Quantum entanglement can also transport information in binary systems.
The binary system can use quantum teleportation. As well as quantum systems can use the same thing. The binary system can use the system where two energy levels are determined as zero and one.
But there is another way to make a binary system that can transport data. The idea is that the system uses two frequencies. The frequency one means zero. And frequency two means one. And how the system can sort the zero and one in the right order?
The idea is that when electricity is on in wire one that means zero for the computer. And when the electricity is cut. That means that the data sequence is ending. Every zero and one is equipped with a serial number.
"Researchers at the University of Rochester developed a new method for manipulating information in quantum systems by controlling the spin of electrons in silicon quantum dots. Electrons in silicon experience a phenomenon called spin-valley coupling between their spin (up and down arrows) and valley states (blue and red orbitals)".
"When researchers apply a voltage (blue glow) to electrons in silicon, they harness the spin-valley coupling effect and can manipulate the spin and valley states, controlling the electron spin. Credit: University of Rochester illustration / Michael Osadciw" (ScitechDaily.com/Overcoming Quantum Limitations: A New Method To Control Electron Spin)
That allows the system to sort them in the right order. And then the receiving system can connect the message to the entirety. The system bases the sliding window that is cutting the message in pieces. And every bit in that system is equipped with a serial number.
If the system needs jumping frequencies. The bit must equip information on what channel the receiving system must select. And that makes this system more secure than a regular communication system.
The data transmission can send through the hollow laser or maser rays. And that makes outsiders unable to see that data transmission.
Because the information travels in two channels the eavesdropper it hard to follow that communication. The frequencies can replace by using two wires. Or the system can use two superpositioned and entangled electrons. When energy impulse impacts those electrons it makes them flash.
A new method for controlling an electron's spin can make a new quantum solution possible.
The ability to control electrons' spin is always connected with quantum computers. In that version, the system can turn two superpositioned electrons against each other. And that thing forms the quantum wormhole. And if there are two photons. Trapped on both sides of that energy bridge. This makes it possible that the photonic quantum entanglement is pulled through that channel.
The ability to send information through that kind of channel is always interesting because that electromagnetic wormhole is protecting photonic quantum entanglement. But the ability to control electrons' spin always makes it possible to use them in data transportation. In that model, the binary system uses quantum teleportation in the form I wrote at the beginning of this text.
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