
Showing posts from November, 2022

Discoveries can explain why magnetars have so strong magnetic fields.

There is no trace of phosphine in Venus's atmosphere.

The Ingenuity helicopter got its new software. And Perseverance-rover found an organic-looking chemical compound from Mars.

James Webb telescope gives new data about exoplanet WASP-39b.

How are the material and space formed?

New instruments are uncovering secrets of the cosmos.

Could dark energy be the pushing and dark matter pulling gravitational effect?

Quantum entanglement and the expansion of the universe

The butterfly robot is the fastest-swimming soft robot in the world.

The mystery of the rings of the binary star WR-140 is solved.

The brain-controlled robots are not science fiction anymore.

Wormholes could explain dark energy and dark matter.

The artificial black hole started to send radiation as predicted.

Researchers may find the wormhole. But they cannot recognize it.

There are many problems to search for extraterrestrial life forms.

Researchers made black holes in the laboratory, and suddenly, it started to glow.

The quantum superposition between dwarf stars could be possible.

A new brain model can pave the way to a new type of AI.

Modeling complex observations for AI is a very difficult process.

The ESA:s "Solaris" satellite made the historical energy transfer test from the orbital trajectory.

Remnants of 10 billion years old Earth discovered in white dwarf's atmosphere.

Could graviton be one or two quantum-size black holes?