Cosmic webs, the giant chains of galactic clusters, are the most interesting things in the universe. The web could involve answers for dark matter and dark energy. In some visions, the origin of those giant networks of material is the wormholes or energy channels where the material is traveling across the universe. Those channels are forming around some kind of energy channels. But does the energy travel around or in the channel that forms the cosmic web?
When energy impacts those structures, they are sending wave movement through the universe. And one version of dark matter theory is that some part of the material is just too heavy. In that model, some material's energy level is just too high. And that material is sending the wave movement too fast.
In some models, the Scwinger-effect forms short-living particle-antiparticle pairs in the cosmic energy channels. Those energy whirls can be so-called ghost particles. The ghost- or virtual particles are like energy whirls. They are at the too low-energy level that they can form stable particles. But if those short-living ghost particles exist they can create annihilation if they can touch each other before they turn back to wave movement.
"Researchers have used simulations to investigate the cosmic web, the filamentary pattern of galaxies that exists on large scales throughout the universe. By treating the distribution of galaxies as a collection of points and applying mathematical techniques developed for materials science, they have quantified the relative disorder of the universe and gained a better understanding of its fundamental structure. Credit: NASA/University of Chicago and Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum" ( Perspective on the Fundamental Structure of the Universe)
"Visualization of the largest structures in the universe from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Credit: NASA/University of Chicago and Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum" ( Perspective on the Fundamental Structure of the Universe)
If we someday find the wormholes they might answer why there is too much energy and material in the universe. In that model, the wormholes are the electromagnetic tornadoes that are closing material and energy inside them. So the superstrings, that are forming wormholes send radiation that has so enormous wavelength that we cannot detect them.
The problem is that also the regular electromagnetic phenomenon can create the cosmic web. The giant ion and anion clouds can make extremely large chains. But that is only one explanation that is offered for the cosmic web.
When we see the second image we can see that the cosmic web is forming two different structures. And there seems to be a massive center for that network. That thing makes me think about the possibility that the giant black hole in the middle of the universe could be possible. The thing that could prove this model is the dark flow, the semi-hypothetical model where all galactic clusters are traveling in the same direction. The center of the visible universe is also one of the most interesting things for dark energy theories.
The idea is that impacting gravitational or some other waves are forming standing waves that are acting like gravitational maser-emission. That thing can explain dark energy and dark matter. The standing gravitational waves are accelerating particles. And they can transfer energy to the particles and another wave movement.
The idea is that dark energy is forming when radiation reflects from the plasma ball around the universe. The idea is that there are remnants of the shockwave that formed during the Big Bang. The gravitation of the universe pulls that shockwave back to the center of the universe. And that means the radiation that reflects from that field travels into the center of the universe. There those radiation waves are forming standing waves that increase their energy level. That could be one version of the dark energy theory.
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