Friday, February 17, 2023

Mysterious kilonova formed a symmetrical sphere.

In some models, the anti-electrons or positrons can cover the entire neutron star. And that forms the situation where an energy blast hits to neutron star around it. That form a similar effect to an implosion (nuclear) bomb. The energy travels in the middle of the neutron star. And then that energy impulse reflects from the nucleus back to the surface. 

The term kilonova means colliding neutron stars. The mysterious thing about that new kilonova is that the collision created a fully symmetrical sphere. For a symmetrical sphere's forming, the energy impulse should come from the middle of the neutron star. The thing that forms the sphere are neutrons that turn the same poles outward. 

That causes an energy impulse that forms a symmetrical shockwave outside the neutron star. But the question is how the energy impulse comes from the middle of the neutron star or the middle of the kilonova. There is the possibility that just when neutron stars collide between them travels the neutrino beam. So the origin of the symmetrical energy field could be a neutrino beam. In some other ideas, some planets would get between colliding neutron stars. 

In some models, the neutron stars form neutron liquid between them just before they impact. And when those neutron liquids impact they send an extremely powerful energy impulse. The reason for that is neutrons impact together opposite poles towards each other. That causes a powerful electric arc because the magnetic fields of the neutron stars are closing the circuit. 

The thing that forms a pure sphere is the impact that happens symmetrically around the neutron star. The particles must cover the entire neutron star and send the energy burst precisely at the same time. So that the symmetrical sphere can form. 

When we think about the formation of the symmetrical sphere there must be some kind of reaction that covers the entire neutron star. Then the energy travels in that neutron formation. When the energy reaches the nucleus of the neutron star it reflects its shell. The reason for that could be antineutron that impacts with a neutron. When an antineutron faces a neutron that forms the annihilation. 

That annihilation causes resonation in other neutrons. Then energy travels through the shell of a neutron star. That can form a situation where the energy travels to neutrons which the quark structure is laying. When energy travels quarks turn their tip inside the neutron star. In each neutron are three quarks And when one of them is heading in some direction. That forms the antenna that aims for energy to the middle of the neutron star. 

The idea is that free energy causes the situation. The neutron star is an extremely thick object. And there is not very much space for free energy. But the thing that denies the detonation of the neutron star is massive gravitation. There is a possibility that fast spin and some impacts send the neutron dust around the neutron star.

That neutron star sends pure sphere-shaped energy impulses. When energy reflects from a neutron star's nucleus it turns those neutrons around. That thing loads more energy into those neutrons. 

But the more practical explanation is that tidal forces rip another neutron star in pieces. In that case, the neutron star turns to neutron dust that falls on the object. That neutron dust formed in a kilonova. If a neutron cloud impacts symmetrically to the shell of a neutron star. That can explain a symmetrical sphere. 

The fact is that it's possible that this kind of bubble can also form if some kind of cloud impacts symmetrically to the neutron star. The symmetrical impact explains the symmetrical sphere around the kilonova. But then the question is where are those particles that cause the radiation come from, are they remnants of some planet? Or are they neutrons, that are released when another neutron star rips in pieces?  How can debris cover an entire neutron star before it sends a radiation burst?

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