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Showing posts from March, 2023

Researchers got a new perspective on the cosmic superstructure.

 Cosmic webs, the giant chains of galactic clusters, are the most interesting things in the universe. The web could involve answers for dark matter and dark energy. In some visions, the origin of those giant networks of material is the wormholes or energy channels where the material is traveling across the universe. Those channels are forming around some kind of energy channels. But does the energy travel around or in the channel that forms the cosmic web?  When energy impacts those structures, they are sending wave movement through the universe. And one version of dark matter theory is that some part of the material is just too heavy. In that model, some material's energy level is just too high. And that material is sending the wave movement too fast.  In some models, the Scwinger-effect forms short-living particle-antiparticle pairs in the cosmic energy channels. Those energy whirls can be so-called ghost particles. The ghost- or virtual particles are like energy whirls. They are

Multiverse, again and again.

The history of the multiverse theory is interesting. When our knowledge of the universe increases we must accept more and more things that we thought is impossible. At first, we thought that the Earth was the center of the universe.  Then we realized that Earth was just one of the planets. Then we thought that our home galaxy was the "Milky Way". If the center of the universe. Then researchers found other galaxies. Then they found galactic clusters and the cosmic web which is the largest known structure.  Once said that there are no other solar systems. And now we know thousands of planetary systems. The last thing that is not yet officially found is the anther intelligent species. And the other thing is that other universes are waiting for their finders.  There is no evidence about the existence of the multiverse. But otherwise, there is no evidence that the universe where we live is unique. Or, we can say, the universe where we live can be unique even if there are other uni

Space towers are one version of the space cannons or "Verne cannons".

Space towers are one version of the space cannons or "Verne cannons Space towers are one version of the space cannons or "Verne cannons" When we are thinking about this type of launching system we must realize that even if those systems cannot launch humans to the orbiter. They can use to launch miniature satellites at least to sub-orbiting trajectories. Space towers are more realistic and conventional solutions than a space elevators. The size of those towers is less than ten kilometers. And they can lie down when they are not in use. The telescope structure makes it possible to rise the tower to the operational length only when it's needed. The space tower is one version of the space gun that shoots small satellites into orbit by using pressure. That was created by using regular cannons.  The problem with space cannons is the recoil. The electromagnetic rail gun systems are making these kinds of systems possible. And launching a rocket through a tube increases the

Mythic Planet X is an interesting thing because that allows the way to the perfect stealth technology.

  Mythic Planet X is an interesting thing because that allows the way to the perfect stealth technology.  Could a hypothetical Planet X tunnel all radiation?  The myth of Planet X still lives. Nobody ever saw that planet, and the thing that supports the theory of previously unknown large-size planets in Kuiper's belt are mysterious anomalies in Neptune's trajectory. The thing is that nothing else supports the theory of the existence of the "invisible planet". The size of the planet must be very big. And its gravitational field strong that it can affect Neptune's trajectory.  And the search for that mysterious planet is very long work. In some visions, the mysterious gravitational source is mentioned as the small black hole, but nobody understands why that black hole doesn't seem to interact.  In some other theories, Planet X is a glimpse of dark matter. And that thing makes it invisible. But there is one weakness. The dark matter object must have some kind of

Do the cryovolcano on Triton moon have the same background as the ring system of dwarf planet Quaoar?

  "Artist impress of Quaoar rings. Credit: Paris Observatory" ( Mystery: Unexpected New Ring System Discovered in Our Own Solar System) I wrote about this topic recently. In that text, I mentioned that the solar wind and other things are weaker at the solar system's edge than they are at the inner solar system. So theoretically, planet Earth could also have a ring system because Van Allen radiation or plasma belt can trap particles in that area. But a strong solar wind or ion flow from the Sun blows that ring away.  But the size of dwarf planet Quaoar is about half the size of Pluto. That means there should not be volcanic activity inside that dwarf planet. In that case, the rings require a magnetic field. And that magnetic field requires planets that planet has a liquid mantle.  Also, the moon of that dwarf planet should affect that ring system.  Shepherd moons in Saturn's rings.  The Weywot-moon can act as a shepherd moon. Shepherd moons keep t

Could Big Crunch be the fate of the universe anyway?

       Could Big Crunch be the fate of the universe anyway?  What if the universe looks like a circle-form pancake?  When we are thinking about the fate of the universe. We always think that only a spherical universe can make a Big Crunch. And there are two other versions of the geometrical shape of the universe that will continue their expansion forever. Those shapes are hyperbolic and flat universes. We ever think that the shape of those flat and hyperbolic universes can be like a ring. But if we think that the universe is in the middle of a very weak wave movement that we cannot observe.  The wave movement that comes out from the universe pushes that outside wave movement away. So that outside wave movement cannot reach us. Because the universe's energy level is higher than the space around it, and the temperature around the universe is less than zero kelvin, energy flows away from the universe. Because energy flow is one way we cannot detect radiation that comes outside the uni

Underwater miniature drones are multipurpose tools.

    Underwater miniature drones are multipurpose tools. "The icefin robot under the ice near McMurdo research station, operated by the US Antarctic Program. Credit: Rob Robbins USAP" ( Underwater Robot Provides Close-Up View of Melting Beneath “Doomsday Glacier”) New underwater drones can operate underwater even for years. The new drones can travel through ice. And they can follow animals and other interesting targets. That kind of thing makes them capable to research the whales without disturbing them.  The only thing that limits those drones' operational time is their power source. The RTG, radioisotope thermoelectric generator, or isotope battery offers virtually unlimited operational time, even for small-size drones. The drone can use the same batteries that were created for pacemakers. And that system can give even small drones unlimited operational capacity.  The problem with isotope batteries is if they are in the wrong hands some terrorists