Friday, November 4, 2022

The complicated forces in star clusters cause re-estimation for many theories.

The globular cluster Messier 15 photographed by HST (Wikipedia/StarClusters)

People say that gravitation is the thing that keeps star clusters in their form. The reality is that there is more than one gravitational interaction. So the researchers working with MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) should connect Einstein's theories and Newtonian dynamics. 

And star clusters are a network of gravitational interactions. But that thing would be too simple. Because standard theories don't include dark matter or dark energy. There is a crisis in cosmology. Without knowing the nature of dark matter that is the strange gravitational effect or dark energy nobody cannot make complete models. We know that energy causes time dilation. 

Extremely hot stars can pump energy to particles which makes them exist longer than calculated. That makes those particles' energy levels higher than they should be. Then those particles are releasing that extra energy until they reach the same energy level as their environment. 

Cosmologists require new physics that would include dark energy and dark matter. The problem is that there are no straight measurements of dark matter or dark energy. 

The mass of (hypothetical) dark matter particles is unknown. And the force of dark energy is also unknown. That makes it impossible to make accurate gravitational models. When a major part of the entirety is missing. That thing makes it very hard to create models for the system. 

Electromagnetic radiation. That comes from the extremely hot stars also affect between stars. That radiation along with the plasma that those stars are erupting is pushing those stars away from each other. 

When plasma travels between stars, electromagnetic radiation pumps energy to those particles. When particles are traveling between spectral class 0 (Blue Giants) and W (Wolff-Ryat or WR)stars. those extremely hot stars are pumping energy into it. And that means the energy of plasma that travels in star clusters can be higher than it should be. 

But a thing like blue giants and WR stars are very interesting because they are so hot. The surface temperature of those stars can be over 30 000 Kelvin. Along with high power, radiation can cause time dilation. That means time travels slower also near those stars. Time dilation near blue giants or some other very hot stars is not as powerful as near black holes. But it can affect the lifetime of isotopes and individual particles.  

The thing in the globular star clusters is that some of their members are the oldest stars in the entire universe. The age of those stars is almost the same as the universe. And that thing is extremely interesting from the point of view of the SETI program. If we want to search the extraterrestrial intelligence that is technically advanced, we should look at them from the old stars. 

The oldest stars in the universe are the thing that is always interesting. Those stars formed a couple of hundreds of millions of years after the universe formed about 13 billion years ago. The interesting thing about those oldest stars in the universe is that the oldest of them are the same age or even older than the entire universe. 

The thing that makes those stars interesting is that their mass is about 0,8 times of the Sun. That thing is interesting because those stars are or have been quite similar to the Sun. The oldest stars in the universe are G-type stars. 

The oldest known star in the universe is called Methuselah. That is a metal-poor sub-giant. And the question is why that star even exists. The star whose mass is about 0,8 of the Sun should spend its fuel a long time ago. Another thing is that star seems to be older than the universe. That thing causes cosmological crises. 

When we look at the list of oldest stars we see that many of them are in Milky Way's halo. The Methuselah itself is just outside the galactic bulge. And it might be the remnant of some ancient star cluster that the Milky Way ate. And maybe the position of that star explains its high age. There is the possibility that Methuselah gets new hydrogen or helium from the center of the Milky Way. 

When we are researching things like forming of the Moon, we see an interesting thing the moon could form hours after the asteroid's impact. When the asteroid released the Earth's core material into space it started to twist up.  in that process, magnetic minerals along with solar wind formed the moon. And maybe forming the first stars is the same kind of process.

But in that process, the participants of the reactions were ions and anions. And then some kind of disturbance caused the formation of the first stars in the universe. 

Some kind of force in the proto-universe twisted the cloud of ions and anions up. There is the possibility that the annihilation reaction made that twisting up possible. That means after the Big Bang came two shockwaves. The first shockwave travels ahead of the material. And the second one caused the disturbance that made twisting up possible.

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