Monday, March 20, 2023

Researchers got a new perspective on the cosmic superstructure.

 Cosmic webs, the giant chains of galactic clusters, are the most interesting things in the universe. The web could involve answers for dark matter and dark energy. In some visions, the origin of those giant networks of material is the wormholes or energy channels where the material is traveling across the universe. Those channels are forming around some kind of energy channels. But does the energy travel around or in the channel that forms the cosmic web? 

When energy impacts those structures, they are sending wave movement through the universe. And one version of dark matter theory is that some part of the material is just too heavy. In that model, some material's energy level is just too high. And that material is sending the wave movement too fast. 

In some models, the Scwinger-effect forms short-living particle-antiparticle pairs in the cosmic energy channels. Those energy whirls can be so-called ghost particles. The ghost- or virtual particles are like energy whirls. They are at the too low-energy level that they can form stable particles. But if those short-living ghost particles exist they can create annihilation if they can touch each other before they turn back to wave movement. 

"Researchers have used simulations to investigate the cosmic web, the filamentary pattern of galaxies that exists on large scales throughout the universe. By treating the distribution of galaxies as a collection of points and applying mathematical techniques developed for materials science, they have quantified the relative disorder of the universe and gained a better understanding of its fundamental structure. Credit: NASA/University of Chicago and Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum" ( Perspective on the Fundamental Structure of the Universe)

"Visualization of the largest structures in the universe from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Credit: NASA/University of Chicago and Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum" ( Perspective on the Fundamental Structure of the Universe)

If we someday find the wormholes they might answer why there is too much energy and material in the universe. In that model, the wormholes are the electromagnetic tornadoes that are closing material and energy inside them. So the superstrings, that are forming wormholes send radiation that has so enormous wavelength that we cannot detect them. 

The problem is that also the regular electromagnetic phenomenon can create the cosmic web. The giant ion and anion clouds can make extremely large chains. But that is only one explanation that is offered for the cosmic web. 

When we see the second image we can see that the cosmic web is forming two different structures. And there seems to be a massive center for that network. That thing makes me think about the possibility that the giant black hole in the middle of the universe could be possible. The thing that could prove this model is the dark flow, the semi-hypothetical model where all galactic clusters are traveling in the same direction. The center of the visible universe is also one of the most interesting things for dark energy theories. 

The idea is that impacting gravitational or some other waves are forming standing waves that are acting like gravitational maser-emission. That thing can explain dark energy and dark matter. The standing gravitational waves are accelerating particles. And they can transfer energy to the particles and another wave movement. 

The idea is that dark energy is forming when radiation reflects from the plasma ball around the universe. The idea is that there are remnants of the shockwave that formed during the Big Bang. The gravitation of the universe pulls that shockwave back to the center of the universe. And that means the radiation that reflects from that field travels into the center of the universe. There those radiation waves are forming standing waves that increase their energy level. That could be one version of the dark energy theory.

Multiverse, again and again.

The history of the multiverse theory is interesting. When our knowledge of the universe increases we must accept more and more things that we thought is impossible. At first, we thought that the Earth was the center of the universe. 

Then we realized that Earth was just one of the planets. Then we thought that our home galaxy was the "Milky Way". If the center of the universe. Then researchers found other galaxies. Then they found galactic clusters and the cosmic web which is the largest known structure. 

Once said that there are no other solar systems. And now we know thousands of planetary systems. The last thing that is not yet officially found is the anther intelligent species. And the other thing is that other universes are waiting for their finders. 

There is no evidence about the existence of the multiverse. But otherwise, there is no evidence that the universe where we live is unique. Or, we can say, the universe where we live can be unique even if there are other universes. And the reason for that is that we are living in this universe. Nobody has seen other universes but logically thinking, there should be more than one universe. But there is the possibility that those other universes are far different than "our" universe. 

When we talk about multiverse theory, we must realize that there is no way to prove or disprove that theory. We cannot see other universes because the light pollution from galaxies covers radiation that comes from those other universes. So the theory of multiverse base is in the Big Bang theory. The key element in multiverse theory is that there should be more than one Big Bang in spacetime that we call as "third dimension". 

Above: Are other hypothetical universes dark to us? That means if they formed in similar Big Bangs with our universe but the energy level of those Big Bangs were different. The elementary particle's size in those other universes would be different. 

That means they are sending radiation that has a different frequency than radiation in our universe. Another reason why we cannot see other universes is that radiation that comes from our universe just pushes the radiation from other universes away. And that means radiation from other universes cannot reach us. 

The multiverse explains the radiation source that could form material in the Schwinger effect. If the Big Bang was some kind of singularity there must be some other source for the crossing wave movement. When we say that the Big Bang was some kind of destruction of singularity, we don't mean that the "singularity" is the same as some supermassive black hole. 

During the Big Bang, all material and radiation were released into spacetime. And that means that "singularity" would be far more than some black hole. In some models, the superstrings started to turn to extreme singularity, but the problem is again: where those superstrings came from? Energy can turn to material and material can turn to energy. So that means there must be some source for that energy. 

And then we must realize one thing. Those other universes might be very hard to detect. And the reason for that is the Big Bang. The Big Bang was an event where the material was released into space and time. Otherwise, that means the Big Bang was the event. Where material reached a certain energy level. If we say that thing by using other words: we can say that material or elementary particles reached a certain size. 

So if the energy level in some other Big Bang was different another universe has different sizes in elementary particles even if they seem the same as elementary particles in our universe. And that makes it very hard to see that another universe. Another thing is that the other universes are sending counter radiation as well as our "own" universe sends radiation. 

That radiation pushes the weak radiation from its direction. That means radiation that comes from other universes will never reach our universe. Another problem with the detection of another universe is that there is an absolute zero energy level in the space between universes. So all radiation that travels between our and other theoretical universes has the same frequency.

 And that means stronger radiation that comes from our universe will not let that weak radiation come into our universe. So that's why the multiverse theory is very hard to prove. But logically thinking, it's a wonder if there are no other universes with galaxies and planets. I think that our universe is one of the many universes. And maybe the universes are forming the chains and mega-hyper structures in space.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Space towers are one version of the space cannons or "Verne cannons".

Space towers are one version of the space cannons or "Verne cannons

Space towers are one version of the space cannons or "Verne cannons" When we are thinking about this type of launching system we must realize that even if those systems cannot launch humans to the orbiter. They can use to launch miniature satellites at least to sub-orbiting trajectories.

Space towers are more realistic and conventional solutions than a space elevators. The size of those towers is less than ten kilometers. And they can lie down when they are not in use. The telescope structure makes it possible to rise the tower to the operational length only when it's needed. The space tower is one version of the space gun that shoots small satellites into orbit by using pressure. That was created by using regular cannons. 

The problem with space cannons is the recoil. The electromagnetic rail gun systems are making these kinds of systems possible. And launching a rocket through a tube increases the range and altitude that it can operate. The third thing is that modern microchips can stand the recoil of those extremely powerful systems. And every day the artillery uses GPS-guided ammunition. The same technology can make space guns possible. 

Space towers are one version of space elevators. Those extremely tall towers will transfer spacecraft to the orbiter. And they could be useful for launching small-sized miniature satellites. Theoretically is possible to build a tube for the Earth orbiter. In this case, the air inside the tower will keep that tower standing. And then, the launch crew will put the small-size rocket into that tube. 

Then the vacuum pulls it upward, and then the rocket engine will launch when the craft comes out from the tube. These kinds of tubes can have telescopic structures and a quadcopter or balloon. That connected to that tube can pull it to the stratosphere. The tube can also be a long garden hose if the size of the satellite is very small. So the space towers can use for launching mini-launching systems for higher altitudes. 

The launchers will put the rocket in a chamber, and then the quadcopter along with air pressure rises. The tower to a high altitude. And then the top ventilation will open. The low pressure pulls the rocket upwards. And then that tube falls to the ground. The idea is that the air tube is up only when it's used for launches. 


The image portrays the underwater cannon that can launch a satellite into the orbiter. The launch loop is a similar system but it continues far higher than just this launching system. 

Another version is that this cannon can extend to the high atmosphere and put it in a standing position. This system will make the pressure difference between the intake and outtake hatches stronger. Or the similar system can also operate in the drylands. 


Virtualization of the space towers or "sky tube" means the tornado that makes a low-pressure channel in the air. The simplest version is to use a powerful laser ray that explodes air away from that channel. And then hollow laser ray will keep the air channel open. There is also the possibility to use acoustic and other kinds of pressure systems. 

But the space tower can also be virtualized. The virtualization of this system means that the pressure system will fill with the pressure air. Then the high-flying blimp will rise that "air rifle" to the high atmosphere and launch a small-size rocket into the orbiter. 

In electromagnetic solutions, the tower can equip with electromagnetic rail guns. In that model, the electromagnetic track will accelerate the rocket. That thing will increase the power of the system. But then we can think of another possibility where we can use the sky tower. 

The entire tower can be virtualized by using different types of systems. The acoustic systems can make the tornado or air channel. The combination of laser rays and acoustic systems can create a so-called supersonic tornado where the laser ray along with an electric beam will make a vacuum in the air. Then the acoustic system will make the air channel that closes the low-pressure area inside the tornado. Then the system will shoot the rocket through that channel. 

In some versions, the laser rays will blow the air away through their route. Then the system creates the hollow laser ray that keeps the air channel open. In that kind, virtualized sky towers keeping the air channel open is necessary only when the system launches satellites.

Mythic Planet X is an interesting thing because that allows the way to the perfect stealth technology.

 Mythic Planet X is an interesting thing because that allows the way to the perfect stealth technology. 

Could a hypothetical Planet X tunnel all radiation? 

The myth of Planet X still lives. Nobody ever saw that planet, and the thing that supports the theory of previously unknown large-size planets in Kuiper's belt are mysterious anomalies in Neptune's trajectory. The thing is that nothing else supports the theory of the existence of the "invisible planet". The size of the planet must be very big. And its gravitational field strong that it can affect Neptune's trajectory. 

And the search for that mysterious planet is very long work. In some visions, the mysterious gravitational source is mentioned as the small black hole, but nobody understands why that black hole doesn't seem to interact. 

In some other theories, Planet X is a glimpse of dark matter. And that thing makes it invisible. But there is one weakness. The dark matter object must have some kind of gravitational interaction with its environment. That means it should affect the rings of giant planets and other very lightweight objects. 

The most interesting question is could there be less than zero Kelvin degrees on that hypothetical planet? If the entire atmosphere on that planet is frozen and cosmic ions along with weak solar wind are traveling over its surface. Those things act like heat pumps. In that model Planet X's magnetic field acts like Earth's magnetic field. But it is smaller, and in that model Planet X is in a similar position to Uranus. 

"The two spheres represent holes in an ordered magnetic array of spins (illustrated with compasses). Due to this magnetic environment, the hole dopants bind in pairs. Credit: Christoph Hohmann, Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology" ( the Mystery of Unconventional Superconductivity: A Breakthrough Experiment)

If planet X superconducts there is no radio reflection from its surface. 

So those particles and wave movement that travels over the planet will travel past the planet's surface. And in that case, they can form a situation where the surface temperature of that hypothetical planet is zero kelvin or even below zero kelvin. The particles and EM-radiation transfer energy away from that planet's surface. In some other models, the temperature on that planet is the same at all points. And if its temperature is the same as the background it is invisible to infrared sensors. 

In some models, Planet X lies like Uranus. The ion cloud around that planet can form the radiation pike that points to the sun. That radiation pike comes from the planet's poles. And in that version, the radiation pike just pushes particles and radiation to a shape that looks like a cone. That cone will push radiation past that planet. And that thing can deny the echo from that planet. 

But then we can think of another thing. Could it be possible that the entire planet consists of superpositioned and entangled particle series? Those things would make the quantum channels that are making radiation quantum tunnel through the entire planet. In that model, there is no reflection of the sun. 

In very low temperatures, there is a possibility that the material that forms the large-size but the very cold planet is forming the quantum rolls. In that model, those quantum rolls will transmit all radiation over the planet. And that thing means that there is no reflection. Those models are possible if that planet is far away from Neptune's trajectory. And this mythic planet may be also behind the Kuiper's belt. 

Above: quantum tunneling. Without reflection that energy impulse will not reach the sender. 

If 100% of radiation tunnels through the material it's invisible. 

The invisible planets and materials are important things. If some material superconducts. Radio waves are traveling through it. Because there is no resistance, electromagnetic radiation tunnels itself through that material. That means there is no reflection. If 100% of radiation tunnels through a layer that causes a situation where no radiation in that frequency cannot jump back to the transmitter. 

But the problem is that radio waves are easier to get pass through the material than photons. In some models in the graphene net. Electrons that are in the squares are forming quantum rolls. Those quantum rolls make wave movement and photons travel inside the material. 

One version of stealth technology is that quantum entanglement makes the quantum rolls that are pushing radio waves and photons inside the structure. In that model, the quantum entanglement drives the electromagnetic radiation and particles inside it. And then there is the antenna in the middle of the structure. That antenna aims the radiation in the wanted direction.

Do the cryovolcano on Triton moon have the same background as the ring system of dwarf planet Quaoar?


"Artist impress of Quaoar rings. Credit: Paris Observatory" ( Mystery: Unexpected New Ring System Discovered in Our Own Solar System)

I wrote about this topic recently. In that text, I mentioned that the solar wind and other things are weaker at the solar system's edge than they are at the inner solar system. So theoretically, planet Earth could also have a ring system because Van Allen radiation or plasma belt can trap particles in that area. But a strong solar wind or ion flow from the Sun blows that ring away. 

But the size of dwarf planet Quaoar is about half the size of Pluto. That means there should not be volcanic activity inside that dwarf planet. In that case, the rings require a magnetic field. And that magnetic field requires planets that planet has a liquid mantle.  Also, the moon of that dwarf planet should affect that ring system. 

Shepherd moons in Saturn's rings. 

The Weywot-moon can act as a shepherd moon. Shepherd moons keep the Saturn rings in their form. That kind of object can keep those rings in form. A weak gravitation field, along with a small shepherd moon can explain those rings. But can they form without a magnetic field? 

The Quaoar is not a water world covered with icy shells. That requires volcanic activity or some gravitational effect must keep water liquid. Is its moon Weywot so massive that it can keep water liquid in that small world? In light water vaporizes at a lower temperature than on Earth. The Quaoar's gravitational field is not strong. 

Quaoar with its moon Weywot. 

That means the ice is extremely thin on that dwarf planet. So the Weywot-moon can cause friction and form an icy fog. Could some kind of low-temperature ion layer- or an extremely low-temperature fog cause situation that those particles that travel around Quaoar to form a magnetic field in its atmosphere?  

If there are magnesite bites or some ions in that fog, that thing can form a magnetic field if it surrounds the iron nucleus. And in that case, the iron bites can be on the Quaoar's surface. The gravitational effect or tidal forces of Jupiter keeps at least some part of its moon liquid. But also other liquids like liquid hydrocarbon or liquid nitrogen can rise magnesite bites from the bottom of the small dwarf planets. And those bites can form a magnetic field on those objects. 

But the mystery is why Quaoar seems to have a magnetic field. Is there some kind of radiation pike that impacts that small world? If some kind of pike-form electromagnetic radiation impacts that dwarf planet's nucleus, that can form some kind of electromagnetic impulse that traps those particles around that small world. 

But are those yet unknown radiation pikes the thing that forms the icy geysers on the icy moon Triton? Neptune's gravitation is very strong. But is it strong enough that it can form those icy geysers? 

Another thing that could form icy geysers is the radiation pike that hits the Triton surface. The radiation pike would melt icy gas on the Troton's surface and form the icy geysers. 

South polar region of Triton. Active and quiescent geysers are the linear black markings. The south polar cap region transitions to cantaloupe terrain (bluish) between the end of the whitish south polar cap and the beginning of the blue. Image courtesy NASA JPL via EarthSky blog, 2019 (Volcano Hotspot/ The Nitrogen Geysers of Triton)

Triton icy geysers. The liquid that erupts from there is nitrogen. But something must disturb the balance of that icy gas that it can form the geyser. 

The conclusion is that there is something that we cannot see at the edge of our solar system. There are strange disturbances in Neptune's trajectory. The question is: what causes those disturbances? Hypothetical Planet X could explain those anomalies. But mysterious Planet X cannot explain the icy geysers. 

The gravitational effect from that mysterious object should affect Neptune's rings and its moons.  It could also pull objects to itself. And if Triton is in those particle's route they could impact that small moon. But the dominating thing is Neptune's gravitational field. That should form a similar phenomenon also to other Neptune moons. Also, nobody saw those falling particles. 

Uranus' X-ray emission

Neptune is a massive planet. And that means the effect that causes anomaly in its trajectory should be massive. And if hypothetical Planet X exists, it should collect particles from Kuiper's belt around it. Those objects should uncover on that planet. 

If Planet X exists, the gravitational effect should cause anomalies to planet Uranus. The most well-known anomaly of that planet is where Uranus lies. That means Uranus' poles are turning to the Sun. The second anomaly is that there is some kind of X-ray emission in Uranus' higher atmosphere. 

Uranus is lighter than Neptune, and there are no other anomalies. The only strange thing is just the planet's position. Is there something bigger than Planet X that can fall the planet Uranus? And is that anomaly some kind of energy pike or channel? In this model, some kind of energy pike impacts the planet and falls it to the position where we see it today. But why that thing is not visible in any other object in the solar system?

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Could Big Crunch be the fate of the universe anyway?

    Could Big Crunch be the fate of the universe anyway? 

What if the universe looks like a circle-form pancake? 

When we are thinking about the fate of the universe. We always think that only a spherical universe can make a Big Crunch. And there are two other versions of the geometrical shape of the universe that will continue their expansion forever. Those shapes are hyperbolic and flat universes. We ever think that the shape of those flat and hyperbolic universes can be like a ring. But if we think that the universe is in the middle of a very weak wave movement that we cannot observe. 

The wave movement that comes out from the universe pushes that outside wave movement away. So that outside wave movement cannot reach us. Because the universe's energy level is higher than the space around it, and the temperature around the universe is less than zero kelvin, energy flows away from the universe. Because energy flow is one way we cannot detect radiation that comes outside the universe. 

In that model, the material and shockwave that formed in the Big Bang are forming the bubble. And when the energy level of that bubble is turning low enough it collapses. That thing could happen also in hyperbolic and flat universes. There is the possibility that the shape of the universe is flat or spherical. But its edge is like a ring. 

"The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1".

"From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space". (Wikipedia/Shape of the universe)

If Ω = 1, the universe is flat.

If Ω > 1, there is positive curvature.

If Ω < 1 there is negative curvature.

 Ω > 1 required that the universe collapses in its ultimate fate. So only a spherical universe can form another universe. But what if the hyperbolic and flat universes are circle-form entireties? 

At the ultimate end of the universe, it can act like a giant vacuum bomb. 

When the universe loses its energy enough that causes that the ball that the universe formed collapses. In that form, the universe acts like a vacuum bomb. The collapsing bubble forms a situation where energy or wave movement drops in the middle of that bubble or ring-shaped flat form. And then that thing causes the situation. Where wave movement will just form the energy mountain that falls back to the universe. 

If there forms an electromagnetic vacuum in the ring-shaped flat universe. Wave movement around that ring can collapse the ring. If that thing is happening there is forming an energy hill in the middle of that hyperbolic or flat universe. When the outside wave movement is filled the ring the energy hill in the middle of that ring collapses. 

But when the material is vaporizing. As I wrote many times material turns to wave movement. And sooner or later the energy level of the universe drops to the same as it's around it. So the hypothetical outside radiation. That surrounds the universe starts to fill that bubble. And that thing causes a situation, where the universe acts like a vacuum bomb. The outside radiation pushes the bubble that was once the universe to a certain point. And in that case, the result is a giant explosion.

Underwater miniature drones are multipurpose tools.

   Underwater miniature drones are multipurpose tools.

"The icefin robot under the ice near McMurdo research station, operated by the US Antarctic Program. Credit: Rob Robbins USAP" ( Underwater Robot Provides Close-Up View of Melting Beneath “Doomsday Glacier”)

New underwater drones can operate underwater even for years. The new drones can travel through ice. And they can follow animals and other interesting targets. That kind of thing makes them capable to research the whales without disturbing them. 

The only thing that limits those drones' operational time is their power source. The RTG, radioisotope thermoelectric generator, or isotope battery offers virtually unlimited operational time, even for small-size drones. The drone can use the same batteries that were created for pacemakers. And that system can give even small drones unlimited operational capacity. 

The problem with isotope batteries is if they are in the wrong hands some terrorists can use that radioactive material in their strikes. Another power source must be found so that the system is safe.  If the system cannot use the RTG it can use lithium batteries and green energy. Green energy is needed for loading those batteries. 

The system can load its batteries from submarines or surface vessels. In those versions, the system must just connect its socket to the submarine or surface unit and load its batteries. Or it can use systems that are using capillary flow to load batteries. 

The drone can have a float that can pull the tube to the surface. And then, the water flow will rotate the generator. The small-size AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) can offer the base for quadcopters that can also operate underwater or airborne. The underwater drones can also act as drone swarms like flying drones. 

And they can use for guarding harbors and if they have acoustic or detonating systems they can make the harbor a so-called no-go zone. Or they can operate air and underwater conditions and find things like smugglers. Those drones can also search for things like military harbors and shipyards. So they are effective in recon missions. 

The system can just push its hatch through the water's surface. And send that quadcopter. Or if those quadcopters can operate underwater the system can deliver them from a long distance from the ground. The underwater drone can carry the Switchblade 600-type kamikaze drones that can give nuclear submarines more abilities than they have today. Those drones can also carry torpedoes and even cruise missiles. And those drones can operate remotely. 

Even a small drone can be dangerous for large submarines if it can make a hole in the submarine's shell. Maybe in the future. Some of those drones are equipped with laser systems. Lasers can use to make holes in the pressure hull of submarines. And those systems can offer the counter-actor for Russian "Poseidon" drones.

Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...