Friday, May 26, 2023

Are black holes solid gravitational fields that rotate in the warp bubble?

There is a model that a black hole is a group of particles that are whirling or rotating in a warp bubble. In gravitational models, gravitation is radiation, the sender is so small that it travels through particles and pulls them in the smaller size. In that model, a hypothetical graviton is an elementary particle that sends a very thin superstring. The superstring pulls the quantum or Higgs field from the elementary particle. And that pulls its shell near to the center of that particle. 

In some models, the black holes have two event horizons. The outer and inner event horizons deny seeing things that happen in the heart of a black hole. The event horizon is the place where the escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. And at that point, the photons are whirling around the black hole. The inner event horizon is the point, where the escaping velocity reaches 2X the speed of light. And if we think about the light cone and the hypersurface as the event horizon. 

We can think. That there are no limits to the number of event horizons. The most out-event horizon is the point, where the gravitation reaches the speed of light. The second event horizon is the point, where escaping velocity reaches 2X the speed of light and at the point of the third event horizon the escaping velocity reaches 3X the speed of light. So supermassive black holes can have multiple internal event horizons that all form internal space inside the outer event horizon. And those event horizons are the border between those spaces. So at the point of every event horizon, the information turns upside down. 

Those points could be the points where information turns opposite. So if the time moves backward in the outer event horizon behind the inner event horizon time starts to move forward. So in the points of event horizons that are the light-speed coefficients information turns upside down in comparison with the event horizon before that horizon. And that means every event horizon turns the information upside down. 

So in that model, the graviton is quite similar to the Higgs boson. It would be a very small-sized particle. That has an extremely large quantum field around it. The graviton sends radiation that wave movement is extremely thin. But it pushes other quantum fields from around that particle. That thing forms an electromagnetic vacuum that makes Higgs field travel in that field. So could the graviton be the next particle in the energy levels from the Higgs boson? 

The graviton would be a particle that rotates in the electromagnetic vacuum and that vacuum forms the warp bubble. In some models, the graviton would be the electron with an extremely high energy load, and maybe the graviton itself is a quantum-size black hole. 

Can the gravitational field turn solid in the supernova or Kilonova explosion?

There is the possibility that superstrings can turn into material. Gravitation is wave movement like all other superstrings. There is the possibility that if the elementary particle turns very tight. The superstrings that form gravitational waves can form plaque on that particle. 

The material that forms the black hole or its nucleus is different than we know. In some models, the singularity is like a yarn ball of gravitational waves. The supernova or kilonova explosion packs material in an extremely thick form. 

And there is the possibility that in this case, the explosion can form a dense or even solid gravitational field. In that model, black holes formed of the pure gravitational field that turned solid. 

But then, is a black hole the particle group that rotates faster than light? 

When black holes are forming during the kilonova- or supernova explosions the explosion itself forms an electromagnetic vacuum. That vacuum pulls particles inside it and forms a giant fusion. So, the supernova explodes twice. First is the explosion that we see. That effect is similar to the vacuum bomb.  

Then the remnants of that explosion can rotate faster than the speed of light because that collapse and the fusion pushes the falling quantum field back outside. That effect packs material and energy into the type of material called a singularity. The singularity is the type of material where all particles are packed into the same point.

So are all particles in a black hole turned into gravitons? In that model, all particles in the core of a black hole are melted into one extremely dense particle. The falling quantum field pushes also electromagnetic fields back into the atom's nucleus. 

That thing causes a reaction where those remnants are in the warp bubble. The reason why we cannot see that material is that its rotation speed is so fast. And it sends so strong gravitational radiation that the electromagnetic vacuum around the core of the black hole. The gravitational radiation that a black hole sends will cause its destiny. 

When a black hole sends gravitational radiation, it causes its vaporization. We know that all the time black holes are losing their mass. And sooner or later even the largest black hole turns to gravitational radiation. The form of a black hole is a mystery. And we can make multiple theoretical models about the singularity. 

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