Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The term: alien spacecraft means an aerial vehicle with an unknown source or operator.


The term: alien spacecraft means an aerial vehicle with an unknown source or operator. So it's not necessarily extraterrestrial. 

The White House says that the balloons shot down were not an alien craft. Or literally, the header in Space com's article goes like this: "'No indication' shot-down objects are alien spacecraft, White House says". There were no propulsion and control systems in those balloons. But their origin is unknown. In media were tales that in one balloon was some kind of propulsion. And the solar panels can act as a sail. 

"There is no — again — no indication of aliens or other extraterrestrial activity with these recent takedowns," White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said during a press conference on Monday (Feb. 13)".( 'No indication' shot-down objects are alien spacecraft, White House says)

That thing causes smiles, but the thing is that those balloons are serious things. The term "alien object"  means their origin is unknown. So that thing doesn't close extraterrestrial possibility away. But when we are looking at those mysterious balloons that shot down, we must realize something. Before researchers can confirm their origin those balloons remain a mystery. 

In the 1990's were plans to research planets Venus and Mars by using balloons. The system would adjust the balloon's altitude by pumping the helium or hydrogen between the balloon and the chamber. When the system wants to rise the balloon's altitude it transfers gas to the balloon. And when the system decreases altitude. The system pumps gas back into the bottle. These kinds of balloons are suitable for recon missions. 

But recon balloon must not be so complicated. The thing that is enough is that the recon balloon will put in the right jet stream by delivering them from the ground. Or a small rocket can make that thing. And those stratospheric winds will transfer it in the right direction.

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