The right genomes and intelligence don't necessarily mean technically advanced civilization. But when we are modeling intelligent lifeforms the key element is that all intelligent species are curious. And curiosity makes it possible to create advanced technology. That is needed to make the interstellar flights. But even the most advanced species require motivation for interstellar spacecraft development.
But before the species can create any spacecraft, it requires intelligence. On that planet, something must start to favor intelligence. Being intelligent species requires a complicated neural structure. And for making spacecraft. The species must have the ability to handle abstractions.
We know the genomes that control intelligence. And maybe we can transfer those genomes to another species. That allows those intelligent pets to act more independently. But then we must realize. That there are risks in that kind of research.
Intelligent species always defend themselves and similar individuals. And that means we should threaten those genetically boosted organisms differently. Maybe those genetically engineered pets get the "old pet's homes" like humans.
But then, there are many things that we must realize. And the main thing is that the DNA is entirety. Before any intelligent lifeforms can form, that lifeform needs structures that allow the neurons to form. The cells that handle information must also include internal and external structures that connect them to the senses.
In this text ability to handle data that senses transfer to the brain or structure that handles data is the thing that means intelligence. So intelligent species make many other things than just exist. But are all intelligent species able to create machines?
The vital thing for forming technically advanced species is that the culture needs to support that kind of trend. Society must see that they need some technical advances. Or they put resources into something else.
When we think about the civilization's ability to colonize their solar system. We must understand. That all solar systems are not similar to our solar system. If a hypothetical civilization lives in a very small solar system like Gliese 581 system.
That civilization has more resources. Traveling in that system is much easier than in the solar system. The hypothetical civilization might have a big motivation for developing advanced rocketry.
If we think that the species starts to operate at the interstellar level. That requires lots of resources. And this makes the interstellar projects "impossible".
Von Neumann machines can make interstellar spaceflight possible.
But then we can face the model where billions of robot workers that controlled by artificial intelligence. Civilization can make billions of robots quite easily. They just put robots to make new robots. Using the Von Neumann model where robots manufacture other robots is possible to create lots of robots that can create complicated structures.
Mathematician John von Neumann introduced a model of machines that can copy themselves. Von Neumann machine means a machine that makes copies of itself. And if all Von Neumann machines are participating in this self-copying process the population of Von Neumann machines will grow following the recursion.
So when two Von Neumann machines copy themselves the next group is four Von Neumann machines. Then the system makes another copy. The result is eight Von Neumann machines. And then the eight machines will make the next generation. The result is 16 Von Neumann machines, then 32. And then, 64, 128, etc.
Below is the model of how the population of Von Neumann machines grows.
That means that suddenly there are a lot of Von Neumann machines. The Von Neumann machines can make it possible that species can make interstellar operations.
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