Monday, July 24, 2023

If we can create a high-enough energy field with very high density we could make a system that can interact with gravitation.

If gravitation is quantum entanglement between hypothetical graviton particles the antigravitation is the situation where the participants of that hypothetical quantum entanglement are in the same energy level. So the thing that forms antigravitation is a standing gravitational wave between the object and the ground. 

The observations that cocoons of supernovas can form gravitational waves are refreshing ideas that may be someday. In the future. We can create synthetic gravitational waves. Maybe annihilation or annihilation-powered lasers can form required energy levels where density and energy levels are high enough. 

That they can interact with gravitation. The system should form standing gravitational waves that make the gravitational reflection from it to the hovering object and the ground. The idea is that if gravitational waves can form a standing wave that thing reflects gravitational radiation between the object and the ground. The situation is similar when quantum entanglement breaks when the energy level on both sides of it is the same. 

At the beginning of this text, I must say that if the model of gravitation as the quantum entanglement between gravitons is true we can say that antigravitation is also true. The thing that can cause the antigravitation could be the quantum entanglements between the gravitons the hypothetical gravitational transportation particles. 

If those gravitons have the same energy level. That thing makes them repel each other. So if the quantum entanglement between gravitons is the thing that we call gravitation the rules of quantum entanglement are suitable for that situation. 

Quantum entanglement requires that the participants of it are in different energy levels. And they are identical. If participants of quantum entanglement are in the same energy level that thing forms a standing wave between them. That standing wave forms a virtual particle that causes reflection in quantum entanglement. And that reflection pushes particles away from each other. 

The reason for that is that quantum entanglement cannot form if the energy level of the particles is the same. That thing causes particles in quantum entanglements to start to repel each other. So what if the gravitons in both participants in the gravitational system will reach the same energy level? That thing should cause the repel that we can call antigravitation between those participants of the gravitational quantum system. 

The fall of the bubble is the reason why black holes are forming. And the thing that makes a gravitational effect around a black hole could be the gravitational tornado that pulls wave movement and material out from the event horizon. When that gravitational or quantum tornado pulls the material to the poles of the singularity it causes electromagnetic low pressure. Then the outside field tries to fill that effect and takes all other particles with it.

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