.  In this model time is the energy. When the universe expands it turns colder and colder.  This process continues until the universe reaches energy same energy level as the space around it. When the energy in the universe ends. And all particles turn to wave motion. At that moment, the universe's existence as the quantum system ends.  Of course, somebo

New instruments are uncovering secrets of the cosmos.

"This illustration shows NASA’s IXPE spacecraft, at right, observing blazar Markarian 501, at left. A blazar is a black hole surrounded by a disk of gas and dust with a bright jet of high-energy particles pointed toward Earth. The inset illustration shows high-energy particles in the jet (blue). Credit: NASA/Pablo Garcia" ( Solve 40-Year-Old Black Hole Jet Mystery With NASA’s IXPE) AI makes system possible to follow the changes of the objects in the skies. The systematic observations of the high-energy objects in the universe are uncovering new details in their reactions. The eruption period of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes is quite stable. And that if there is some kind of explosion or nova eruption in white dwarfs that means something impacted those things. Same way if there are differences in the radiation that a black hole sends that tells it eats something.  The new satellite called IXPE observed a black hole called Markarian

Could dark energy be the pushing and dark matter pulling gravitational effect?

The dark interaction and antigravitation.  The standing gravitation wave that makes impacting gravitational waves reflect can be the key to antigravitation or pushing gravitational effect.  Are dark matter and dark energy two-way interactions of gravitation? So could dark energy be antigravitation and dark matter be gravitation in the form we know it? If that thing is true that means gravitation has similar two-way interaction.  All other fundamental forces have two-way interaction and they push and pull particles. So why the dark energy cannot be the hypothetical antigravitation or pushing gravitation? And dark matter could be the regular pulling gravitation.  *Dark energy is energy that rips the universe into pieces.  *Dark matter is the mysterious gravitational effect that keeps dwarf galaxies in one structure. Nobody has seen dark matter. And the only known interaction between dark matter and visible matter is gravitation.  *So the name of the dark matter should be dark gravitation

Quantum entanglement and the expansion of the universe

There is a small possibility that the universe's expansion is the reason for the cloud of extremely small particles that are superpositioned and entangled. Those particles could be gravitons, the hypothetical transportation particles of gravitation. There is a possibility that the graviton involves all particles that have mass.  If the size and energy level of those yet unknown particles are precise same the quantum entanglement that forms between them is starting to push those particles away from each other.  If that thing is true. That hypothetical extremely small, yet unknown particle is in every single quark that thing explains the dark energy, and the reason why we cannot observe that energy is simple. Dark energy is virtual energy.  *When we research material and its smallest particles. We are facing one interesting thing. There must be the "final particle" the form or the thing that is involved in all particles.  *If there is quantum entanglement between those part

The butterfly robot is the fastest-swimming soft robot in the world.

"Inspired by the biomechanics of the manta ray, researchers developed an energy-efficient soft robot that can swim more than four times faster than previous swimming soft robots. Credit: NC State University"( Inspired by Manta Ray Biomechanics: “Butterfly Bot” Is Fastest Swimming Soft Robot Ever) The image above portrays a small robot that is moving like a water flea. And these kinds of robots are interesting because they can get samples from the bottom of the ocean. There is an electric or small hydraulic engine in the robot's body. And that makes the rows move at the front of it.  Biomechanic soft robots are tools that can use in many missions. But when we are thinking about biomechanic robots where electric cells create electricity for the robot. Or synthetic muscles that microchips are controlling we are facing one problem. Living cells need nutrients. And without nutrients, biomechanic robots are dying. The limits of those biomechanic robots are that

The mystery of the rings of the binary star WR-140 is solved.

The rings around binary star WR-140 formed because the O-type, very hot star travels across the Wolff-Ryat star's dust and gas. Or the thing that causes those rings is the solar winds of those stars colliding. And that forms the high-energy gas that causes the ring-shaped structure.  (JWST image vs model of WR140. Credit: Left image: NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI/JPL-Caltech. Right image: Yinuo Han/Peter Tuthill/Ryan Lau" ( “Spiderweb” Star Discovered – Is It an Alien Megastructure?) "Raw and processed 3D model of WR140 shells after 18 orbits (or 144 years) of cyclic dust formation. Credit: Yinuo Han/Peter Tuthill/Ryan Lau" ( Baffling “Spiderweb” Star Discovered – Is It an Alien Megastructure?) So the rings have no alien origin. But the fact is that also cepheid stars or lone Wolff-Ryat stars can send gas rings around them. When the cepheid star pulsates its energy production changes.  When the size of the star decreases pressure and te

The brain-controlled robots are not science fiction anymore.

The idea of the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) is taken from the biomechanic prosthesis. That gives people the ability to control prostheses by using neural signals. The modern versions of that prosthesis are using WLAN or Bluetooth communication.  And that means the electrodes of those advanced systems are under the skin. There are no external wounds in that kind of system. And the transmitter gets its electricity from similar batteries that are used in pacemakers. Or the more futuristic systems can use neuro-electricity as an energy source.  Paralyzed people can control their wheelchairs by using the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface). The key in the brainwave control robots is simple. The user of the robots uses those systems through a computer.  BMI (Brain-Machine Interface) requires the BCI to operate. And teaching the BCI can happen by simulation. The key for those systems is that the computer must recognize the EEG that the brain sends at certain moments.  And, the simulations can t

Wormholes could explain dark energy and dark matter.

When we think that the hypothetical graviton particle is a quantum size black hole. That thing can also explain dark energy and dark matter. If a mysterious and still hypothetical graviton particle is a quantum-size black hole that quantum-size black hole is acting like all other black holes.  The time is inverse also in the quantum-size black holes. And that thing could pull superstrings inside it. So the quantum size black hole will transfer superstrings to the point in spacetime, where it formed. And that thing can explain why we cannot see dark matter.  *If graviton is the quantum-size black hole. That can explain dark energy and dark matter.  *Quantum-size black holes are similar to regular black holes. They are time loops.  When escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light. Time starts to run backward. And black hole brings the material to the point, where it was born.  *The dark energy could be like Hawking radiation. In that case, quantum-size black holes send (Hawkin

The artificial black hole started to send radiation as predicted.

There is a couple of reason why artificial black hole can sed similar radiation to natural black holes.  If two particles start to orbit each other. If there is quantum entanglement between those particles that thing can form an electromagnetic antenna that conducts energy to sides.  But there is the possibility that radiation comes out from the artificial black hole because it pulls the wall of electromagnetic or gravitational wormhole outside. And that is a very interesting scenario.  So this is the continuum to the article where I wrote about how artificial black holes started to glow. The artificial black holes are formed by making the electron holes 1-dimensional atoms. The 1-dimensional is a possible error in the source because those atoms have length and width. And that means those atoms should be 2-dimensional or flat atoms.  "A one-dimensional chain of atoms served as a path for electrons to 'hop' from one position to another. By tuning the ease with which this ho

Researchers may find the wormhole. But they cannot recognize it.

There are three main requirements for stable wormholes. *The black holes must superposition and make quantum entanglement between them.  *Energy level between those black holes must be different. If one black hole is at a higher energy level than the other that makes energy flow in a wormhole possible.  *And the energy level of energy that travels in the wormhole must be higher than its environment. The coherent wave motion inside the wormhole keeps it open.  The wormhole is open until the wave motion that comes outside breaks it. This is why stable wormholes are possible only between two black holes.  Image II Cosmic web Could dark matter be material that travels in wormholes? And could wormholes form the cosmic web?  Could the wormholes be the effect behind the cosmic web? In some theories, the so-called cosmic web is forming around wormholes. And there is the possibility that dark matter is matter that travels in wormholes. Because wormholes isolate material that travels in it. This

There are many problems to search for extraterrestrial life forms.

"Artist’s conception of an M dwarf planetary system, where methyl bromide is more likely to be detected. Credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech" ( A Better Way To Search for Extraterrestrial Life) If extraterrestrial lifeform is primitive like algae or bacteria researchers must search for the products of those organisms' metabolism. And the biggest problem is that exoplanets that can host life are very far away. Researchers have no information on what kind of creatures they should search for. Or what those primitive aliens are eating. Without any bacteria, samples are very hard to make any kind of model that those researchers must search for.  And for those models, the researchers must use terrestrial bacteria as the model. So when we are thinking of those hypothetical bacteria as organisms that lived billions of years on some planet those organisms would be fully adapted to their home planet.  In some scenarios in the deep oceans of some exoplanets live organisms with

Researchers made black holes in the laboratory, and suddenly, it started to glow.

Simulation of a warped and spinning black hole. (Yukterez/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)(Science alert/Scientists Created a Black Hole in The Lab, And Then It Started to Glow) The new observation can make the fundamental step to research black holes. Scientists created a virtual black hole in the laboratory, and then it started to glow. How that virtual black hole is made is explained in ScieceAlert. com. The article on that topic is below this text.  Researchers used chains of one-dimensional atoms. And then the electrons in that chain started to hop between atoms.  That forms a similar effect to the black hole. And that phenomenon can use to detect Hawking's radiation.  "A one-dimensional chain of atoms served as a path for electrons to 'hop' from one position to another. By tuning the ease with which this hopping can occur, the physicists could cause certain properties to vanish, effectively creating a kind of event horizon that interfered with the wave-like natur

The quantum superposition between dwarf stars could be possible.

The binary star systems. There are two white dwarfs or neutron stars. That can use to research quantum entanglements between large quantum systems. But what is the limit for that superposition?  Can white dwarfs turn to superposition? Or can only black holes make that phenomenon? The requirement for the information flow in quantum entanglement is that another side of the quantum entanglement is at the upper state.  The binary star system with two white dwarfs that orbit each other causes one interesting theory. White dwarfs are mainly carbon. And their gravitation is very strong. That causes an effect where white dwarfs are pulling material to their core. There is a forming plague on the surface of those white dwarfs.  And then that plague causes a fusion reaction and causes nova eruption. If there is another white dwarf near that erupting white dwarf, that thing causes the radiation oscillation in the other white dwarf. And that means there is the possibility that the magnetic fields

A new brain model can pave the way to a new type of AI.

There are two versions of AI or Artificial intelligence.  *Software-based AI. That is the software that emulates some intelligent- or intelligent-looking actions.  *The Iron-based AI. That system is the physical system that learns things. Those iron-based AI systems are like brains. They are learning like the brain.  The organic version of those systems is the laboratory-grown neurons. That is connected to machines. The idea of iron-based AI is that there is no need for any kind of special software. The system is cognitive and it learns to be like the human brain.  Most modern AI solutions are algorithms. And that means they are software-based systems. But new knowledge of the brain. And especially neural interconnections are making it possible to create "iron-based" artificial intelligence.  The "iron-based" artificial intelligence is the system that we can describe as the "artificial brain". But the problem with the human brain is that the neurons have m

Modeling complex observations for AI is a very difficult process.

When researchers are making AI which purpose is to make complicated observations. They are facing one problem. The AI makes dangerous shortcuts. And the reason for those shortcuts is that making the observation is a more complicated process in the brain. Then just some neural signal transfer through the brain.  In the brain, all senses, like the sense of balance, view, audition, touch, and other things are taking part in the observations. And that means the observation is always the sum of signals from different senses. But then we are always forgetting one thing. Those signals travel from the mixed with memories.  So the observations are:  *Signals from real-time senses that are connecting with  *Memories.  And that makes observation modeling for AI mode more difficult than researchers thought. The problem is that the complicated situations the AI must make precise observations so that it can create the right reaction and response for the systems.  The problem is how to model senses.

The ESA:s "Solaris" satellite made the historical energy transfer test from the orbital trajectory.

The energy transmitter of power satellites can use: *Laser that operates in visible, IR, or UV frequencies.  *Microwaves *Radio waves  To transmit energy to the ground.   The ESA:s "Solaris" power satellite transmitted energy to Earth in the new experiment. The power satellites could be one solution for Earth's temperature rise. They can act as the solar shield that will cover the sun. And those power satellites can also transmit energy to the Earth in the form of laser rays or microwaves. That means power satellites can give multiple solutions in one package.  Power satellites are not a new idea. The Boeing and Lockheed Martin corporations made the first research for those satellite-based power systems in the early 1970s. The reason for that was the energy crisis, but those plans were buried because of high prices.  Another reason for that was materials that were not yet advanced enough. At that time. There was no nanotechnology. That means the structures were heavy. And

Remnants of 10 billion years old Earth discovered in white dwarf's atmosphere.

"Artist’s impression of the old white dwarfs WDJ2147-4035 and WDJ1922+0233 surrounded by orbiting planetary debris, which will accrete onto the stars and pollute their atmospheres. WDJ2147-4035 is extremely red and dim, while WDJ1922+0233 is unusually blue. Credit: University of Warwick/Dr. Mark Garlick" (ScitechDaily/Astronomers Discover Oldest Planetary Debris in Our Galaxy – Remnants of Destroyed Solar System") In space is a binary star system of two white dwarfs WDJ2147-4035 and WDJ1922+0233. The age of WDJ2147-4035 is about 10,7 billion years old and it spent the 10,2 billion years cooling as a white dwarf. WDJ1922+0233 is much younger.  And it's almost sure. That those white dwarfs impacted each other. Then they started to orbit each other. So those white dwarfs have been separated a long time ago.  An interesting thing is that white dwarfs are remnants of the stars, quite similar to the sun.  If the red participant of the binary star WDJ2147-4035 was really li

Could graviton be one or two quantum-size black holes?

Another model that could explain why gravitation is so special.  Above this text is an image of the black hole. But that image could be the image of a quark. In some scenarios, the graviton is a small black hole inside the quantum field. The quantum tornado forms the point where that radiation pushes the quantum field away. So there is the electromagnetic vacuum that pulls the quantum field to the ball-shaped form. But there is also another version of the graviton and its interactions.  The hypothetical graviton particle that should transport gravitation may be two quantum size black holes. That thing causes a quantum field whose shape is similar to the magnetic field that forms around a rod magnet. Those quantum-size black holes would be the south pole against the north pole. And there is forming a quantum tornado around those two black holes.  Then the quantum fields are forming the lightning structure or superstring structure. That is looking like a whisk. When those black holes tha