"Dust devils on Mars are small whirlwinds of dust that occur when the sun heats the surface of the planet, causing the air to rise and form a vortex. These dust devils can reach heights of up to several kilometers and have winds that can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h. Dust devils are common in many areas of Mars and can be found in both the northern and southern hemispheres". (ScitechDaily.com/Scientists Obtain First-Ever Sound Recording of Dust Devils on Mars)
The devil's sandstorms form in a weak gravitational field when the wind rises sand flowing over the planet's surface. The devil's sandstorms create very high-voltage electricity when small sand bites gall against each other. That thing can cause danger for probes. Another name for devil's sandstorms is the dust devil.
There are different sizes of dust devils. Some of them are small tornadoes. Researching those things researchers can find. What is the dust devil's role in giant sandstorms that can cover almost the entire Mars planet? There is the possibility that the dust devils are acting like giant cylinders that put the atmosphere move between them.
Those giant sandstorms are covering almost half of planet Mars. The thing that makes those things dangerous is the friction of the dry sand. That thing forms static electricity. The duration of the sand devil determines how much static electricity it can create. If a long-term sand tornado hits the probe it can cause electric shock. But luckily the planet Mars' atmosphere is not very thick.
But on Saturn's Titan moon, the devil's sandstorms are more dangerous. There the weak gravitation along with the thick atmosphere is making it possible that the sandstorms can exists longer.
The devil's sandstorms are possible on Mars and Saturn's Titan where the atmosphere is thicker than on Mars. On Titan, the devil's sandstorms are more dangerous than on Mars. The reason for that is the higher gas pressure makes it possible that the speed of those sand bites can rise higher than on Mars. And those sandstorms are acting like abrasive blasts or large groups of fast-flying bullets.
When we think about weak gravitation and life forms. We must realize one thing. The friction on the weak gravitation field is lower than in the strong gravitational field.
That means the speed of the gas is higher on those planets. And that thing causes friction where the gas can turn quite hot. There is also the possibility that devil's sandstorms are making that planet unable to host highly advanced civilizations because the sand tornados are causing so powerful electromagnetic phenomena. That electronics will jam on that planet.
Above: Illustration of the interior of Saturn's moon Enceladus.
Icy moons and lifeforms.
Under the icy surface of icy moons is the ocean. But there are very high-speed flows in those oceans.
The tidal forces are keeping those oceans in Europa and Enceladus. The planet's gravitation forms the flow of those icy moons' oceans. And that flow makes the friction and heat in oceans.
The hypothetical lifeforms can use this temperature as an energy source. But those flows can also deny the forming of life forms.
And if those flows in the deep oceans of the icy moons are high enough, that can destroy the complicated protein molecules that are necessary for life. Or those flows can make it impossible that cells can make chains. And those lifeforms are extremely primitive.
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