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The butterfly robot is the fastest-swimming soft robot in the world.

"Inspired by the biomechanics of the manta ray, researchers developed an energy-efficient soft robot that can swim more than four times faster than previous swimming soft robots. Credit: NC State University"( Inspired by Manta Ray Biomechanics: “Butterfly Bot” Is Fastest Swimming Soft Robot Ever)

The image above portrays a small robot that is moving like a water flea. And these kinds of robots are interesting because they can get samples from the bottom of the ocean. There is an electric or small hydraulic engine in the robot's body. And that makes the rows move at the front of it. 

Biomechanic soft robots are tools that can use in many missions. But when we are thinking about biomechanic robots where electric cells create electricity for the robot. Or synthetic muscles that microchips are controlling we are facing one problem. Living cells need nutrients. And without nutrients, biomechanic robots are dying. The limits of those biomechanic robots are that they cannot operate in highly radioactive or high temperatures. 

Small robots can also swim sideways. In that kind of robot, another side of the robot is lower than another. And the water that flows through their body can rotate small generators. The non-organic robots are less vulnerable to radioactive radiation or high temperatures than organic robots. 

But the problem with small-size robots is that those systems require effective. And harmless power source. Things like fuel cells are problematic because they are creating electricity. 

And they cannot deliver electricity to the smallest robots. There is possible to deliver electricity to miniature robots by using radio waves. Or internal energy production can be done with gold and iron bites. 

Researchers are now creating crystals that create electricity from heat. And if those crystals can deliver electricity at room temperature they can be the power source for the small swimming robots. 

Or swimming small-size robots can also use piezo-electric crystals as a power source. The sonar system can deliver pressure impulses for the silicon-core robots and those piezo-electric crystals are delivering electricity to nano-size microchips.

Image: 2) 

Things like water fleas or sharks can also equip with microchips. 

China claims success in controlling the bird's minds. And that thing means that also animals like sharks can turn to weapons. Sharks can carry surgically implanted explosives in their bodies. 

One of the most interesting types of miniature robots is the zombie insects. In that case, the insect is implanted by using a microchip. And that means the microchips are controlling those insects. Things like water fleas or small fishes can also equip with a small-size microchip. 

That is controlling their behavior. Those fishes can act as biorobots. But there is the possibility to take the skin of the fish or some other animal. And then dress that skin over the robot's mechanic body. 

The idea of those robots is similar to Terminator in terminator movies. in fictional T-101 android. The robot's core is covered by living human tissue.

Maybe that thing is not possible. But the animal's skin can use to cover the microchip-controlled mechanical body. 

In some theories, the Loch Ness monster is a robot that has the skin of some big animal over it. The purpose of that skin is to cover that this system is a robot. 

In some visions, the body of the tiger shark is a surgically implanted explosive. And the shark can turn into a biological torpedo. 

And then. Somebody puts the blood bag on the ship. Then the tiger shark will go near that ship. And the explosive will be detonated. 

In some other versions of that biological torpedo, that detonator is a neutron bomb. Then the small drone will pull the bloodline to the water. And when that shark is in a certain place the GPS will detonate those weapons.

Image 2:)


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