Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The new system harvests water from thin air. And then it makes hydrogen from that water.

Image: European Space Agency

The new system harvests water from thin air. And then it makes hydrogen from that water. The link to the story of this system is below this text. The idea is that the rotating layer harvests water from the air. And then the system conducts that water to electrodes. Those electrodes break water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, which can be driven to fuel cells. In some visions, the system can use a silicon layer that is acting as photovoltaic cells. 

In some other ideas, there is the should network that closes water on the layer. And then electrodes, where electricity runs, will break the water molecules. The idea is that those layers are rotating like a mill wheel and harvest water from the air. The problem is how to make this kind of system produce more electricity than it uses. There is a possibility that the system uses something like a wind turbine for making extra energy for it. 

"Research groups have previously shown that it is possible to perform artificial photosynthesis by generating hydrogen fuel from liquid water and sunlight using a device called a photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell. A PEC cell is generally known as a device that uses incident light to stimulate a photosensitive material, like a semiconductor, immersed in a liquid solution to cause a chemical reaction. But for practical purposes, this process has its disadvantages e.g. it is complicated to make large-area PEC devices that use liquid". (scitechDaily.com/Revolutionizing Renewable Energy: Using Sunlight To Produce Hydrogen Fuel Out of Thin Air)

This kind of system can recycle and clean water in space stations. And the same system can use to make clean water on earth. The need for fuel cells is that those systems increase the system's energy efficiency. 

The new system can harvest water from the air and then create hydrogen from that water can be useful in space systems. One of the problems with space stations is humidity. And that system makes it possible to remove humidity from the air. Then that water can break into hydrogen and oxygen, which can use in fuel cells. 

That allows to recycle of water in space stations or spacecraft. That thing can make the space systems more energy efficient than before. When the system pulls air to a low-pressure chamber the system can collect energy by using a rotating rotor.

Then electricity can use to break that water into hydrogen and oxygen. That thing can use as fuel in fuel cells or rocket engines. This system can make it possible to carry water and hydrogen to space stations that are on the Moon or Mars in the form of water. That makes this type of system safer. And then the space station can break the water molecules. These kinds of systems are not perpetual motion machines. They need outcoming energy. 

But they can make space stations and spacecraft more comfortable and safer by keeping their air dry. The large-size Mars crafts require similar life-support technology to space stations. The ability to recycle water through the fuel cells is one of the ways to clean it. Clean water is one of the most important things in the world. And if that kind of system where water can break to hydrogen and oxygen. 

And then these atoms can reconnect to water by using energy that this system creates by using wind- or solar or geothermal power along this kind of fuel-cell-based system that makes it possible to create clean water for many people. The fuel cells are needed to take energy from the burning process of hydrogen and oxygen. 

The idea is that system can produce its energy independently by using green energy sources. And when electrolysis breaks the water into hydrogen and oxygen. Then those atoms are reconnected in fuel cells. That thing allows the creation of clean water. 



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