Sunday, July 30, 2023

The virtual space tower is the hole in the atmosphere.

There is the possibility that electromagnetic rail guns, which rate of fire is extremely high and the ammunition speed is high super- or even hypersonic (Mach 8+) can shoot satellites from sea level. In that kind of system, high-speed ammunition makes the channel while it travels through the air. 

If the ammunition travels in rows very close to each other, the air channel that forms behind the ammunition will not have time to fill. And that allows the series of that hypersonic ammunition will increase the air channel higher and higher. And there is the possibility that this kind of series of ammunition can drill itself through the atmosphere. 

In some models, this kind of railgun can install on the nose of the rocket. Railgun has no recoil. And if that system sends ammunition at the forward of the rocket. The ammunition that travels ahead of the rocket will make a low-pressure channel to the rocket's route. And that makes rockets easier to travel through the atmosphere. 

The idea is stolen from another vision. In that vision, there is a channel through the rocket. And then another rocket will shoot ahead of the rocket from that channel. The idea was that the other rocket thins air from ahead of the main rocket. 

The use of a rocket was necessary because the recoil must minimize in that system. There is no recoil in the rail guns. That's why they are suitable for that kind of system. The problem is how to suppress the effect of exhaust gas. And that system remains theoretical. But if engineers use a rail gun or laser that shoots forward of the rocket that makes the idea of virtual space tower true.

The idea is that even if the first ammunitions will not reach the orbiter the air is thinner behind them. And that means the ammunition that flies behind the first ammunition will not face so much friction as the ammunition that travels ahead. 

We know that things like space towers are towers that are so high that they will rise outside the atmosphere and are extremely large and difficult to make. Those building sites will be enormous. But there is another way to make the space tower. 

The laser ray can travel through the atmosphere. And then it can push air molecules away from their route. In some visions, engineers can put this kind of laser can in the nose of the rocket. And it should decrease the atmosphere's density. That thing makes it possible to send rockets to space with lower prices. Another way is to put rockets traveling to the orbiter in series. 

When another rocket follows the first one so close that the air cone has no time to fill, that thing would decrease the second rocket's need for fuel. The only thing that limits the use of that system is that the first rocket's thrust must aim so that it will not hit the following rocket. 

The Space X rocket that carried "Starlink" satellites punched the hole in the atmosphere. That thing is one of the most interesting things in rocketry. There is the possibility that a very fast rocket that burns very high-energy fuel makes the channel through the atmosphere. And another rocket that travels in that air channel. That thing may mean that the second rocket requires less fuel.

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