Tuesday, February 28, 2023

NASA discovered organic molecules from asteroid Ryugu.

"This conceptual image illustrates the types of organic molecules found in the sample of asteroid Ryugu collected by Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft. Organics are the building blocks of all known forms of terrestrial life and consist of a wide variety of compounds made of carbon combined with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and other atoms. However, organic molecules can also be created by non-living processes, such as chemical reactions in asteroids. Credit: NASA/JAXA/Dan Gallagher" (ScitechDaily.com/NASA Discovers Organic Molecules on Asteroid Ryugu, Bolstering Theory of Extraterrestrial Life Ingredients)

There are organic molecules in samples that NASA and the Japanese space agency brought from asteroid Ryugu. That thing boosts theories about the origin of life in space. And one of the most fundamental things in the search for extraterrestrial lifeforms is that nobody laughs. It's the possibility that even in our solar system are some kind of primitive lifeforms more than on one planet. 

If the alien organisms have no enemies that allow them to keep their population alive even if there are no large habitable areas on some planets. Organic molecules are not telling that somewhere are alien lifeforms. But those molecules are supporting theories that even under the icy shells of some asteroids like Ceres could be some kind of proteobacteria. The thing is that there are lots of theories about alien lifeforms. 

And there is the possibility that some kind of viruses can keep their genomes in the form that they could infect organisms on Earth. The cosmic virus is one of the things that could tell that there are other living organisms somewhere in the universe. The virus requires living cells so that it can create descendants. And that means the viruses prove that there are at least primitive lifeforms. 

Astrovirology searches for viruses from space. 

When some probe finds viruses from another planet. That probe must find the bacteria too. Without those bacteria, viruses cannot produce descendants. 

And if there are only viruses on some planet, that thing means that those viruses are coming from somewhere else. And that forms new questions. If somewhere are only viruses that means something removed bacteria. 

But even if we would find viruses from another planet there is always the possibility that some of those viruses are from Earth. But the thing is that. There is required more information. Some DNA sample does not include enough data for confirming that the virus is from another planet or Earth.

When researchers find meteorites were is bacteria fossils. There is a possibility that the bacteria are from Earth. They should see that meteorite is falling. Same way meteorites could throw bacteria and viruses into space. And some of those creatures could fly to icy moons like Europa. 

The very interesting thing is when those organic amino acids turn into RNA and DNA molecules. I believe that the very first organisms on Earth used RNA as genetic material. And then the second question is when those primitive genomes start to form the shell for the organisms. RNA or DNA requires the organelles to form that protein shells.




In some visions, alien creatures can make interstellar travel in the form of viruses that can transform the host creature into an alien. 

Then we have one theory that I want to introduce to you. There is a model that the alien creature can make interstellar travels in the form of viruses. That virus could have a genetic code that destroys the DNA of the host cell and then makes the cell into another organism. Then that creature turns to that alien. 

After that, that alien civilization could transfer the necessary knowledge to those creatures by using video screens. Or maybe they could transfer the necessary information by using EEG stimulation. That allows the alien creature to spread into the entire galaxy even if they do not have faster-than-light technology. The DNA can stay in form extremely long time. Especially, if it's properly protected. The AI-controlled probe can make that kind of thing possible. 

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